A search for universal purpose.
It can be said that Man, in absence of information, inevitably seeks to understand his environment through crude practices of trial and error. By destroying haft of the experiment he gains vital information on how more to effectively destroy the other haft. Whether or not he achieves any relevant result, at the end of the day, his experiments are as breakthrough moments for the advancement of humanities intellectual property. And, although his deposit to humanities information bank are generally viewed and accepted on the scales of evolutionary, the relative changes reflective in the life of the individual show a dramatically different result.
Somewhere in the quest to understand the depth of his own ignorance, Man haphazardly stumbled upon the perfect formula for disaster; freewill. Through an unnatural curiosity toward self-gratification Man seeks methods upon which he may find a source of infinite pleasure, satisfaction and happiness. Through the channels of deviant sexual behaviors, drug abuse and violence mankind have discovered ritualistic practices by which the individual may, at any time, obstruct the dedicated link to his or her proper source of physical, mental and spiritual stimulation.
Negligent to a necessity for a dedicated connection with the original source of his life, Man in utter ignorance severs links with his creator and instead invests’ himself with such authorities which erringly mandates him to decide his fate. Seeking to reinforce, in perception, a false state of independence, Man adorns himself with the vestiges of power and inevitably begets the mentality of individual importance. He whom served with excellence of devotion before Gods now equally serves himself.
Had if not for my momentary laps’ into a state of mild depression I would have went on blissfully unaware of the havoc created by many of my groundbreaking decisions. Had I not (through introspective analysis) taken time to identify and assess the rationale for my willful behavior, I would have been unable to correctly recognize my own tendencies to dismiss the existence of Deity. My former subconscious beliefs which rest upon mankind as the dominant of all creatures, great and small, would not allow me to consider, let alone accept, the existence of anything “superior” to my own self.
All became remarkably clear to me after I understood that the laws of God, given as natural laws, are in fact supportive of my freewill and do not obstruct nor hinder us, in any way, of doing whatever we so desire. God’s laws are not restrictive to humanities progress but rather complimentary in as much as it informs us of the inherent dangers thereof in disobedience; of going against the pacific nature or purpose of a person, place or thing.
The laws of nature are there to instruct mankind, in understanding the proper way to successfully achieve anything in life. Disobedience to natural laws leads to complications and ultimately death, that is to say; all mankind can harmoniously dwell together, in peace and freedom, without the need for further social experiments at the expense of millions of innocent lives.
…just a thought I thought you may want to think about.
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