Friday, April 8, 2011

The Theory of Crime and its Solutions

Society through the eyes of a sociopath:
Morning light breaks the thick and deep stench of darkness, and as quickly, programmed  parasites mindlessly scurries away from beneath their holes, toward various places of infestation, to begin another productive day of systematically undoing everything previously done the day before.  When the burning orb is centred above the infestation is widespread, more so than at periods during which the darkness swallows whole the great burning orb. It was always the best time of the day… a time when the infected wounds can again begin to heal themselves.  Unsurprisingly, this is the period of the day when the parasites are programmed to scurry back beneath the rocks they hide. 

And, although wound are infested by unrepentant parasites, Nature has her way of restoring order within her garden paradise.  Nature cracks the gene-code and enables certain of her creature to feed upon the others – thereby controlling any infestation (of any species) which may result otherwise uncontrolled.  But seemingly, this particular strand of parasites would rather be self-governed; blatantly failing to submit to the laws of Nature, instead preferring to combine the most lethal and destructive element into a delusional plot for world supremacy, and the right to infest and infect the whole earth.     

By her infinite wisdom, Nature had resolved the issue of any species rapidly multiplying, migrating to virgin territories and creating an unnatural infestation, resulting in a disruption of earth's natural energy fields.  Nature, over time, had reprogrammed the average everyday garden variety parasite to no-longer follow instinctual cues of its species but rather create various other cues which confuse and disperse those infesting any particular open wound.    

Crime, the saviour of society: 
What humanity for centuries refuse to completely embrace is the powerful forces of Nature, and ever since the age of enlightenment, Man  had continually search for any means by which to create or reinvent its effects upon and within his environment (to change the way we think therefore the way we act).  And despite our every attempt to hide or remove that which disgust us most with all species; that which reminds us of our primitive past, and that which links the most enlighten- adorn in the trapping of civility, to his least intellectually gifted relative- the not too sophisticated bloodthirsty killer. That which appears incomprehensible to the civilized and trained mind proves blatantly obvious to the uncivilized and untrained mind; that the murdering rejects among us are becoming gods - exercising the power of life and also death with impunity (Natures solution to population control).

The most enlighten outwardly embrace (through various body art) the nature of the beast which resides within.  Body art or modification plays as a stage upon which one may openly express their deepest and darkest personalities.  More primitively violent than body mutilation and more openly embraced is mind mutilation, the misuse of information; more notably referred as institution of higher learning which is merely code for mental programming. 

Those that have successfully satisfied the criterion and carefully crafted curriculum of any institution, and despite the complexity of each alumni’s background, the individual (character, philosophy, habits, etc) that were upon entering is significantly altered into what others interact with today.  However, despite the best attempts to curtail the influence of Nature; despite the near perfect execution of human ingeniousness, the strength of the beast within overpowers even the lucid subliminal attempts to evade the inescapable; humans are simply another species of animals.  

Ask yourself these simple queries;
  1. If all animals kill to survive, and man is an animal; then man also kill to survive.      
  2. If animals of the same species commonly kill each other, and humans are animals of the same species; then humans commonly kill each other.  
  3. If the other creatures known to man are all instinctively driven; is it safe to say that man (another creature) is also instinctively driven?

Only after the heavenly bodies have reached a state of overgrowth does Nature deploy forces which remove the threat imposing upon the other heavenly orbs.    At its microcosmic level, whenever a species of the animal kingdom reach a state of overgrowth Nature deploy forces which curtails and controls the progress of that species.    The fact that violent criminal activities are on an escalating rise, coupled with anti-social self- destructive behaviours, serves to indicate the need for mankind to decrease the levels of negative thoughts and thereby maintain better control of our positive actions.     

