Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Social Genocide

The more I think about it, the more I now understand how sadly mistaken we were, and how arrogant we have all become. We have created a chaotic world system based upon the theory of social separatism and the philosophies surrounding class warfare.  Untested principles and misguided logic have led all down the path of greed; turning us into a mesh of organic self-righteous sociopaths with the moral equivalency of Sharks.

Through a warp educational system, we have taught our children how to overtly maneuver around the principles of truth, compassion, respect and fair dealing; to substitute honorable traditions with deceit, hatred, prejudice and corruption in the hope of securing a better station in society. These practices have created a social order dominated by individuals quick to ridicule rather than finding common grounds toward an effective solution for escalating global issues.

Should it matter the ethnicity, political and religious conviction or gender of any individual before there can exist mutual understanding and consensus; before anyone can openly agree to share ideas and opinions, without fears of personal reprisals and social exile?  A world wherein the want of competition comes secondary to the need for cooperation; wherein one nation ought not be outcast based upon their ambitions to possess the same technological advancements of another (whatever that may be).

We are more than seven billion people, living on one planet; each with a propensity to own the sandbox, bully the other kids, and to declare ourselves king of the proverbial mountain. Our greatest inventions are not gear toward increasing the value of humanity and the perpetuation of life, but rather toward increasing financial status and inflating ones superficial egos. The ultimate sad fact about this reality is, if  one individual, one day, decide that the planet Earth ought to belong to them and them alone, the whole world will pay the price as surely as night follows day.

I am not suggesting a society built upon Utopian perfection, because the pursuit of such ideals would repress any genuine emotions one might, and ought to, socially express. The main context for this social commentary rest upon an inability to balance our material wealth with our spiritual awareness; accepting the different characteristics that naturally and culturally distinguish us as both unique from one another yet part of a single organism.

Human beings are unique creatures that thrive upon social acceptance, interaction and emotional support, wherein they can relate with each other in healthy and positive ways. When these key factors are missing in an individual (group or Nation) social life, the consequence unfortunately becomes the detriment to the wider community.

Look around and you can easily identify antisocial individuals.  Some are your family members, next-door neighbors, coworkers, governmental agents and members of your social network.  They desperately need support, not judgmental ridicule.

We ought to sympathetically welcome them into our social family with humility, respect and sincere compassion.  Help them to understand love and trust.  Allow them to gradually adapt and interrelate. Teach them how to generate conscious vibrations, see through the Eye, unifies strengths and strengthens weaknesses.

When all is said and done, what will define humanity is not the height of structures, nor the value of trinkets, but rather how individuals and nations relate and interact with each other - upon a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Above all, humanities most defining character will be our prevailing spirit - in the face of great adversity and bleakest despair.  ~ CR


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Power Behind World Power

Our world has and is being manipulated by a very small (0.001%) segment of society which controls 95% of the global wealth. Widely known as "The Illuminati", however contrary to popular belief, this label [Illuminati: meaning Enlighten One/s] contradicts all known evidence of the same.

This powerful group of global manipulators are represented by thirteen well known families. They don't call themselves "Illuminati" nor are their faces glossed across the covers of national tabloids. However, they are ordinary families albeit with extraordinary wealth, power and privilege.  They are as follows:

  1.  The Astor Family
  2.  The Bundy Family
  3.  The Collins Family
  4.  The DuPont Family
  5.  The Freeman Family
  6.  The Kennedy Family
  7.  The Li Family
  8.  The Onassis Family
  9.  The Reynolds Family
  10.  The Rockefeller Family
  11.  The Rothschild Family
  12.  The Russell Family
  13.  The Van Duyn Family
Each of the above named families (on their own merits) have swayed the course of the global economy, in one way or the other, over the last four hundred years. Our modern societies have been shaped in their image and, as a direct result thereof, the immediate consequences of their actions (or lack thereof) will plunge our world into a great economic crises. However, this can be prevented. 

