Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The New Order

I have lived more than a generation, and in one generation I have seen the carnage and refuge left behind by the previous. Devastation wrought by the vain ambition of the few and the pacifistic acceptance of the many. The strains of today compounded by the stress of yesterday leaves even the strong vulnerable before the weak. 

The traditional practice of procreation legislates for the child after the womb but has failed to recognize the child before conception. That right is commonly honored and enforced for any other manmade building project. What about the rights of the unborn; do they not have a legal right to participate in the great debate of life? Surly the unborn will reap the seeds sown by the dead.

The day has come, and now is, when there can no longer be unpaid debts for the unborn to bare . The time is here and now when we, this generation, must consider tomorrow generation whenever we do anything. The ancient lie that dictated the great decisions humanity made must be exposed, expelled and denied. The simple truth is revealed when we recognize that tomorrow is “not a fleeting illusion to be persuade” but to be expected. 

Question why it is that we have been given so great a creation and yet an insignificant life span. The bridge that take us beyond the limited of mortality rest upon the shoulders of our unborn children. When a generation moves the old landmarks set by the pervious expect a change. When an individual can place aside today’s harvest for tomorrow expect a change.

How can an individual make significant moves today that will persuade the decisions makers of tomorrow? By first; considering and respecting the rights of the yet unborn, it is their fortune we so carelessly through to the winds. It is the unborn child that will, with an iron fist, rule to future; all that we achieved is there’s to enjoy. As we are alive today so shall the unborn tomorrow.


In the interest of clearing the air from the stench of misrepresentation and stubborn-headedness, I shall shed more light on the fundamental philosophies upon which a true Socialist Democratic Republic ought to function. After which, I will allow you equal opportunity to render your individual verdict, either rejecting the proposal invalid or electing a viable platform from which the voice of the people can be heard resoundingly clear.

A true Socialist Democratic Republics primary directive: to better protect, provide for and sustain the needs of the individuals for a stronger Nation and a prosperous future. Not merely observing the price of corn on the commodities market but rather analyzes the value it gives to each citizen within its jurisdictional boarders. Protection in an aforementioned society is the responsibility of the state, and through state grants and subsidies’; those willing, and haven satisfied the criterion for such, are free to develop intellectual properties that can add more structure to daily operations and enforcement of state laws.

To better provide for the need of the individuals for a stronger Nation and a prosperous future clearly ought to be, if not a, the primary goal of any social orders especially that of our. Through the aid of planed parent acts and superior educational programs, the healthcare and academic provisions for each individual citizen thereof shall remain the investment of the state; which will allow for a more effective citizenry and an efficiently functioning government sector.

The structure of a Socialist Democratic Republic is made up of such that if but one citizen is in want, the whole Nation is found wanting, and because our destiny lay closely knitted; it therefore lay within my personal interest to truly become my brother keeper through good times and bad. As I have stated before: “I consider a Nation a team; an intricate unit, the ultimate family of which Almighty God is our Father, my neighbors; my brothers and sisters. It is only natural that one would earnestly seek to relieve his/her brother or sister fallen by the wayside;”

As simply as these exercises may appear, they remain, undoubtedly, seeds which when planted; germinates into a sprout with potential to, one day, become the new world order.
I rest…

The Chaos Philosophy

Think of a way to establish world peace, then, see which one of the following multiple choice fit closely to your original thought.
a. Incite fear.
b. Increase poverty.
c. Declare war.
d. Deny the problems exist.
If you have chosen more than one of the above; chances are, you teach instruction/s based upon the philosophy of Chaos…….TAKE CONTROL!!!
If you have chosen one of the above; you received instruction/s based upon the philosophy of Chaos…..BE STRONG!!!

If you have chosen none of the above; chances are you’re a victim of the Chaos Philosophy… RISE UP!!!
As strangely as this may sound; Project Chaos [the Practice of Chaos] existed from the empires of Egypt and remains active onto this day. Although its method rely heavily upon the use of bloody violence; the projects primary directive remains, maintain order and world peace.

