Friday, May 27, 2011

A Simple Solution to Social Ills..

Today, even if for but a moment, take time to deeply consider the social issues plagued by our communities, then ask yourselves this simple question; In which way am I contributing to the ongoing dilemma?  

Presuming one is honest, we would have listed any number of questionable actions taken in our past…perhaps at this very moment, to which we were or can equally be identified both with the moral and immoral, the just and unjust, the rich and the poor, the young and the old, the healthy and the sick, the oppressor and the oppress, etc.       And whether or not we acted upon our ill conceived exploits – to deliberately deceive another or others (for whatsoever reasons).  The one undeniable truth that will forever remain a root cause to our escalating social ills is the one thing that we highly value above all else… our sense of independence. 

This sense of independence shaped by historical event foresters a faults necessity to compete against each other and anything else, and in some instances, creates an obsession with having to frequently validate oneself or having to prove yourself worthy, often almost to the point of deserving something that was not earn.   Although mutual competition can maintain personal development and many positive benefits have came about globally because of mutual competition.  However, competition in and of itself is a two edged sword.    When used in the right hand competition can bring many positive benefits toward better development of a place a product a person or a philosophy, but in the wrong hand the result thereof are publicly seen heard and felt by us on a daily bases. 

I urge that you sit back and take a quick moment to mentally list some of the things you do that may or have added to the ongoing problems within our society, and make a personal commitment to change your negative thoughts and destructive actions; abandon arrogance self-pride and independent. After all, we humans are social creature whom must depend upon the efforts of the community in order to maintain health and sustain life.     

A good start today would be choosing not to compete but rather share one with the other – by learning from each other and teaching those that come after us all that we have during our time been taught; that which we have heard seen and felt personally.  You may be very pleasantly surprise at the many positive response you will receive, and at how powerfully influential the simple act of sharing can be upon our fragmented society. 

IMAGINE: If each one do one random act of kindness each day (just because we woke and have life), amazing communities could be developed wherein the natural love held, even by a stranger, is equally heard by our ears, seen with our eyes and felt in our heart; a true display of the expression “love thy neighbor as you love thyself”.        

Do enjoy a great day today my friends.  

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Theory of Crime and its Solutions

Society through the eyes of a sociopath:
Morning light breaks the thick and deep stench of darkness, and as quickly, programmed  parasites mindlessly scurries away from beneath their holes, toward various places of infestation, to begin another productive day of systematically undoing everything previously done the day before.  When the burning orb is centred above the infestation is widespread, more so than at periods during which the darkness swallows whole the great burning orb. It was always the best time of the day… a time when the infected wounds can again begin to heal themselves.  Unsurprisingly, this is the period of the day when the parasites are programmed to scurry back beneath the rocks they hide. 

And, although wound are infested by unrepentant parasites, Nature has her way of restoring order within her garden paradise.  Nature cracks the gene-code and enables certain of her creature to feed upon the others – thereby controlling any infestation (of any species) which may result otherwise uncontrolled.  But seemingly, this particular strand of parasites would rather be self-governed; blatantly failing to submit to the laws of Nature, instead preferring to combine the most lethal and destructive element into a delusional plot for world supremacy, and the right to infest and infect the whole earth.     

By her infinite wisdom, Nature had resolved the issue of any species rapidly multiplying, migrating to virgin territories and creating an unnatural infestation, resulting in a disruption of earth's natural energy fields.  Nature, over time, had reprogrammed the average everyday garden variety parasite to no-longer follow instinctual cues of its species but rather create various other cues which confuse and disperse those infesting any particular open wound.    

Crime, the saviour of society: 
What humanity for centuries refuse to completely embrace is the powerful forces of Nature, and ever since the age of enlightenment, Man  had continually search for any means by which to create or reinvent its effects upon and within his environment (to change the way we think therefore the way we act).  And despite our every attempt to hide or remove that which disgust us most with all species; that which reminds us of our primitive past, and that which links the most enlighten- adorn in the trapping of civility, to his least intellectually gifted relative- the not too sophisticated bloodthirsty killer. That which appears incomprehensible to the civilized and trained mind proves blatantly obvious to the uncivilized and untrained mind; that the murdering rejects among us are becoming gods - exercising the power of life and also death with impunity (Natures solution to population control).