What is needed is widespread conscious awareness in order to curtail their unholy attempts toward global divide and conquer - each individual recognizing the sinister plots to manipulate our minds via electronic devices must somehow resist the temptations to acquire and integrate into their (low vibration) system. 

The proliferation of [GPS] Global Positioning Satellites, [CCT] Close Capturing Television cameras, [RCD] Remote Control Drones, [BMS] Bio-Metric Scanners, and [DNA] Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid research and development. All geared toward tracking our every movement, recording our every word, and creating convenient obstacles of distractions (i.e. flu epidemic / mad-cow diseases, Olympic games / World Cup, Red Carpet events, IPhone / Face Book, Civil wars, 911, etc).

Knowledge is our only weapon against this unholy alliance. To prepare for the ultimate battle, we must arm ourselves with information - questioning everything we don't understand until we do; Not blindly accepting anything before finding-out its purpose, benefits and consequences; Ever vigilant, always reminding ourselves that new don't equals better, and that "All Natural" is always the better choice for our mind and bodies. 

The next six months will prove to be our deadliest in history - not on account of the sheer body counts or the senseless and unwarranted loss of innocent blood, but by the injustice and inequality of the global governmental systems in place - Democracy will fail the many and Communism will prove profitable for the few. 

The watch words for the present is Self-Consciousness;  LIVE... LEARN... LOVE... and PROSPER. ~ CR

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Who, Where and What is God?

We have all, one time or the other, asked "Is there a God?" and if there is, "Where is God?". However, it is only after experiencing a higher conscious awakening that we truly come to understand the irrelevance of our questions. 

The whole truth of the matter is simply this: The God we've come to trust and call upon in daily prayer does not exist in a third dimensional state. God is not physical yet controls the physical realm; not Spirit yet controls the spiritual realm. The God we all believe to know, and thought we knew, is not a BEING but rather a simple mathematical equation, when engaged - vibrates at a frequency which renders all matter into complex symbols. 

Represented as a "Trinity", God the Father = the Mind of Man [Pure Thoughts]; God the Son = the Heart of Man [Pure Feelings]; God the Spirit = the Abdomen of Man [Pure Emotions], therefore G=t*/f+e. This simple equation possess power to literally transmute a circumstance, event or object into any desired quality. Simply stated: We have the ability to create our own reality. Furthermore, whatever our present reality appear to be, can be altered to any imaginable outcome, if we truly so desire.

Thinking alone will not render any tangible result, nor will a strong feeling toward anything, or an emotional breakdown, bring about any required expectation. Only when both thoughts, feelings and emotions are duly synchronized towards any desired result, can the power of causality (or God) take full effect.

Prayer is simply another form of meditation which seeks to prepare a host for a desired result. However, prayer alone will not suffice. Therefore, what is required by our thoughts (if strong enough) will be supported by our desire to obtain it; hence our emotional expectation will consequently rise for the occasion. In this instant of synchronicity between thoughts, feelings and emotions, the body (being merely a mechanical vehicle) engage into action.

So, what is God? A sequence of synchronized mathematical formulas in action. ~ CR

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Two Types of Humans

The Human species is divided into two main category [Rational Mind and Irrational Mind], and then subdivided thereafter into Males and Females. 

Whether Male or Female, the Rational Mind only seeks to understand his or her environment for the purpose of discovering Universal Truth and deepening self-awareness. However, the Irrational Mind only seeks to control his or her environment by physically applying what has (already) been discovered for the purpose of self-gratification.

While the Rational Mine find great satisfaction in, and conscious development from, unified theoretical exercises; the Irrational Mind require stimulation from physical exertion and practical exercises. What is satisfying to the one, can and will become a great source of (Mental or Physical) anguish for the other.. therefore it is highly illogical to expect one size fits all, or what is beneficial for one is both beneficial for all.

The simple solution to a unified well-adjust individual, hence a ordered civil society, is for all individuals to "Know Thy Self" - understand which of the two main category you are genetically wired for.

