Sunday, October 17, 2010

Resolving Violent and Unwanted Behaviors...

There is enough evidence to strongly convict the hardest of criminal toward living a positive and productive life in any society.   

Theory # 1: The beginning.
In the beginning, a genius endowed in all known undiscovered wisdom knowledge and understanding created a program and named it Geneses.  After the Geneses program was installed onto the universal mainframe, booted up and running; the genius there onward started installing various drivers and parameters for all eventual software which will sequentially be installed.     

The general purpose of intent for this universal mainframe and operating system (UMOS) is uncomplicated and highly user-friendly… for the perpetuation of life for various intelligent organic organisms.  Each new software uploading is automatically accessible for instant download by all online users, but not without its individual specification and system requirement to be met pre-installation.   

Although access is never denied, it is the responsibility of each user to choose programming that best suit their temperament, thereby increasing the stability of their individual operating system, and the successfulness of their unique purpose in life.    Without the use of good firewalls, anti-virus protection, exercising routine system tweaks, vigorous observation and adherence to strict precautionary measures; system errors and crash can and will incur… causing any number of common physical mental and spiritual illnesses and abnormities in our bodies.     

Theory # 2: System Error and crash.
To resolve the inevitable conflicts between various software installed, the gifted genius created automatic programming switches to control and maintain constant system stability.    A single open-source program written within the DNA code of every living organism that controls how we look, think, talk, laugh; our height, weight, skin-tones; our mood and emotions; talent, skill factor and ambition; how we chose our mate and produce offspring’s.    

Just one single switch automatically turns on and off (one or more) routine function; sudden gas release and premature ejaculation; shyness, anxiety panic attacks and fear; increase in memory and strength... a greatly elevated awareness.   Controlling our various temperaments are programs that automatically switch on whenever living organism come into close contact with anything that stimulates the senses.    The need for constant stimulation can be easily observed around any newly born creature.  

The unfortunate lack of constant stimulation results in adverse social attitude and behavior which with devastating effects contribute to the escalation in acts of violence.      The enormous emotions living organisms experience grounds us (via dedicated optic-cable) to life, thereby connecting us all to a universal automatic wifi network.   Any interruption or break in signal from the universal mainframe may result in program malfunction… temporary loss of memory, sudden emotional swings, persistent illnesses and pain.   All of which can be traced back to it source… the initial genetic switch.

Theory # 3: Universal Cracks and Reboot.    
 There is great hope for all able and willing to alter any unsuitable aspect of their character.   Employing revolutionary methods, that are easily applied, can unlock the mindset of an individual toward naturally improving his/her overall mental state… returning Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll consistently.        

Accepting that we are programmed to “always allow” both positive and negative software to run on our physical mental and spiritual operating system, all of which are not authorized to integrate with our unique genetic sequencing.   By filtering out none-useful harmful and unwanted software programming [political rhetoric’s, religious doctrines, philosophical ideologies, racial prejudices] from automatically running on our system; we ought simply to deny access.  

Activating a simple firewall such as self-awareness and negativity avoidance will become a useful and routine habit to pickup.  Humans are not programmed to breathe every gas circulation in the atmosphere; likewise we are also not programmed to download install and run any available software or data onto our physical mental and spiritual hard drives.  In order for humans to enjoy a harmoniously meaningful and complete life, our entire thought processes, beliefs, habits and lifestyle must consistently kept in balance with our unique life purpose.  

The key to finding ones unique purpose is very simple; the things you do effortlessly and consistently everyday of your life without fatigue nor a conscious thought is a great place to start looking for the new exciting you.

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