Many have attempted to form secular religious organizations, founded upon its bible - various selected text from specific doctrines - and calling themselves anything between Brotherhood of Satan to Children of God. Society label such religious groups ‘new age’ - denoting their modern spin upon traditional values and ritualistic practices. Mistaking modernization to mean technological advance, and overlooked all that it entails.
The established religious orders found it more profitable to buy, elevate and/or intoxicate society - to win our hearts and minds. And, through its tentacles of mass media, the old order continued the practice toward tainting and tarnishing the general perception of anything considered ‘new age’; suggesting it to be the work of Lucifer…and the devil. However, upon close inspection it would appear that secular religious practices would strongly cement society rather than break it apart. Although this view is widely accepted within the established religious community, their greatest weakness[sin] remains sacrificing their fleshly desires.
This misunderstanding had caused several rifts between traditional religious practice and their modern interpretations. The established religious organizations exercise political and social influence to suppress the fundamental right to freedom of thought and expression, of assembly and association. And, although it remains the governing officials’ sworn obligation (to protect the constitution), to this day, freedom of religious thoughts, expression and assembly continues to be suppressed and oppressed.
The Original Sin
To shed light upon this ‘holy war’ here is the backdrop…
At the awakening of Man, there were two Gods. Both gave Man its Image and Laws to adapt, to practice and to devotedly worship. A God [represented by father, son, holy-ghost], symbolized power of Spirit, is glorified by self-sacrifice. The other God [represented by gold, oil, drug], symbolized by power of Flesh, is glorified by desire.
Upon opening his eyes and beholding the beauty of gold, the strength of oil, and the wisdom of drug, it is said that "Man became intoxicated by beauty, strength and wisdom, and ever after serves the desires of his flesh". To this date, Man is forever tempted and tormented. We are tempted by desire toward hunger and thirst, pain and pleasure, love and hate, etc… and, equally tormented by conscience toward self-sacrifice, moderation, correct conduct, budgeting and saving, etc…
We need but to inspect our immediate environment, observe our regular routine and analyze our deepest thoughts. In doing this simple exercise, we can easily determine the God to which we serve; whether we worship the God of the Spirit [sacrifice] or the God of the Flesh [desire].
Now that you’ve personally acknowledged and willingly accepted the God to which you serve, you ought now to be introduced and familiarized with the law rites and customs of our Order… if only there was a standard code of instructions [bible] with which to refer.
It is at this junction of indecisiveness and spiritual fatigue we all commonly seek acceptance and guidance from society. However, society does not always guide us upon the way we ought to go, causing many to lose all moral bearing and grip upon reality. The one sure hope of salvation, then, (of finding light in darkness and life after death) ought to be found within devotion to the God whom made us, and not within that which we have made of ourselves.
Integrating Secular Religion
Toward promoting an idea of a universal secular religion which appeals to the desires of the masses; certain traditional rituals, doctrine and text shall be adopted and adapted to reflect an all-inclusive interpretation of holy scripture. Metaphoric religious expression shall be literally interpreted and liberally exercised. The truth behind our routine ritual and custom shall be recognized, and we shall surly know every good and evil thought within the mind of our God.
In adapting to the traditional religious season, there exists an ancient ritual corresponding closely to the Catholic tradition of Lent. It is call the "Festival of Liberation", or the "Night of Blood".
During the celebration (40 days and nights), we are encouraged to inspect our immediate environment, observe our regular routine, and analyze our deepest thoughts. We are further encouraged to submit to our desires by moon light, but by sun light we are encouraged to pursue all manner of charitable deed. At the end (last moon) of the celebration we are obligated to sacrifice all our fleshly desires, preformed through blood offering; symbolized as the cleansing of our temple.
What does it Profit a Man…?
What is reasonable to expect, in fact and quite naturally, are the numbers of readers that will utterly dismiss the above as nothing; merely the result of much spirits. However, there are some that will scan through each line…word by word, and objectively admit to the huge market opportunities within the secular religious community. Ever since Martin Luther initiated the religious reformation movement, the gates of paradise had opened and the streets of gold are filled with feet of travelling pilgrims.
Each desiring a mansion made of gold and precious stones, having their head anointed with oil, and to rest eternally within the clouds of glory. However lofty this general accepted vision of paradise appears, certain travelers have long understood the far greater possibilities presented to worthy pilgrims upon entering. One possibility alone shatter the parameters of imagination, and satisfy the deepest of all desire; the freewill of Man to merely worshiping God or to becoming a God.
Left to our own device, making any great decision, we often tent to rely upon the consent of society as a moral compass to guide our every step along the pathway of life. In doing this, we overlook the purpose of our initial journey.
It is at this stage of indecisiveness; we submit to the influence of society and deny our own individual desires. In essence, each time we deny our personal desire, we are sacrificing our soul upon the altar of society, to honor and glorify the ruler of this world, (G.O.D) Gold, Oil, and Drug.
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