If you are more comfortable thinking of strategies, and can satisfactorily dwell upon your thoughts for hours at a time, without need of physical stimulation; you are inherently a Rational Mind or "Thinker". Physical labor is not nor was not suited for you.

If you are more comfortable doing any sort of laborious physical activity, and can satisfactorily dwell upon your physical strength for hours at a time, without need of mental stimulation; you are inherently an Irrational Mind or "Worker". Thinking is not nor was not suited for you.

Again; I must stress to Parents, Guardians, Instructors and Employers, to carefully understand this Universal Truth, and earnestly seek to recognize, encourage and develop our society based upon these Natural inherent characters of an individual. Without due acknowledgement of the same, a chaotic society is the inevitable result. ~ CR

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bahamas Independence Day Celebration

Date: 2nd July, 2013

To:    All Bahamians
Ref: Bahamas Independence Day Celebration

My Brothers and Sisters;
Independence; what does it mean?  The Merriam-Webster defines the word “independent” as (a). Not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.  (b). Not subject to another’s authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman.   (c). Not influenced by the thought or action of others: independent research. (d). Not dependent; not depending or contingent upon something else for existence, operation etc.  (e). Not relying on another or others for aid or support.  However, given all the above examples, can any nation truly claim to be (by definition of the word) “independent”?   

The Bahamas rely heavily upon the international community to an estimated 95%.   This 95% represents a dependency upon external forces for supply of food, clothing, building materials, financial service, transportation, legal and governmental support, educational validation, religious foundation, etc.   85 cents out of every dollar spent is repatriated overseas to supply the domestic economy.  The highest court in the nations resides outside its jurisdiction. Every major educational curriculum and exam are foreign based - evaluated and validated by foreign entities.  Even the governmental system is foreign, and all governmental dignitaries, legal executives and practitioners must first swear solemn allegiance to a foreign head of state "Her heirs and successors".       

An estimated 80 % of the entire domestic economy is owned and driven by foreign entities. To one extent - certain sector within the domestic economy is predominated by none Bahamians laborers.  To realistically attempt persuading the public that the Bahamas is an independent nation (at the least) ought to be the highest form of treason punishable by expulsion or death.  

Therefore, to those wishing to demonstrate national pride on July 10th, of each year, in celebration of the greatest lie ever propagated upon the Bahamian masses; I do encourage that you (in preparation of the same) purchase a thick overcoat an a pair of high rubber galoshes - because I do expect bullshit to heavily  rain down from the sky.    ~ CR  


            Chris Rolle
One World Government

       (2013 - 2014)        

Saturday, June 29, 2013

O.W.G: Path to Peace

29th June, 2013

Ref: Path to Peace

To: All World Citizens

My fellow Citizens;
Our world leaders think by compiling weapons of mass destruction, that this will somehow bring all nations together under peace and unity. When history is proof that weapons are not the tools of life but of death. 

Who that is rational would earnestly seek unity with his neighbor by aiming ballistic missiles at his front door. And, who would first establish peace with his neighbor by invading his land and seizing his property. These acts are not the actions of those whom are peace-loving and seek unity, but are the actions of they that harbor hatred within their hearts and sort by violent means to destroy his neighbor.

There can be no misunderstanding. Peace is gained by peaceful actions, and war is gained by violent action. Therefore, to bring our world together in peace, we must first globally elect those of peaceful intent within their hearts. We must lay down our weapons, offer our hands in friendship and build a path toward genuine unification.

    Chris Rolle
O.W.G. President 
  (2013 -2014)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Flippery When Wet…

Prime Minister Perry Christie’s political personality can be compare to cheap Chinese sandals: He is an easygoing flip-flopper but slippery when wet.  A man gifted with many tongues. Promising one thing and delivering something utterly unimaginative and ridiculous. Mr. Christie displays a soft-smooth approachable exterior, seemingly easily swayed, yet positions himself like an irremovable object – not budging on anything of national significance other than, after much counsel, rendering worthless opinion polls unwittingly aimed at pacifying a highly suspicious Bahamian public.

