Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can you handle the truth?

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, and if I die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to take." 

Ever woke up one morning with serious intentions of blowing the world up or, at least, killing someone? I do, everyday, from as far back as I can remember.  It’s not as if I’m a mad man or serial killer, far from it. I simply think that the world would be a much better place without some people, or if it were like the world never existed at all. 

Surly and beyond any doubt I truly love my family very much, but not so much that I would be unwilling or unable to push an activation button that detonates a nuclear bomb. To be more precise; I defiantly believe that I would literally enjoy annihilating 2/3 the population of the entire world (give or take a billion). At the rate the world is being screwed up by political leaders, it would be an exercise of total kindness and compassion towards society; the cleansing of mankind.

I can delightfully imagine masses of people by the millions dropping (like flies) from exposure to noxious airborne gasses. Such thoughts usually bring a smile to my face whenever I’m feeling down and depress or from a long and hard days work. I don’t believe that this make me a bad person or evil, just a person that is honest enough and willing to realistically face who and what I am; a free thinking individual unclouded and unconstrained  by the burden of human emotion.

Can you imagine how many other persons, just like me, that are out there walking among us each day without the least bit care or concern for the plight of humanity. Ordinary people like you that would not blink an eye lid at the sight of death and destruction befalling others. Seeing and judging the world not in terms of black and white nor right and wrong but rather what is personally pleasurable and what is not.

The truly scary thing about it all is that there are more people like me now living in this world than people like you, and to me; that is a much more comforting thought because it makes me feel, by any standard of the word, normal.


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