Ever since the dawn of civilization, mankind had always sort to justify his pathetic existence; had always tried to rationalize that which is without reason. For the mere chance to adapt, and to somehow fit into a bad situation, reaching far beyond the ability to individually or collectively comprehend, Man became his own student and master. Ever since he had taken the initial step, and for the first time had ventured out of the cave, the one thing that remained absolutely certain (onto this date) was that he knew nothing conclusive about the world in which he live.
Through eons of evolution and adaptation to the environment, mankind had encountered countless new ways of unsuccessful attempts at integration within the cycle of life. Not knowing what to expect from one moment to the next, Man postulate his existence as being of greater purpose and value than all other creatures ever existed. To this end, he presume a falsely superior posture (indicative of a primal instinct for survival), in so doing he pursues a lifelong quest to prove his worth and, in his humanly way, justify the heir he desperately desire to breed.
Through trial and error he seeks to establish the ground upon which to evolve into a more superior species. As though not recognizing his beast like nature, Man invents and reinvents himself; as if it were the proof positive which substantiates the “god complex” that resides within his yet undeveloped intellectual awareness. Reaching levels of consciousness not before known or predicted, he starts to think… therefore to grow, and to contemplate his own mortality.
Bringing further clarity to rationalize his new found self obsessive interest, Man boldly ventures were no animal had gone before; inventing simple yet complex tools, interpreting (seemingly) new means by which to communicate and transmit his ideas, and eventually building an artificial environment wherein to dwell together among themselves. Seemingly his undeveloped awareness toward his fellow creatures stagnate his intellectual capacity to absorb more than his own desire to survive. What is clear, despite his instinctual dependency upon the “lower species”, is the fact that Man perceives himself as the most dominant of all, therefore of greater purpose and value, more so than that from whence he came.
By placing himself at the center of the universe wherein all else revolves, he creates a new world and therein attempts to adapt his external environment to snugly fit his internal universe; this is done sadly at the detriment of all other life forms existing. Is it merely a coincidence that as mankind multiplies upon the face of this earth, many thousands of other species quickly become extinct? And, when one further examines the rise of socio-civilized Man, the common thread that binds us together is our ability to kill for sport and propensity to destroy that which we do not understand.
Modern Man through his sharply developed intellect have sort to conquer everything within his path. Through our higher conscious awareness toward survival (instead of absolute submission to peace), we insist upon drafting clearly define rules for engagement in brutal warfare. Spending billions of dollars daily upon stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and shooting expensive state of the art equipments into outer space, while 2/3 the earth population desperately live in abject poverty. The more we tend to lean toward our sharply evolved intellectual capacity, the more we tend to set the progress of mankind eons backward into conscious obscurity.
If life is but a banquette and death is desert, it has become the natural inclination of Man to gorge himself upon the flesh of the ignorant within his social communities. With one tongue, preaching love toward another and the sanctity of life, while with the other he legislates laws which seeks to destroy even the unborn yet within its mothers’ womb. The strong crushing the weak has became the fundamental principles of his economic system; the innocent and defenseless preyed upon by deviant predators for honor, for glory, and for the sheer purpose of instant self gratification.
At no other time in earth history had mankind sunk to the depths to which he (despite obvious cries of nature) sincerely believes himself to be guardian of the planet. In his selfish pursuit for absolute power Man seek to force his will upon his fellow creature, and though corrupt practices, poison the very air he desperately need to survive. Living has degraded to a state wherein the highest achievement is not geared towards promoting and sustaining life, but rather toward its limitation, enslavement and pursuit of materialistic gains. Where there is happiness Man brings pain. Where there is peace he promotes war. Where there is abundance of life Man becomes the harbinger of death.
The greatest ever achievement of mankind put into a nutshell amounts to no more than his natural ability to destroy (himself and everything else he touch).
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