Unlike his predecessors, Sir Lynden Pindling, aka “king pin” or Mr. Hubert Ingraham, aka “papa” - without doubt the more obvious and prolific of all the flipping flopping PMs. Rather than “biting the bullet” and meet national challenges head-on, Mr. Christie would prefer to bedazzle the Bahamian public with bullshit while ducking and dodging the real issues like a wayward wife.   

As local folklore has it: No man can flip scripts like big papa can; flipping names on and off islands, highways, buildings, government contracts, etc, etc.  Recklessly flipping the meaning of executive orders and privileges, parliamentary protocol and conduct, and of the spirit of Democracy, all in the name of political patronage and foreign interest.  Mr. Ingraham displays a hard-rough unapproachable exterior.  Liken to an irresistible force, the everlasting Papa and great I AM.   No one ever doubted what he said was what he meant, nor dare openly dispute his ability to deliver. However, what he said did not often align with what he did and his bountiful deliveries were not often address to the bewildered Bahamian masses.

When viewed with dispassionate eyes, what lies at the heart of Bahamian political flip-floppery proves an enigma cloak of dark secrecy.  When the probe of nonpartisan scrutiny cracks through the thick political darkness, plain truth becomes visible.  The World Trade 'Organism' [WTO], and the January 3rd. 2006 launch of the Caribbean Single Market Economy [CSME] begins unraveling before our eyes; especially the latter.  This much debated, anticipated and highly controversial consolidation of sovereign Caribbean countries threatens to equalize leading economies with those greatly destitute; much like what Portugal, Italy, Grease, and Spain did for the ill-fated Euro. However, unlike economic powerhouses like Germany, Russia and France; whereas the Bahamas, a very small but emerging 8 billion dollar economy comprising an estimated 300,000 citizens might have to bear the heavy burden of hundreds of billions of dollars in outstanding national debt and millions of unemployed and unemployable of larger member countries (i.e., Haiti, Jamaica and others).  

Sir Lynden knew well the dire implication that would befall Bahamians should he had sign onto a single market in his time. Like a great leader who truly and deeply was concerned for the welfare of his people, the poor and simple educated.   Sir Lynden said hell-no to WTO and no-way to CSME.   However, before a single nail went into Sir Lynden’s coffin the political flip- flopping had already begun.  Mr. Ingraham went about zealously flipping the script, stopping, reviewing and cancelling every major bill and amendment lying on the table of parliament.  He presented new legislation that promised great potential for all Bahamians but delivered the bulk of benefits directly to foreign investors, while secretly paving the way for the implementation of the systematic takeover of the WTO and CSME.

Not to be outdone, Mr. Christie is on the ground running with his campaign to flop every move made by his flipping predecessor and, in the eyes of the global community, it is looking ugly for local politicians.  Seemingly, Prime Minister Christie could not buy a club less more a clue to save his own ass, let alone sneak any WTO or CSME bills and amendments under the nose-hole of doubtful Bahamians and onto the tables of parliament.    With every major national issue up in the air (i.e., Immigration and national security threats, the increasing national debt, future employment benefits implications of National Insurance mismanagement, BTC 2% share buyback, constitutional reform escalation of local violent crime, etc.) something is bound to explode in someone face. 

Although there is more that can be said concerning the major flop-ups’ of this present and previous PM. Like a scene out of a Las Vegas show that can only be pull-off with massive amounts of smoke and mirrors.   However, I would prefer that we all witness firsthand in HD what happens to a pair of cheap Chinese sandals when wet…, and the rainy weather is already upon us.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

The De-illusion of Life

Everyone wants to be accepted. It is what we constantly crave.  We want to believe that someone will be there for us, that someone else cares, that someone knows are name.  We want to be love and belong, to be a part of something greater.  We want to aspire to be bigger than ourselves, worthy of respect and adoration. To live life to its full and be remembered forever.  

