Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Virtuous Practitioner.... Rolle Rules of Law (p4)

When rising forward from the darkness of ignorance into the sublime light of knowledge, one ought first to mark the three pillows of support along the journey to perfection, namely; time, patience and perseverance. In endeavoring to better serve humanity through community efforts, reliance upon stable support will serve as a token to ones credit. With time, one can understand all that one need to know. With patience, one can endure all due stress encountered. With perseverance, one can perfect all that one practice.

In reference to Law, David M. Walker (regius professor of law in the University of Glasgow) in his 1980 work (the oxford companion to law) said “numerous attempts have been made at verbal definition [to define law] but probably no definition is satisfactory or would secure universal acceptance”. I, thus far, have given several descriptions of law and hereby assume a posture equal to that of Walker…unsatisfied with definition. Not that the given definitions were unsuitable but rather, the laws, as publicly perceived, contain certain sets of values which carries contrasting meaning from individual to individual. In essence, many believe that they ought to be treated “special” under the laws, therefore their perception of law is conveniently irrational, contentious and unpredictable.

To those yet in the midst of darkness, it remains irrational to conceive the need of another let alone perceive the pain and suffering one daily endure. In darkness there is no hope, no real joy… no real connection to anything meaningful. In darkness there is indefinite anguish and discontent or, as it were, an undeserved and relenting torture, unable to rest; continually repeating ones own mistakes. Such is the way of the ignorant, to wonder around in darkness, continually stumbling over sneers and falling into pit-holes until one open up his/her eyes, recognize the light or die in utter misery.

Tradition conditioned the dweller of darkness to constantly create a state of confusion; a hostile environment built upon distrust, disrespect and disorder. Concerned neither for morals and virtues nor one’s own life, those that are inflicted with ignorant travel through society void of even the knowledge of good and evil; hence they practice meritocracy in darkness and reward themselves unduly. Living in great fear of any social change; virtual prisoners to their own lack of understanding.

Law dwelled in the midst of the ancient ones and still Moses, representing law, ordered an exceedingly great multitude of individual [together with immediate family members, livestock and slaves], to wonder forty years in the wilderness. The rationale behind the judgments of Moses (the law giver), who found it justified to convict this exceedingly great multitude on numerous counts of ignorance, said of himself; I am the meekest of man. The generally perceived theory to light contemplate the judgment had Moses were not as meek.

Relying upon the pillows of time, patience and persistence, the law giver (unwilling to execute capital or to enforce corporal punishment) ordered the exceedingly great multitude to travel forty years stumbling in darkness, confusion and in great fear. Through ignorance came suffering, which bought with it sadness, pain, chaos and death but; when the light came there too came with it wisdom, strength and beauty. As one become proficient in the knowledge of the laws, one is more able of recognizing pitfalls and easily corrects his/her path. Law again is recognized, in time of old, as the universal savior.

As was suggested, (concerning judges, magistrates and peace officers) the practitioners of law serve a perfect master; most excellent, worthy and well qualified. It is only reasonable and justified to expect one who follows accordingly to every letter of every word of the laws ought to be likewise well qualified and worthy to practice with excellence. When mans’ pathway is illuminated by the lights of wisdom, strength and beauty, each step along his journey through life shall surly brings him closer to perfection.

Monday, June 14, 2010

From Darkness into Light... Rolle Rules of Law (p3)

As the great light break forth from the great darkness to reveal the beauty and splendor of creation, likewise ought man to break forth from his fearful bondage to ignorance and death (represented as the darkness) and journey boldly into the knowledge of life (represented as the light). Law then takes on a nurturing role. As a wise father, law instructs us to diligently obey; to observe constantly, listen attentively and with caution circumscribe our thoughts and actions. As a loving mother, law impress upon our sense of compassion, to carefully consider the gift of life and defile it not.

When one through knowledge had come to understand the depth of his/her own ignorance, one rationally seeks to escape. When one sees and diligently observes the light of knowledge, one naturally desires more light (represented by understanding the laws). In darkness there were great fear, confusion, stumbling and chaos; causing sadness, pain and death, but when the light came there too came with it knowledge, freedom and order. As one become proficient in the knowledge of the laws, one is more able of recognizing pitfalls and easily corrects his/her path. Law now is recognized as the universal savior.

What was once obscure now becomes clearly observable. Those that live according to the laws are likewise protected under such, and those that live contrary to the laws are likewise punishable by such. Law now becomes a two edged sword able equally of sustaining life and ending life. As law represents life itself, those that dearly embrace the laws likewise embrace their own lives. Endowed with power and authority to illuminate as many as are in darkness, or to withhold the light that ignorance might continue.

Law instructs man to live in harmony firstly with him-self, next with humanity and then with all nature. By law, the depths’ of the universe is contemplated and the labor of an ant is given equal consideration. The ebb and flow of the tide is measured accordingly with the distance of the moon. Law directs time in conjunction to the speed of an object, the number of beats of a heart within ones chest and the path and strength of a mighty tempest. There isn’t anything within creation that is not directed according to law. Even he who first created law is servant onto his law.