The most enlighten outwardly embrace (through various body art) the nature of the beast which resides within.  Body art or modification plays as a stage upon which one may openly express their deepest and darkest personalities.  More primitively violent than body mutilation and more openly embraced is mind mutilation, the misuse of information; more notably referred as institution of higher learning which is merely code for mental programming. 

Those that have successfully satisfied the criterion and carefully crafted curriculum of any institution, and despite the complexity of each alumni’s background, the individual (character, philosophy, habits, etc) that were upon entering is significantly altered into what others interact with today.  However, despite the best attempts to curtail the influence of Nature; despite the near perfect execution of human ingeniousness, the strength of the beast within overpowers even the lucid subliminal attempts to evade the inescapable; humans are simply another species of animals.  

Ask yourself these simple queries;
  1. If all animals kill to survive, and man is an animal; then man also kill to survive.      
  2. If animals of the same species commonly kill each other, and humans are animals of the same species; then humans commonly kill each other.  
  3. If the other creatures known to man are all instinctively driven; is it safe to say that man (another creature) is also instinctively driven?

Only after the heavenly bodies have reached a state of overgrowth does Nature deploy forces which remove the threat imposing upon the other heavenly orbs.    At its microcosmic level, whenever a species of the animal kingdom reach a state of overgrowth Nature deploy forces which curtails and controls the progress of that species.    The fact that violent criminal activities are on an escalating rise, coupled with anti-social self- destructive behaviours, serves to indicate the need for mankind to decrease the levels of negative thoughts and thereby maintain better control of our positive actions.     

The Solution to Crime…in theory:
Throughout the age the Enlighten continued to hypothesize a more rational reason as to why a man would naturally desire to kill another man. Met on every side by failure relative to the method and beliefs of the day, the search to find an effective and long lasting method by which to control the masses continued unabated.  The particular method which proved more promising (in terms of self-indoctrination) was through spiritualism, now institutionalized into zealously defended religious organization.   Seemingly humanity had placed a delusional check upon Nature.  However, through her influence upon fate, Nature again takes the upper hand.

Every now and then, as Nature would have it, a species produces a single strand of DNA that either rapidly accelerates the potential of our genetics sequencing i.e. Socrates, Mozart, Da Vinci, Tesla, Hawkings, etc.  Or, at and between the extreme polar ends, systematically reduces an advanced genetic sequencing down to its most basic function -evident in the personalities of members (presently dwelling) within our communities  i.e. dictators, serial killers, gang bangers, lawyers, talk show host, etc.   Here, the fictitious adventures of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde become absolutely plausible…to both trained and untrained mind.   By simply designing alternate DNA strands, or reprogramming, Nature maintains a constant control upon the fate of humanity as it were by the Almighty Hand of God..

The queries now to ask are;
  1. If death is nature’s way of maintaining population control over all living species, and if humans are a form of species; then death is population control for humans.
  2. If Nature maintains the health, fitness and prosperity (survival) of all species by elimination the weak, barren and unproductive individual strands from the mainstream, and if humans are a species within the mainstream of nature; then for the health, fitness and prosperity of humanity - mankind must eliminate all weak, barren and unproductive members within its society…even to its microcosmic level (the family unit).

The above analyse of society, suggesting crime as a solution in and of its self, may appear callous and inhuman, from the prospective of an untrained mind.   However, when viewed from a natural prospective, and the way in which Nature dispatches her various solutions to problems upon the earth i.e. tsunami, earthquake, flash flood- fire , drought, pestilence, etc.   Nature’s way is not the way of compromise but rather of conquest; of brute forces unilaterally bearing down upon the weakest element to produce an absolute and instantaneous destruction from which natural healing can again continue- equally as the skin continually heal itself  from an open wound. 

Nature knows best:
Each day it is becoming apparently clearer that (through modern warfare and the internal collapse of civilized societies) the strong and viral among the human species are equally falling along the way as do the weak and defective.   Our sophisticated global advance toward combating criminal elements within and across local societies are daily losing grounds due to a combination forces of Nature and the human Psyche.  Like an unsuspecting tsunami, the criminal element of society can evoke a crime wave capable of literally wiping out communities at a time, and instantaneously leave countless numbers of innocent victims in its wake.