However, blinded by hope, we pursue self-recognition and social acceptance sacrificing youthful years of labor for short-lived pleasures.   We desperately grasp at distant object hoping to find ourselves and over time our focus becomes distort. Long held priorities become displace that our gratification(s) might appear in the twinkle of an eye.  In the same space of time, the innocence of Life is loss.  In pursuit of profit, creativity sparks our mind to aspire further.  Here, every pleasure imaginable is either practice or pursued.  Hereto, our desire for sensory stimulation intensifies. We further restrain mortal flesh to carnality and hostage our passions to emotional perversity, becoming obsessive and possessive with our social conduct.       

We become creatures of desire wanting to have and to hold object(s) beyond our reach. Although at times, we all might find ourselves feeling very much deserving of something or someone.  The balance of life is not tilt toward the wanting and needing but rather toward the greedy and feeding.  Some things will prove irrational in attaining, and some things will take time. However, as time ticks away our desire to have and hold for intimate contact and exchange significantly intensifies creating emotional drama. Drama leads to stress. Stress leads to self-doubt. Self-doubt leads to confusion.  Thought of rejection triggers paralyzing physical-fear.  Avoiding the issue increases anxiety. As time ticks away, desire to have and hold further intensifies.  Here, the exercise of patience and self-control proves fruitless.  Hereto in our minds-view, time becomes an obstacle of great contempt and frustration.  For the youth, patience is equal to imprisonment.   For those desiring to live, self-control means death.  

As we grow older, we begin submitting to our mortality.  The prospect of death becomes a virtual aphrodisiac for life.  For the hurt, the hopeless and brokenhearted time represents healing. Over time, we embrace our ultimate humility – the loss of youth, and begin shedding our inhibitions with the prospect of personal reward, in hope of social inclusion.  Here, the realization of imminent death stimulates our senses. We become more self-confident, creative and productive providers of our selves. We begin focusing upon being solution orientated - unafraid of compromising personal ideologies toward building better relationships.  Toward finding a place - our personal sanctuary for building whatsoever we desire; whatsoever our mortal mind will conjure.  

The negative side to this analysis remains the evidence of our personal experiences. Where we face the constant challenges of life we tend to acknowledge our mortal state and seek to secure refuge by identifying with something or someone else.  The realization of our ‘mortal state’ triggers a sequence of irrational behaviors geared toward securing shelter and provision for the purpose of self-preservation.  With a mindset upon self-awareness and social acceptance, our desires gravitate toward civil-conformity in varying degrees. Self-pride becomes a guilty pleasure; pretence becomes pragmatic and principles becomes irrelevant.  Here in our modern “politically-correct” society, truth becomes a liability. What matters most is compromise; the making of a new creature - merging body mind and spirit into one living symbiotic organism.  Hereto, the dream of one world one people and one destiny becomes reality.      

The modern ideologies toward social integration are base upon irrational expectations. The uniformity of utopic ideals proves impractical on a global scale.  The individualist revolution that influenced social integration (as a better vehicle toward self-preservation) also intensified the self-awareness movement.  Personal identity meant freedom - power of expressing self with impunity. Here, the balance between self and society becomes distort.  Social values loss priority to self-worth as relationships that were tight and hot grows distant and cold.  Irrational expectations become the realization of misguided hopes.  The balance of universal harmony begins to tilt towards anarchy.

Where there is misguidance, we tend to detach ourselves from the laws of time.  Desire to self-improve emerges, and as time ticks away, it intensifies.  Our minds aspire towards pursuits requiring excessive resource.  Misguidance teaches us to “aim for the stars”, and naturally we do as told. After years of misguidance, we become misguided – seeking social positions as replaceable sprocket in the universal wheel of perpetual desire.  Here, there is no fear of time. There is no expectation of loss.  As the wheel slowly spins, we slowly conform to the system.  The distortion between self and society become complete.  We begin to lose sense of our selves desperately seeking the recognition and approval of others or face the ruthless realization of social eviction and replacement.  Another rejected soul condemned to a “lake of fire” and tormented throughout eternity.            

