To this end, I have compiled a brief and specific guide to creating success, even in a failing economy. Simply apply the following (7) laws within your belief system and positively reaffirm them in your daily routine.
The 7 Laws for Success in Business
1. Law of Opportunity: Everybody needs something; find out what that need is and simply supply and/or service it.
2. Law of Self-Development: Realize early on, what your talent/s are [your strengths and abilities] and master them.
3. Law of Customer Satisfaction: There is always a quicker, easier and cheaper way of doing business, but the best way is always the clients/customers way; when they are happier, your bottom line begins to look a lot healthier.
4. Law of Expansion: Outsource your inefficiencies to those, of whom; such attributes are their strengths.
5. Law of Diversification: When you have completely satisfied your curiosity with one passion; pursue another with even greater curiosity.
6. Law of Savings: This is not simply something that one does, but rather; the way in which one lives. It is through savings we learn the importance of gathering and protecting those things most valuable and dear to our hearts; even our very existence in life, and most certainly in the life of every business.
7. Law of Time: The latter is greater than the forma, in that, it teaches one the important value business place upon numbers; that although it (Time) is the common commodity, equally share by all alike; no one can own it which makes time more valuable than life itself.
NOTE: As with all worthwhile endeavors; only after one conquers fear, can one truly enjoy victory, and, only after you have overcame your fear of failing, will you find the courage needed to succeed at anything.
there is much truth in your fiction chris, wadup