The logical prospect to accept from any society, heavily influenced by violence, is the inevitable expectation of more violence.  To fight fire with fire would be an option unacceptable to the civil and enlighten members of society- wherein all conscious efforts toward enforcement of capital and corporal punishment are met with striking resistance.  Instead of instant elimination (quick due process within the legal system), predators are aptly given free room and board and four square meals daily with the assurance of re-entering into the same communities which (over a process of time) conditioned them into cold-hearted bloodthirsty killers.

The judicial 'lack of will' (concerning enforcement of the death penalty) could easily be interpreted as the subliminal mindset of society at large towards the health, fitness and preservation of predictors; those whom  aid to the strength and longevity of a species by constantly preying upon the weak.   The unfortunate family members of individuals who become victims to violent crime or are constantly preyed upon by criminal elements are either devastated by the sudden tragic experience and wither by the way , or each member of that family unite, build up resistance forces and become even more stronger.  Here too, the law of survival plays out its hands to restore and bring back order into Nature and within a particular species.

Yes, it has become apparent to all but mankind, that Nature devised ways by which to circumnavigate any attempts to disrupt the flow of her energy within the universe.   Knowing the correct measurement of minerals, gases and liquids needed to maintain universal equilibrium, Nature in her infinite powers make the most logical moves in order to sustain all life.  It’s no longer seems a threat but rather a comforting thought to know that; if one align themselves with Nature - health, harmony and prosperity shall forever follow as a consequence… whatever species you are.   

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chaos Theory (Pondering the perplexities of Humanity)

Ever since the dawn of civilization, mankind had always sort to justify his pathetic existence; had always tried to rationalize that which is without reason.    For the mere chance to adapt, and to somehow fit into a bad situation, reaching far beyond the ability to individually or collectively comprehend, Man became his own student and master.   Ever since he had taken the initial step, and for the first time had ventured out of the cave, the one thing that remained absolutely certain (onto this date) was that he knew nothing conclusive about the world in which he live.

Through eons of evolution and adaptation to the environment, mankind had encountered countless new ways of unsuccessful attempts at integration within the cycle of life.   Not knowing what to expect from one moment to the next, Man postulate his existence as being of greater purpose and value than all other creatures ever existed.  To this end, he presume a falsely superior posture (indicative of a primal instinct for survival), in so doing he pursues a lifelong quest to prove his worth and, in his humanly way, justify the heir he desperately desire to breed.   

Through trial and error he seeks to establish the ground upon which to evolve into a more superior species.  As though not recognizing his beast like nature, Man invents and reinvents himself; as if it were the proof positive which substantiates the “god complex” that resides within his yet undeveloped intellectual awareness.  Reaching levels of consciousness not before known or predicted, he starts to think… therefore to grow, and to contemplate his own mortality.    

Bringing further clarity to rationalize his new found self obsessive interest, Man boldly ventures were no animal had gone before; inventing simple yet complex tools, interpreting (seemingly) new means by which to communicate and transmit his ideas, and eventually building an artificial environment wherein to dwell together among themselves.   Seemingly his undeveloped awareness toward his fellow creatures stagnate his intellectual capacity to absorb more than his own desire to survive.   What is clear, despite his instinctual dependency upon the “lower species”, is the fact that Man perceives himself as the most dominant of all, therefore of greater purpose and value, more so than that from whence he came.

By placing himself at the center of the universe wherein all else revolves, he creates a new world and therein attempts to adapt his external environment to snugly fit his internal universe; this is done sadly at the detriment of all other life forms existing.   Is it merely a coincidence that as mankind multiplies upon the face of this earth, many thousands of other species quickly become extinct?  And, when one further examines the rise of socio-civilized Man, the common thread that binds us together is our ability to kill for sport and propensity to destroy that which we do not understand.

Modern Man through his sharply developed intellect have sort to conquer everything within his path.   Through our higher conscious awareness toward survival (instead of absolute submission to peace), we insist upon drafting clearly define rules for engagement in brutal warfare.   Spending billions of dollars daily upon stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and shooting expensive state of the art equipments into outer space, while 2/3 the earth population desperately live in abject poverty.   The more we tend to lean toward our sharply evolved intellectual capacity, the more we tend to set the progress of mankind eons backward into conscious obscurity.