Do you dislike something, or someone?  Perhaps you simply dislike everything.  You may be willing to forgive and reconcile but not now.   Forgiveness leaves a bitter taste in your mouth but revenge is sweeter than honey.  Here, our prospective of life is equal only to our prospective of time wherein we view life as unlimited.  Where time is in abundance we find reason to hate hold-grudges obstruct and delay the inevitable.  Feelings of social insecurity become invasive even as the desire for social acceptance peeks with intensity.  Although our mind is wire to rebel against conformity discipline and structure, we stubbornly resist all urge to question our intentions.  Instead, we contrive to tilt the balance of the universe desiring to create our own utopic environment. Believing we have in our limited time gain enough worldly understanding to self-title ourselves intelligent only proves the depth of our own ignorance.  This is a dangerous illusion of life, and one of the many realities of youth.   However, in the passage of time, ice melt to water and water evaporate to vapor.  Old stone-hearts in time were soft fleshy tissue.  The strongest lion becomes the weakest.  Even the biggest man over time again becomes a baby.   In the mind of the elderly compromise is equal to conquest. In the hearts of the dying forgiveness is greater than gold.  

It is said, “Time heals all wounds” – that in the passage of time the downtrodden will rise, broken hearts will mend and the oppressed shall be liberated.   Everyone can receive forgiveness of their wrongdoing, can be recognize for any achievement accepted in and belong to every society.  However, the key ingredient appears to be the concept of time.  It is time that give significant value to universal order. Time measures growth present prospects for change and qualifies our temporal existence.  Here, the vulnerable and misguided reverends time as a divine entity that brings new life.  Hereto, time is view as a merciless grim reaper that leaves a path of devastation in its wake.  

Where death is a realistic expectation “healing” prove just an illusion?  The mere result of skilful wordplay employed to confuse the senses and emotions promoting good-news and eternal hope for the hopeless.  Inspirational messages of instant transformation of the old into new and of the twice dead into life everlasting.   Although many accept death as the fruit of life – evident by their obsessive desire to live, but the fact that mortals are destine to die heavily influence prospective of time.  In this modern-social mentality, time is money; time ought not to be waste; time waits for no man. Here, to fall behind evokes instant ridicule.  Hereto, to be behind the times means certain social death.  

Without immortality, we can realistically expect a restrictive and deprived existence wherein the consequence of momentary life is eternal death.  However, over generations of reproductions and influence by time our expectation aspires toward loftier goals universal understanding and personal freedom. Our mind is fixated upon discovering the unknown, not simply toward improving inefficiencies but also developing immunity from the ultimate fear.  Through the denial of death the mortal seeks to “heal all wounds”, to decode the chromosomes of youth and unlock the secrets of life.  Simply put, to be gods.  

Therefore, is immortality just an illusion and the end result of hopeless intrigue?  Can we realistically expect to become super-mortal existing wherein good health is merely a consequence of longevity? Is it logically possible to stop time? More to the point, is time just an elaborate concept?  The answer strangely depends upon our personal mental state. 

Whether knowing or not, everyone projects his or her positive and negative attributes upon something or someone else.  This is the reason why we either gravitate toward or shy-away from something or someone.  Our personal view or understanding of time dominates our perception of life. As life progresses our view of time becomes increasingly irrelevant.  Here, recognition of self and not time matters more.  Hereto, altruistic reflections upon content and not enclosure become priority.    

As time progress and years become many we frequently reflect upon disagreeable periods in our past with a view toward resolving outstanding differences. Time being a limited resource our mind begins adapting to a state of ideological tolerance desperately seeking to create pleasurable moments. The mortal mindset here is gear towards creating personal wealth security and comfort. These are all the physical provisions of someone engaged in self-preservation or hoping to extend the parameter of temporal existence.

