Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Struggle… (The Chronicle of Chris Rolle –p1)

For those who think they may know me to those who don’t know me at all. I am a nationalist from birth; from the crown of my head deep down to the marrow of my bone. I do love my people, my country and my freedom, and would willingly go to war - shedding blood to assure safety and continual prosperity of the same, against enemies without and within. Therefore whenever I perceive anything that would prohibit the advancement of freedom and prosperity for my people and my country, I take great personal offence.

I may from time to time (through means of social media) express my opinions upon matters of national significance and personal concerns; my appreciation for those involved in advancing the causes of my people; my disdain for those whom erect obstacle which inhibits national progress. I may frequently hurl sharp criticisms directly at the political leadership, and may on occasions personify an image of arrogance and intolerance towards those whom are unworthy of my respect. However, although well intentioned, I am but human.

Each day I struggle with the increasing possibility that my people are victims of social and economical genocide – mutilated by the bloodstained hands of elected imperialistic-puppets. When confronted by evidence of the same, an overwhelming rage engulfs my reasoning faculty. My thoughts are driven towards dark resolutions as my ability to circumscribe my passion is reduced to moments of explicit utterance and unbearable anguish.

Grieved by this open yet imperceptible dilemma and disheartened by the overwhelming pacifism of the masses, I am compelled to draw a line upon the soil of my birth and, with clarity of purpose, evoke the spirit of the forefathers whom (in time past) woke from their sleeping slumber, and from beneath the iron feet of their imperialist oppressors - lifted themselves up by their bootstraps demanding to exercise fundamental human rights and social equality. However, in times past, the enemy was easily recognizable – not merely by the content of their character but by the color of their skin.

Today the enemy is as a spitting image, and hewn from the same stone. Clandestinely dwelling among us - disguising themselves in red, gold or green apparels and cunningly crafting words as they would a two-edged sword. Daily they surmount upon the pulpit of public opinion deceptively preaching the gospel of divisiveness. Outwardly, teaching love one toward another but inwardly, maintaining malice against each other; envy and jealousy; the willful practitioners of self-hatred. Publicly professing unity while, behind closed door, planting seeds of division and discontent. On the streets, addressing one another with honorable titles but from within the hallowed chamber and upon that alter of democracy they sacrifice integrity and justice for a few pieces of silver.

With the right hand they give generously and with the left hand they steal from the blind; sacrilegiously honoring one another with great feasting while the poor, among them, made to beg for the scraps that fall from their table of gluttony. Promoting their self-interest and securing permanent positions of power after the masses are evicted from their homes and cast out onto the cold streets. Removing the barriers of safety against invaders by neglecting our boarders while judiciously imprisoning the citizen they have sworn to serve and protect. Calling themselves ‘servants of the people’ yet it is the people who are made to serve even suffer before their presence. Indeed, while the servants’ iconic image is projected as a radiating light, those whom ought to be served are forced to dwell in utter darkness and despair.

While those who live in contentment; whom are able to taste the sweet nectar of the land; are able to dwell lavishly behind gated communities; able to set sails upon the turbulent seas and cordially entertain themselves – dining upon the decaying flesh of the masses, are also contented to dismiss my views as mere political provocation and the words of one who has had much to drink and of little influence. Yet while these views are being written, tears roll down the sides of my cheeks, falling upon my aged and worn feet. Yet while I am being ridiculed by the agents of our demise, my thoughts steadfastly reflect upon the future of my people and of my country.

We can no longer afford to ignore the plight of the marginalized within our communities. Nor can we longer afford to fight among ourselves- blindly misled by those who look like us outwardly; walk and talk as us, yet inwardly are not like us but of the evil one – the old enemy of our forefathers. Ravenous wolves in sheep clothing spewing divisive lies aimed toward dividing and conquering rather than uniting and strengthening. And, as I yet inhale the sweet air of freedom, and plant my feet within the fertile soil of my native land. I pledge my undying allegiance - not onto the oppressors and their successors, but, onto our children and our children’s children. That I shall by any means necessary protect our sovereignty from foreign influences local and abroad.

I make a holy vow and an oath in pure Bahamian blood that this land called Bahamas shall continually remain in the hands of Bahamians. To lift up that which was thrown down; mend that which was broken; reveal that which was concealed, and united that which was divided. To successfully challenge that which opposes freedom and prosperity, gathering together all that are called Bahamians to a great feast upon the land we call Bahamas.

I further vow that this land of my father, and his forefather’s fathers, and their forefathers, shall I bequeath onto my children, and onto their children’s children, even onto and beyond the ninth and tenth generation, or until such time shall be no more. This I vow and so solemnly swear for all that are called by the name ‘Bahamian’, that those who are in strict authority, having hereto sworn and oath to serve and protect, may take due notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It’s Unbelievable… Unthinkable!!!

A law ought to be reasonable by any stretch of the imagination and by any standard applied. However, when one seeks to find justification in certain laws, or try to apply even a minimal amount of objectivity, the result thereof (on any level) proves illogical - an absolute incomprehensible undertaking. 

Take for instance the Law granting citizenship – specifically, with reference to children born (within The Bahamas) to both parent with illegal status.  Section 7 Subsection 1 of The Bahamas Constitution, STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 1973 No. 1080, states: “A person born in The Bahamas after 9th July 1973 neither of whose parents is a citizen of The Bahamas shall be entitled, upon making application on his attaining the age of eighteen years or within twelve months thereafter in such manner as may be prescribed, to be registered as a citizen of The Bahamas”.

However, when one applies the same above principle to any number of ‘reasonable’ events, that are plausible to happen, the end results more often proves highly unjustifiable (by any standard or stretch of the imagination).

1.       Example: An unscrupulous banker with divisive intent (knowingly and without prior authorization) transfers a sum of money from the account of unsuspecting customer #1 into the account of unsuspecting customer #2, and is later caught ‘red-handed’ after the fact.  Does the sum of money transferred automatically become the legal property of customer #2?

2.       Example:  A homicide is committed (elsewhere) by a bloodthirsty ruffian, and the victim’s body is hidden and later found by the relevant authorities- buried strategically on your property. Even though taken as a suspect, are you automatically (by law) the murderer?

3.       Example:  A man and his wife (knowingly or unknowingly) steal or purchase a stolen gold watch, and later bequeath it to their newly born child.  After a time the man and his wife dies and in accordance with their Last Will and Testament - the child on his attaining the age of eighteen years inherits the gold watch.  Does the inheritor of the stolen property automatically become its legitimate owner?         

Through valuable experience I have learned that – Two wrongs [illegal immigrants] do not make one right [legal citizens]; just because it’s the ‘Law’ does not make it lawful.  It is my humble opinion that Laws ought to be logical to a fault; unwavering when held against any scrutiny, and able to steadfastly stand upon every moral ground.    

And if, by chance, the foundation of which a people fervently stands; a Law respected and accepted as the highest authority (within their land), under close scrutiny proves riddle with holes and rotten to its core.  When the people become many, will the foundation still withstand beneath their feet?   Or, will the foundation cave-in under the enormous weight of the new multitude, and the former perish with the latter? 

A Law that would allow with equilibrium to reward and punish the just with the unjust; the worthy with the unworthy; respected with the scornful; the legal with the illegal, and the legitimate with the bastard (in my humble opinion) is inherently logically and morally reprehensible, Unbelievable… and Unthinkable.