The Solution to Crime…in theory:
Throughout the age the Enlighten continued to hypothesize a more rational reason as to why a man would naturally desire to kill another man. Met on every side by failure relative to the method and beliefs of the day, the search to find an effective and long lasting method by which to control the masses continued unabated.  The particular method which proved more promising (in terms of self-indoctrination) was through spiritualism, now institutionalized into zealously defended religious organization.   Seemingly humanity had placed a delusional check upon Nature.  However, through her influence upon fate, Nature again takes the upper hand.

Every now and then, as Nature would have it, a species produces a single strand of DNA that either rapidly accelerates the potential of our genetics sequencing i.e. Socrates, Mozart, Da Vinci, Tesla, Hawkings, etc.  Or, at and between the extreme polar ends, systematically reduces an advanced genetic sequencing down to its most basic function -evident in the personalities of members (presently dwelling) within our communities  i.e. dictators, serial killers, gang bangers, lawyers, talk show host, etc.   Here, the fictitious adventures of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde become absolutely plausible…to both trained and untrained mind.   By simply designing alternate DNA strands, or reprogramming, Nature maintains a constant control upon the fate of humanity as it were by the Almighty Hand of God..

The queries now to ask are;
  1. If death is nature’s way of maintaining population control over all living species, and if humans are a form of species; then death is population control for humans.
  2. If Nature maintains the health, fitness and prosperity (survival) of all species by elimination the weak, barren and unproductive individual strands from the mainstream, and if humans are a species within the mainstream of nature; then for the health, fitness and prosperity of humanity - mankind must eliminate all weak, barren and unproductive members within its society…even to its microcosmic level (the family unit).

The above analyse of society, suggesting crime as a solution in and of its self, may appear callous and inhuman, from the prospective of an untrained mind.   However, when viewed from a natural prospective, and the way in which Nature dispatches her various solutions to problems upon the earth i.e. tsunami, earthquake, flash flood- fire , drought, pestilence, etc.   Nature’s way is not the way of compromise but rather of conquest; of brute forces unilaterally bearing down upon the weakest element to produce an absolute and instantaneous destruction from which natural healing can again continue- equally as the skin continually heal itself  from an open wound. 

Nature knows best:
Each day it is becoming apparently clearer that (through modern warfare and the internal collapse of civilized societies) the strong and viral among the human species are equally falling along the way as do the weak and defective.   Our sophisticated global advance toward combating criminal elements within and across local societies are daily losing grounds due to a combination forces of Nature and the human Psyche.  Like an unsuspecting tsunami, the criminal element of society can evoke a crime wave capable of literally wiping out communities at a time, and instantaneously leave countless numbers of innocent victims in its wake.

The logical prospect to accept from any society, heavily influenced by violence, is the inevitable expectation of more violence.  To fight fire with fire would be an option unacceptable to the civil and enlighten members of society- wherein all conscious efforts toward enforcement of capital and corporal punishment are met with striking resistance.  Instead of instant elimination (quick due process within the legal system), predators are aptly given free room and board and four square meals daily with the assurance of re-entering into the same communities which (over a process of time) conditioned them into cold-hearted bloodthirsty killers.

The judicial 'lack of will' (concerning enforcement of the death penalty) could easily be interpreted as the subliminal mindset of society at large towards the health, fitness and preservation of predictors; those whom  aid to the strength and longevity of a species by constantly preying upon the weak.   The unfortunate family members of individuals who become victims to violent crime or are constantly preyed upon by criminal elements are either devastated by the sudden tragic experience and wither by the way , or each member of that family unite, build up resistance forces and become even more stronger.  Here too, the law of survival plays out its hands to restore and bring back order into Nature and within a particular species.

Yes, it has become apparent to all but mankind, that Nature devised ways by which to circumnavigate any attempts to disrupt the flow of her energy within the universe.   Knowing the correct measurement of minerals, gases and liquids needed to maintain universal equilibrium, Nature in her infinite powers make the most logical moves in order to sustain all life.  It’s no longer seems a threat but rather a comforting thought to know that; if one align themselves with Nature - health, harmony and prosperity shall forever follow as a consequence… whatever species you are.   

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