Oppose to mortal limitations the mental prospective of an immortal is not influence nor restrained by time.   Hope is not a factor thus hopelessness is irrelevant. An innocent desire in the process of time can turn into a deadly obsession.  Here, acceptance is an expectation.  Rejection is not an option. Hereto, broken hearts are broken less. Compassion becomes an inherent right of the privilege. Opposing ideologies evoke instant wrath, even sanctimoniously justifies social death.  

Yet mortals endure living in a false state of hope amidst impending doom, wherein social-values drastically decrease as hopelessness increase with each ticking second. Day by day, growing to accept and submit to social anarchy collectively experiencing the burden of mere mortality.  Through constant reflection upon death, the prospect of time becomes a precious commodity. Mortals become mentally fixated upon extending life and reversing time.  Here begins the universal race toward replicating symbiotic organism without defect immune to all known illness even death itself.  Hereto begins the modern age of demagoguery splicing DNA to alter species toward creating multiple universal societies.     

However, our obsession with this illusion of immortality evokes disturbing aspects of eternal life.  Influenced by a realization of unlimited existence fear of the mysterious and unknown subside. There is no expectation of death thus, no expectation of danger.   The impetus for social acceptance now shifts from global integration toward universal migration. For the emotionally insecure among us, desire for social acceptance becomes an enduring expectation.  Within their mind, a mere thought of social rejection can conjure emotional overload and paralyzing physical fear.  Callous intent comforts the mind against feeling of inadequacy and insecurity.  Over extensive time, immortal hearts forgo emotional cleansing by detaching self from symbiotic guilt and social amity. Adapting a militant prospective of social acceptance focused upon excluding all but the submissive.   The lust for personal perfection grows stronger as it gather greater acceptance. Moreover, of those that are willing to change from mortal to immortality, there is no end.   

The hope of securing immortality includes adapting this new prospective of modern-social acceptance.   Through the single-lens of ideological intolerance, the mortal mindset gravitates toward disturbing levels.  Callous and obsessive self-promotion becomes the key to social acceptance thus become our most dominant thought and high praised possession.  The desire to love and to accept becomes second only to our obsession to be love and to be accepted.  Here, rejection is the poison fruit of Eden.  A thought, a sudden glance, a misplaced word or gesture can evoke sudden and deadly consequences.    Exercising the art of perfection becomes culture.   

Now, immortality is a realistic expectation.   Change from mortal into immortal after willingly undergoing great extremes securing 15 minutes of praise and devotion.  With limitation upon time we are compels to value self-recognition social acceptance and position.   Remorselessly we repent of pride, and submit to hope in expectation of greater acceptance, seeking out forgiveness in face of adversity and death.    It is here the mortal light shines brighter than any star in the heavens. Hereto, mortality proves its supremacy over immortality.

By humility and embracing death, the mortal create an atmosphere for social unity and strength so great even the concept compel gods to succumb with fear.  The only thing that separates man from god is the concept of time.  However, it is because of time or lack thereof that mortals desperately desire to live love and imagine.  Because of death, each sunrise is brighter each flowers smells sweeter the air fresher and the expectation of a better and brighter tomorrow is ever greater that the time before.  

From this balanced prospective wherein death is not the arch-enemy of life rather it is death that brings life new meaning.  We begin to appreciate that both enjoy equal social presence in our life – the ultimate symbiotic organism wherein self life and death simultaneous occurring functioning together toward one singular purpose: To try the elemental make up of mortals to create a more refine material.  The inevitable conclusion shall prove to be our ultimate reality and the journey toward self-worth and social improvement shall continually intensify our passion for living.  Because everyone will experience death, the experience of life becomes a highly prized commodity and the subject of fascination.  

                                                                   Author:  C. Nathaniel Rolle
                                                                                    Executive Producer & Senior Editor
                                                                        THE ROLLE REPORT