Tuesday, January 25, 2011

League of Greatness (the age of Enlightenment)

As I was reading a book of various lectures written by great thinkers of the time, some amazing thoughts started flashing through my mind.  Of all the thoughts, the one most common was surrounding an identifiable    pattern linking all of history greatest thinking minds to a dark mystery; which may have sealed each of their fate in life.   It is said that an unknown proverb written by an unknown writer under an unknown name once wrote: “greatness breadths eccentricity”.   The author, however unknown, sends a resonating message that echo in the mind of many great and well-known thinkers of our time.

Vincent van Gogh; renowned for his unique depiction of human frailty through simple (yet deliberate and precise) brush strokes across an inexpensive medium.   Recognized worldwide for his beautiful art etched  in a seamless oil body floating upon canvas, yet little attention is given to the eccentric nature of the individual; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies, which may have directly resulted in his final fate… human sacrifice.  His famous quote: “But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things”.

Adolf Hitler; a man with an inherent child-like curiosity toward nature in its simplest forum; who having attained greatness by man, sort then the recognition of the gods.   Recognized worldwide for human atrocities and war crimes, yet little attention is given to the eccentric nature of the individual; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies, which may have directly resulted in his final fate… human sacrifice.  His famous quote:”Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle. If you do not fight, life will never be won”.   

Emmanuel Bin Yoseph; more than any child born from woman, this child would grow to symbolize the meaning of hope and compassion.  Recognized worldwide for his ability to change the minds of mankind with a simple message of love, yet little attention is given to the eccentric nature of the individual; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies, which may have directly resulted in his final fate… human sacrifice. His famous quote: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.  For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”    

The pages of history, in literature, arts, aviation and science, are all stained with the blood of great men and women who were willing to sacrifice their life for whatever (they believed) is right, and decent, and fair within this world  we all now live.   Humans who saw manifestations of gods and demons dwelling within the body of ordinary individual, and recognizing the injustice and suffering which plague humanity; took responsibility upon themselves to radically change the destiny of mankind.  

 This thread that links the great visionary minds is commonly seen throughout our modern world; although not as commonly recognized. 

Our social parameters keep us in-line with those who are common to us.  Those who are of an average equivalent character, are given little attention, and those who are above or below our average, who do not meet are prerequisite standard (although becoming involuntarily invested within the circle of acceptable social parameter), are instantly thrust upon a golden pedestal, to be worshiped by the average thinking mind of the common individual; a mere unrecognized member of the public social network.  

The common thread, peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies which links great thinking minds , sets them apart (from the average thinking mind), and place them within a unique social group all to themselves…the league of demigod.   

This elite society of distinguished human-being, renowned for their members uncanny ability to evoke confusion, division and dissent among the membership within the other social circles.   Their humbling posture, yet the incredible manner in which their presences is felt, they immediately awaken and enlist thoughts and actions.  Though words alone, a single idea manifest itself into a worldwide revolution which swallows armies in a ferocious ball of fire; feeding upon the souls of the masses as equally as it delight the most discriminating palette of a distinguished few.     

As I sat reading on, I became all too tempted to recognize and, through a process of comparison, indentify the eccentric members within my social clique; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies which may give any indication toward greatness.   I can only imagine as  to the number of incredible ideas being deliberately constructed within the mind of a man, or woman somewhere on our planet and in our time, destined to change the age of mankind forever; someone who will be greatly recognized for sacrificing their life toward the fulfillment of a dream. 

Turning the pages of the book I am reminded of a simple truth that I ought always to obey: Above all that is honorable, let truth abide.  

Adapting as a motto: Truth above Honor; and strict adherence to a philosophy of change puts me at the boarders of greatness, having (as do all great minds) seen the promise of a new Bahamaland, filled with   socially acceptable people.    I am further reminded to focus close attention upon the godly and just; as do the ungodly and corrupt, and continually strive toward perfection. 


Monday, January 17, 2011

Political Rivalry in The Bahamas - (Ending the Two Party System)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to technical difficulty we are unable to broadcast footage from the new season of THE ROLLE REPORT, therefore as an extent of our obligation  to our valued subscribers we now bring,  for your enjoyment, previous footage from our past reports 2009.   

Part 1- Political Rivalry in The Bahamas.

Part 2- Political Rivalry in The Bahamas.



Sunday, January 9, 2011

And, Until that Day..

‎"...and, until that day, the dream of everlasting peace, world citizenship, the rule of international morality
will remain just a fleeting illusion to be pursued but never attained." - Emperor Hali Salasi I

The search for freedom and the protection of state by which an individual is afforded the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice proves an elusive dream; a byproduct of centuries of subhuman conditioning.  Conditioning which renders the thought processes and sensory tolerances of each citizen atone to the pulse of the state.    In accordance, the public is persuaded to accept state laws as inherently infallible, and thus render any contrary law to the same void and of no affect.    The popular perception that The Bahamas Independence Order 1973 was the infallible word of almighty God has proven in 2011 to be the work of mere mortal man.  This consequence, the inevitable result of careful and deliberate past acts, have certified all future interpretations of law relatively meaningless and void of any moral effect.