Strict adherence to law direct us morally into all good things as disobedience to law openly invite disorder, therefore we are all stewards and practitioners of the laws. As one emerges from darkness into light, one ought to shed away the old vestiges of ignorance and adorn oneself within the illuminating radiance of intellectuality; that he/she may become a beacon of strength within their local communities and thus dwell in harmony with all creation.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Perfect Point of my Entrance… Rolle Rules of Law (p2).

When one talk about the law, it commonly cause others to assume one has access to information others need to know, the kind of information that may cause one, as it where, to gain access to the archaic secrets of all ages, or at the least privy to information not commonly known. When I talk about the law, it is with one simple understanding. I approach law with foreknowledge that; the law is a ferocious living beast able to devour anything that violates its territory, and as law gives’ life law likewise takes’ life away therefore law must be feared all the days of one’s life.

The difference between both approaches ought to have been clearly understood upon becoming forewarned. To be specific; others approach law from a philosophical prospective view. I approach law as it were the written words of god. Before you become fairly interested in understanding a truly living interpretation of law, I would be wise to interject a possible reason why one ought never to read on further. That is to say, namely, even with your own life; law is one thing one cannot bargain with. Law therefore is god.

If this exchange of information were simply between two or three individuals, it may not have mattered as much, if at all, for the mere fact that individual acceptance of this information (as plausible) represents a small sector of society. A very small sector of our society that can, very easily, be crushed by the mighty establishment if needed, or supported by an arm of its beast like body when and if the need requires. If the same information is shared among the majority within a society; even the worst of philosophies would eventually establish root in the heart and mind of, at least two or three individuals and eventually in time (if not crushed) will touch the hearts and minds of others.

To understand law one ought to first acknowledge that laws exist, therefore are real, and not to be interpreted as a mere philosophy or perceived as a construct of one’s own imaginations. When one first begins’ to understand that law is not part of life but indeed life itself, at that moment one begin to accept and to embrace the law as if holding onto ones’ very existence. Desire to live equally become intently interwoven with ones embrace of law and the laws to the extent that thoughts therefore actions are in alignment. When the measure of our devotion to life is in balance with the laws there is peace and harmony within us, but when the balance become tilted, for whatever reason, chaos immediately ensues.

As thou upon the golden pathway that lead directly to the fruit of the tree of eternal life, law therefore is as the light which illuminates our feet. That we may run as fast as we can without fear of stumbling. Recognize from a distance pitfalls and snares; skillfully avoiding them. One need not to question or think but only to obey whatsoever law reveals and one shall be protected by such. Law in its simplistic form becomes an everlasting and irremovable object exceedingly sharp, whose blades edge divides the day from night, the pure and virtuous from the vile and despicable. Law then represents the order to begin life.

“Let there be light” remains the greatest and first of all laws, commanding all to live in the shadow of the perfect light; that all who sees and follows the light may likewise be made perfect. The great light could come not but by the word of the Law that was so ordered. The law therefore was first made perfect in darkness before it was known to the light. The word of life then represents the law, so too, the law then represents the breath of life. Those that accordingly follow upon the perfect line of every letter of every word of the law shall likewise be made perfect.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Setting constitutional precedence while standing (alone) upon ones’ conscience [referencing presiding Chief Justices, Judges and Magistrates] one ought always to be mind-fill, carefully to follow the letters of the law “line upon line and precept upon precept” as are on The Books. Those laws in essence, within a truly democratic society, ultimately reflects’ the will of the majority of its citizens; presented by elected representatives, accordingly interpreted by appointed justices of the courts and enforced by the Peace Officers of that land.

To maintain objectivity, it is unwise for judges, magistrates and peace officers to make Official Rulings relying alone upon ones’ conscience, beliefs, principles etc... The GOLDEN RULE to good governance rest within the general perception of order while in the midst of massive chaos. Making any decision solely on account of one’s personal feeling creates a perception of disorder, breathing distrust and contemptuous attitudes, and, a loss of the innocence to justice.

In a democratic society, the ability of the courts to deliver justice according to the will of the majority of its citizens and as supported by the laws of that land; an atmosphere of equality and fare dealing ought to be the generally accepted perception. A perception forged in the fact that it is not by the spirit but by duly following accordingly to every word written in the books of the law. Considered wise are the rulers whom are subservient onto their own words; living day to day based upon what was written and not upon what one believes ought to have been written.

Rule of law in the most simplistic of sense represents precisely what it is; the law rule. The written laws alone are the supreme authority of the land. Those that apply themselves accordingly under the precepts of the law ought to recognize and accept that it is not their will but rather the will of the law that dictates their actions. Rulings made hereunder must reflect what is written and ought not to be interpreted otherwise. Hence, the practitioners of law are no more than prisoners to their own craft.

Difficulties within and surrounding the law arises when disputes are mishandled. When the letters of the law are disregarded and replaced with idealistic thoughts, the law in general becomes subversive and reflects a more subjective result. Arguments are based not upon entering factual materials into evidence but by assertions of theoretic, circumstantial events and prepositions’. Law then becomes open to one’s own interpretation, unspecific in nature of its relationship to the facts of a case; resembling a construct of one’s own imaginings more so than a rational legal ruling.

Sacred ought to be considered every letter of the law wherein the precepts of truth and establishment of justice is clearly and easily derived. In this light, law significantly projects a noble like quality able of universal acceptance and strict adherence. To do otherwise would lead directly to a state of chaos, the breathing ground of the anarchists.