If life is but a banquette and death is desert, it has become the natural inclination of Man to gorge himself upon the flesh of the ignorant within his social communities.  With one tongue, preaching love toward another and the sanctity of life, while with the other he legislates laws which seeks to destroy even the unborn yet within its mothers’ womb.    The strong crushing the weak has became the fundamental principles of his economic system; the innocent and defenseless preyed upon by deviant predators for honor, for glory, and for the sheer purpose of instant self gratification. 

At no other time in earth history had mankind sunk to the depths to which he (despite obvious cries of nature) sincerely believes himself to be guardian of the planet.    In his selfish pursuit for absolute power Man seek to force his will upon his fellow creature, and though corrupt practices, poison the very air he desperately need to survive.   Living has degraded to a state wherein the highest achievement is not geared towards promoting and sustaining life, but rather toward its limitation, enslavement and pursuit of materialistic gains.   Where there is happiness Man brings pain.    Where there is peace he promotes war.   Where there is abundance of life Man becomes the harbinger of death.

The greatest ever achievement of mankind put into a nutshell amounts to no more than his natural ability to destroy (himself and everything else he touch).  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Awakening - A.P.T. (p2)

Evoking an Altered Perceptive Experience: There are various portals that will take us to a common desire; many steps that will lead us to the same destination.  By following the steps provided, it is possible for anyone to reach an altered state of perception.     However, those under legal consent are strongly advised to first request permission from your parent or legal guardian before attempting anything written herein.  Those of legal consent are strongly advised to follow the steps provided at your own risk.

Step: 1
 Preparation: Before undertaking any worthy endeavor, it is wise to first reach a state of personal resolve, wherein our body, mind and spirit trilaterally agree to accomplish a chosen task at hand.

  1. Identify a place that is private to you; a place you found to be safe, and a place that you can rest uninterrupted for long periods at a time.  Define that place as your temple; a place sacred unto you.
  2. In your sacred temple, identify a comfort zone [Sanctum Santorum] and get familiarize with every detail of its location.        
  3. With your mind and body motionless and at one, become relax until your thoughts are as a blank page; reach the state of silence… dark empty nothingness.  

Step: 2
Look into the Mirror: Once you’ve became proficient in step 1, you are (then) ready for advanced training. Maintaining to preparation and thereby reaching a state of deep and complete relaxation.  Imagine a mirror before you representing a portal or doorway into time (start small then overtime gradually increase its size).   
  1. With your minds’ eye, look into the mirror of time and clearly focus upon the image looking back at you.
  2. Take away then add any equal amounts of detail to the reflected image until you can clearly decipher the full image.
  3. Maintain focus upon the image until your senses become stimulate, and can be clearly seen for long periods at a time.

Step: 3
Entering the Mirror: Once you’ve became proficient in steps 1 and 2, you are (then) ready to step through the mirror, into a parallel dimension in time, and of images reflecting the construct of your desires.   By maintaining focus upon each detail of the images reflected within the mirror, you will be better able to lucidly interact within your altered perceptive state of mind.
  1.  You shall see all manner of precious substance, but you must refrain from their path.
  2.  Images which appear in your altered perceptive state represent the opposite equivalent of those on the other side of the mirror.       
  3. Whatever is altered within time is equally echoed throughout all dimensions; altering but one single aspect of your natural image within the mirror of dimensions will be reflected within your conscious reality.   

Step: 4
Exiting the Mirror: Having successfully followed each preceding step along the path, having kept the faith and proved your-self proficient.    It is again upon your proficiency to recall the smallest of detail and to focus steadfastly upon the image before you.   Recalling in mind each detail of your temple and the zone to which you’ve found safe and comfortable.    

  1. Recall to mind all the images you have seen after entering the portal of time and dimension  and retrace each steps you took along the pathway until you reach the mirror.
  2. Visualize within the mirror your safe place, seeing in details every aspect of the image until it is clearly focused and your senses become stimulated by the experience.
  3. With shallow breaths proceed to step into the mirror until all the way through; relax and with a sudden deep breath open your eyes.
It is recommended to rest and relax yourself for at least 30 minutes before standing or attempting to do any physical labor.    In time you will become more proficient with every journey, and your ventures will become extensive and detailed wherein you will be better able to explore the limitless expanse of time and space.  