Democratic states wherein each citizen is criminally negligible for exercising independent thinking and expression of thought are deeply rooted within the soil of fascism. Therein the law is crafted; not upon the inherent freedom of the individual, but upon the abdicated power of the people onto the hands of the state. Therein, the fate of the people rest not upon fair and impartial justice, rather upon the personal interest and ambitions of its leaders.  Leaders seeking to permanently engrave their name within the nations’ foundations and ultimately recognize a single truth; the foundation of a nation is its people, and an individual armed with an idea and motivated can remove foundations.  This truth represent opposition to building any life time legacy, therefore with a stroke of a pen, truth is hidden beneath the blanket of self-interest and civil order with a single personal intent; political longevity.

Inconsistency of the laws has fuel the flame of fascism throughout history.   Today, fascist fuel flame the fires of corruption within the halls of justice.  Therein (limited to the expectation of the state) the fundamental human rights of the individual is rendered contrary to the supreme laws of the land.  The will of mortal man concealed behind the cloak of public interest and civil order grants freedom to pursue life, liberty and justice, and contemptuously frustrates any pursuit toward the same.    Such legal language form the foundation upon which laws are written, interpreted and applied within The State of Bahamas Islands.  As a result the general public, afore rendered confused and frustrated, become easily tolerant and acceptant of institutionalized corruption.  Protection under the law becomes a deadly game of Russian roulette wherein the citizen ought also to beware of the state.    

As outlined within the preamble of the agreement; preservation of our freedom hinges’ upon “national commitment to Self-discipline, Industry, Loyalty, Unity and an abiding respect for Christian values”.  The text; “and an abiding respect for Christian values”, in itself, violates the individuals’ rights to the extent that it’s fundamentally inconsistent with the tenets of [true] freedom. This inconsistency of the law renders any reasonable opportunity of exercising constitutional right, to “freedom of conscience, of expression and of assembly and association”, inconsequential. 

Politics being the game of perception wherein the truth is not always the general perspective view. To survive the game one need only commit appearance.  To  leave an indelible impression   within the mind of, and maintain continued favor with the people require a life time of devotion and self-sacrifice.  Short term in public office is political death.   To successfully survive the game, ones self-interest and ambitions must become aligned with the general prospective. The individual with an idea progresses to citizen, then advance to politician and statesman then, after trial, recognize the value of legacy, and for a successful political longevity, ones legacy must become the law.   

Individuals unwilling to exercise constitutional rights within their own country; unwilling to apply for public office, armed force, jury duty, etc… and, for whatsoever reason, represent a scar upon the face of society.    Citizen X (denoting absence from mainstream) interprets direct and indirect contribution to state as a deprivation of his or her personal interpretation of freedom. Regardless of his or her particular motivation and/or frustration, there are compelling evidence indicating that Citizen X (also) represents the numbers standing in direct opposition, not only to the present social-religious-political order but also to fascist philosophies and practice.

What is historically interpreted a civil up-rise; giving birth to a new independent state, on further inspection appears evident of a social revolution. This nationalist movement for social equality; the offspring of four centuries of colonial oppression, became the battle cry activating soldier support of the disenfranchised and frustrated from 1953 to 1967.   The popular perception publicly propagated (that of sovereignty) is presently perceived a victory for social privileges and equal rights however, the economic privileges of the state remains the right of The Colony/Crown; represented by the power of The State of Bahamas Islands, the organization of public citizens and career politicians, whose lineage represent the byproduct of socialization experiments.      

The establishment of a new political order within The Colony; tested in the fire of fascism, will remain tainted by the stench of its flames. After enduring four hundred year in domestic servitude, the people (mentally and physically) are conditioned to accept, and adapt the philosophy, theology and practices of their colonial masters.  As an effect, the public generally support the reasonable expectations of the state without question or second thought.   Constitutional agreements become required between both individual and state, wherein the freedom of the individual is legislatively limited for and by the power of the state.   What therefore was the reasonable expectation of the individual, toward freedom, now became a granted privilege wherein the individual is presumed the property of state.  The individuals’ physical presence within the borders of the state [empire/plantation] constitutes full agreement and adherence to its laws and customs; to fall in line with public perception and expectation.  

Engraved with the letters of fascism are the words “honor and obey that your days may be long upon the land”. That the people might dwell harmoniously in “the plantation”, the individual must comply with its laws; blindly expecting that the law guaranteed freedom and protection for all.  This act of trust by the unsuspecting public, whom erringly expect individual right to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice, becomes the subject of consultation between career politicians desiring to edge their name upon the foundation of the nation. Given power of state the mere mortals apply the old philosophies and practices of colonial masters; evident in the agreement between the individual and the state.  Therein, the shackle of restraint is crafted around the tenets of freedom, and the light of truth is hidden beneath a blanket of lies.  

In earnest, the state stifles the privilege of power of the individual behind barriers of bureaucratic red tapes with the intention of frustrating public attempt to understand and freely exercise, without impunity, their fundamental human right.  The state therefore, through its legislative power, enact and amend the legal framework necessary to maintain that the masses remain docile, irresponsive and inapt to challenge state authority.  The result of such an exercise renders the public completely acceptant of state laws, regardless of its intrusive nature or its blatant opposition toward the fundamental rights of the individual, the philosophies of fascism continues unabated. That is until the restraint of state is generally perceived the frustration of its people, and through the power of ballot   “expulsis piratis restituta commercia”.  

And, until that day… the struggle continues.