Friday, April 17, 2009

Let me be the first to say...

Reflecting upon my insignificants, compared to the whole of humanity, and my individual contributions in prospective to the escalating needs of our human village; I have determined that my living was shallow and, indeed, in vain. Selfishly neglecting the spirit of the golden rule: to do onto others as you would they do onto you; in essence, becoming embittered and chose only to view the world from a perspective of ingratitude and self-centeredness.

Ladies, I hear your sentiments loudly, echoing the pain and suffering inflicted upon your frail emotions from the dawn of creation, and, instead of offering much needed comfort and relief; I barbarically continued savage attempts to bend and break your wills into submission. I now recognize and acknowledge my faults, a single-minded approach at cultivating relationships of conveniences, fostered along by vain ambitions and delusions of grandeur.

In my futile attempts to spark the light of everlasting passions, I have only succeeded at igniting the flames of war. Macho egotism alone cannot bear the burden for my irrational nature, nor can it justify the conceitedness with which I so callously flaunted my arrogance in the face of a woman’s worth.
I deserve no more than that to which I gave, which is, more than I could or ought to ever expect in return for my reckless abandonment of compromise and respect towards those noble principles which have stood for honor, decency and compassion. Never contented with such as I have, preferring often to reap that which I have not sown and acknowledge credit in service of that for which my hands had not labored.

Herein on this date, April 8th, 2009; let it be known far and wide that I, Chris Rolle, have stated may case, I have bared my soul and have made amends, with my God, for any and all offenses, directly or indirectly, wrought by my ignorance and intolerance of humanity, and in particular, upon those innocently by-standing, and, upon our beautiful and weaker sex.
For all that I have done and for all that I ought to have done and failed to do, I now humbly and sincerely ask, by the Lords grace; for your undeserved forgiveness.

Thank you Mr. Gibson

The day that Mr. Gibson took a pen and then he wrote;
An anthem dear, which we declare, our country can devote.
A brand new dawn, a nation born with sun, sand and sea;
A people cry, so fill with pride and look like you and me.

Struggling on from dusk till dawn but never once apart;
Reminded each day, give thanks and pray for God lives in our heart.
With steadfast eyes, together we rise; determined and so we stand;
Forward, upward and onward we’re marching on Bahama land.

We will not bow nor ever allow the stranger to tear us down;
Trodden and kill that which we’ve built and leveled it to the ground.
Our common ideal, clearly reveal, traditions from our past;
Here we will stand hand in hand; together we shall last.

As we move on, focus upon the issues in our life;
There’s bound to be, we’ll disagree, cause pain, heartaches and strife.
We are all our brothers keepers whether gathered large or few;
We walk each day by faith and pray our faith will take us through.

This I have seen for some have been portrayed as racist foe.
To love and unity this was a devastating blow.
A convoluted system treating man like filthy beast;
As long as there’s injustice, I fear, we shall not have peace.

From the day I heard that anthem I felt like a man;
I proudly walk the streets waving a flag in my right hand.
Solemnly lift my head as I look up into the sky;
Standing with my people; our bright banners waving high.

Thank you Mr. Gibson, your thoughts are truly heard;
I travel round the world and represent your every word.
There’s always something new to learn ever your anthem’s read;
Thou absent from us in body, your soul is never dead.

Keep marching on to a glorious dawn and smile upon our youth;
Intercede on our behalf until we find the truth.
I know mercy in heaven abound, or so I have been told;
May our spirits march together on streets paved with gold.

One last thing Mr. Gibson, if you have the time;
I’ve nothing worthy to give in honor so I wrote this rhyme.
I trust that it embodies each child, woman and man;
Proud to be Bahamian in this our Bahama land.

Again I say thank you, good sir, sincerely from the heart;
You may never recognize me but it is a start.
Like you I put a pen to paper and cast away the fear;
Composing words of honor crafted to ring within our ear.

Please touch our heart and guide us as we forwardly march on;
And keep us moving upward till the last of us is gone.
Protect and provide daily our sun our sea and sand;Pressing together onto glory; march on Bahama land