May your ventures be fulled with happiness and great fortune forevermore. 

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    The Rise of Secular Religion

    Many have attempted to form secular religious organizations, founded upon its bible - various selected text from specific doctrines - and calling themselves anything between Brotherhood of Satan to Children of God.  Society label such religious groups ‘new age’ - denoting their modern spin upon traditional values and ritualistic practices. Mistaking modernization to mean technological advance, and overlooked all that it entails.

    The established religious orders found it more profitable to buy, elevate and/or intoxicate society - to win our hearts and minds.   And, through its tentacles of mass media, the old order continued the practice toward tainting and tarnishing the general perception of anything considered ‘new age’; suggesting it to be the work of Lucifer…and the devil. However, upon close inspection it would appear that secular religious practices would strongly cement society rather than break it apart.  Although this view is widely accepted within the established religious community, their greatest weakness[sin] remains sacrificing their fleshly desires.    

    This misunderstanding had caused several rifts between traditional religious practice and their modern interpretations.   The established religious organizations exercise political and social influence to suppress the fundamental right to freedom of thought and expression, of assembly and association.   And, although it remains the governing officials’ sworn obligation (to protect the constitution), to this day, freedom of religious thoughts, expression and assembly continues to be suppressed and oppressed.      

    The Original Sin
    To shed light upon this ‘holy war’ here is the backdrop… 

    At the awakening of Man, there were two Gods.  Both gave Man its Image and Laws to adapt, to practice and to devotedly worship.  A God [represented by father, son, holy-ghost], symbolized power of Spirit, is glorified by self-sacrifice.   The other God [represented by gold, oil, drug], symbolized by power of Flesh, is glorified by desire. 

    Upon opening his eyes and beholding the beauty of gold, the strength of oil, and the wisdom of drug, it is said that "Man became intoxicated by beauty, strength and wisdom, and ever after serves the desires of his flesh".  To this date, Man is forever tempted and tormented.  We are tempted by desire toward hunger and thirst, pain and pleasure, love and hate, etc… and, equally tormented by conscience toward self-sacrifice, moderation, correct conduct, budgeting and saving, etc…

    We need but to inspect our immediate environment, observe our regular routine and analyze our deepest thoughts.  In doing this simple exercise, we can easily determine the God to which we serve; whether we worship the God of the Spirit [sacrifice] or the God of the Flesh [desire]. 

    Now that you’ve personally acknowledged and willingly accepted the God to which you serve, you ought now to be introduced and familiarized with the law rites and customs of our Order… if only there was a standard code of instructions [bible] with which to refer.

    It is at this junction of indecisiveness and spiritual fatigue we all commonly seek acceptance and guidance from society. However, society does not always guide us upon the way we ought to go, causing many to lose all moral bearing and grip upon reality.  The one sure hope of salvation, then, (of finding light in darkness and life after death) ought to be found within devotion to the God whom made us, and not within that which we have made of ourselves.

    Integrating Secular Religion  
    Toward promoting an idea of a universal secular religion which appeals to the desires of the masses; certain traditional rituals, doctrine and text shall be adopted and adapted to reflect an all-inclusive interpretation of holy  scripture. Metaphoric religious expression shall be literally interpreted and liberally exercised. The truth behind our routine ritual and custom shall be recognized, and we shall surly know every good and evil thought within the mind of our God.

    In adapting to the traditional religious season, there exists an ancient ritual corresponding closely to the Catholic tradition of Lent.  It is call the "Festival of Liberation", or the "Night of Blood".     

    During the celebration (40 days and nights), we are encouraged to inspect our immediate environment, observe our regular routine, and analyze our deepest thoughts.  We are further encouraged to submit to our desires by moon light, but by sun light we are encouraged to pursue all manner of charitable deed.  At the end (last moon) of the celebration we are obligated to sacrifice all our fleshly desires, preformed through blood offering; symbolized as the cleansing of our temple.