The exploits of Project Chaos can easily be seen through (3) indicators; Politics, Banking and Military-Defense [secretly known as the evil trinity or devils triangle]. As the saying goes; first logic next money then force.

Politician influence the laws of a Nation which prohibits the freedom of its citizens. Banks influence the wealth of a Nation by levying interest and adjusting rates on personal, residential and commercial loans. Military-Defense simply provides the means for protect ting the money, and, enforcing laws.

So…how do you establish world peace? You incite confusion and fear through the media, increase interest rates on long team loans, create wars and deny your involvement.

Can’t Please Everybody

I was asked an interesting question by a senior clergyman in an honest but brief conversation concerning the condition of my earthly life and its consequential effect upon my eternal soul. In an attempt to evade generalizing a personal sacred vow to blind obedience the Clergyman lead his argument by asked me these few words; “Is your soul right with God?” Naturally being Me I took great offence at the degree to which a senior man of the cloth would stoop; implying in an elaborate Christian Code that my lifestyle was not up to par with the standard benchmarks of a 

God fearing believer, or more to the point; a God fearing Christian Believer. 
I tuned toward the senior clergyman now aged from the decades of battle with the forces of evil, looked him dead in the eyes and said; “it is not so important to me how I lived my life in as much as how I am remembered after I am gone”. I further went on to answer the senior clergyman’s’ deceptive question with these words; " If at all I am remembered by those that I’ve left behind, and even if their memories be but fragmented glimpse of my past acts of glorious triumphs and/or defeats; it would only serve as a testament to a life lead by a free thinking Man and not God”.

Suffice to say my heathenish statements may had touched a chord deep within the senior clergyman’s heart that he, for a brief moment time, stood still as if frozen, slowly dropped his head in an air of self contemplation and walked away from me…far away from me. From that very moment I knew that everlasting life, as it pertains to my life, was not just going to be a matter of the perpetuation of my physical essence through the continual reproduction of my prodigies but rather with spreading the essence of my soul and furious passion of my spirit in the mind and heart of but one living shall my name be forever written upon the pages of time and history.

Years has pass last the senior clergyman and I had our in-depth heart to heart exchanges with each other; I fairly written off his absence from the influence of my clique as a failure on his part to acknowledge my presence here on earth after I am gone. Not having my name be spoken out aloud in public nor silently in privet is indeed a death after death from which there is no return; simply because the memory of my name will be soon forgotten in the passing of time. 

I would have then became no more than an unknown marker in time, merely a statistical head count on the pages of his-tory, never again to gain an opportunity to tell my-story; I guess you can’t please everybody even in death.

Can you handle the truth?

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, and if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take." 

Ever woke up one morning with serious intentions of blowing the world up or, at least, killing someone? I do, everyday, from as far back as I can remember.  It’s not as if I’m a mad man or serial killer, far from it. I simply think that the world would be a much better place without some people, or if it were like the world never existed at all. 

Surly and beyond any doubt I truly love my family very much, but not so much that I would be unwilling or unable to push an activation button that detonates a nuclear bomb. To be more precise; I defiantly believe that I would literally enjoy annihilating 2/3 the population of the entire world (give or take a billion). At the rate the world is being screwed up by political leaders, it would be an exercise of total kindness and compassion towards society; the cleansing of mankind.

I can delightfully imagine masses of people by the millions dropping (like flies) from exposure to noxious airborne gasses. Such thoughts usually bring a smile to my face whenever I’m feeling down and depress or from a long and hard days work. I don’t believe that this make me a bad person or evil, just a person that is honest enough and willing to realistically face who and what I am; a free thinking individual unclouded and unconstrained  by the burden of human emotion.

Can you imagine how many other persons, just like me, that are out there walking among us each day without the least bit care or concern for the plight of humanity. Ordinary people like you that would not blink an eye lid at the sight of death and destruction befalling others. Seeing and judging the world not in terms of black and white nor right and wrong but rather what is personally pleasurable and what is not.

The truly scary thing about it all is that there are more people like me now living in this world than people like you, and to me; that is a much more comforting thought because it makes me feel, by any standard of the word, normal.