    What does it Profit a Man…?
    What is reasonable to expect, in fact and quite naturally, are the numbers of readers that will utterly dismiss the above as nothing; merely the result of much spirits.  However, there are some that will scan through each line…word by word, and objectively admit to the huge market opportunities within the secular religious community.  Ever since Martin Luther initiated the religious reformation movement, the gates of paradise had opened and the streets of gold are filled with feet of travelling pilgrims.  

    Each desiring a mansion made of gold and precious stones, having their head anointed with oil, and to rest eternally within the clouds of glory.  However lofty this general accepted vision of paradise appears, certain travelers have long understood the far greater possibilities presented to worthy pilgrims upon entering.  One possibility alone shatter the parameters of imagination, and satisfy the deepest of all desire; the freewill of Man to merely worshiping God or to becoming a God.

    Left to our own device, making any great decision, we often tent to rely upon the consent of society as a moral compass to guide our every step along the pathway of life.   In doing this, we overlook the purpose of our initial journey.  

    It is at this stage of indecisiveness; we submit to the influence of society and deny our own individual desires. In essence, each time we deny our personal desire, we are sacrificing our soul upon the altar of society, to honor and glorify the ruler of this world, (G.O.D) Gold, Oil, and Drug. 

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    A.P.T. (The Revelation)

    Opportunity, presence and motive are 3 primary principles preceding all natural action…in our 3D world. These 3 principles acting in sequence (normally) increase the probability of any spontaneous physical response.  

    Imagine; what if we could (somehow) bypass this natural sequence and create an intentional response of equivalent or greater value… whenever we desired?

    What if I told you that it’s not only possible but also probable; that one could commit an act (no matter how simple or complex) without any conscious knowledge of the fact, or recollection of the same… and we do it every day of our life.  Through a process of A.P.T. one can quite literally perform routine and complex task naturally without the use of physical energy.

    A.P.T; what is it?  
    A.P.T. is a clinical term I use to describe the process of Altered Perception Technique; the ability to literally alter or change ones perception of reality, following specific systematic pattern or techniques.   Through a process of altering or changing the normal way we think and perceive our natural reality, one can quite easily perform routine and complex task effectively without having to be physically present, or without having to wait for the opportunity to present itself.  

    Following a precise technique, any student of Altered Perception can literally become as the gods, to create their own natural reality, a universal dimension that spans beyond the known physical 3D world.   

    Is A.P. possible?
    Altered perception (AP) is not only possible but it’s probable that we do it every day of our life, without even knowing.   Some can identify with AP through a term called Déjà vu; the illusion of having already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time, or an impression of having seen or experienced something before.     Clinical psychologist had, for a long time, studied this strange phenomenon and had reached many exciting speculation, but to no conclusion avail.

    According to the website; “All of us have experienced being in a new place and feeling certain that we have been there before. This mysterious feeling, commonly known as déjà vu, occurs when we feel that a new situation is familiar, even if there is evidence that the situation could not have occurred previously. For a long time, this eerie sensation has been attributed to everything from paranormal disturbances to neurological disorders. However, in recent years, as more scientists began studying this phenomenon, a number of theories about déjà vu have emerged, suggesting that it is not merely a glitch in our brain's memory system.”

    And, although clinical research continues to date,  medical science have yet to conclusively pin point the cause or trigger mechanism that leads to an (intentional) AP experience.  However, due to new finding exclusive to research, done under personal interest, means and endeavor,  I can conclusively relate a systematic step-by-step process by which any one can evoke a natural AP experience desired.   ...READ MORE.. in part 2 of APT (The Revelation).  


    Other reading material for supplementary research include, but not limited to the following;

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    League of Greatness (the age of Enlightenment)

    As I was reading a book of various lectures written by great thinkers of the time, some amazing thoughts started flashing through my mind.  Of all the thoughts, the one most common was surrounding an identifiable    pattern linking all of history greatest thinking minds to a dark mystery; which may have sealed each of their fate in life.   It is said that an unknown proverb written by an unknown writer under an unknown name once wrote: “greatness breadths eccentricity”.   The author, however unknown, sends a resonating message that echo in the mind of many great and well-known thinkers of our time.

    Vincent van Gogh; renowned for his unique depiction of human frailty through simple (yet deliberate and precise) brush strokes across an inexpensive medium.   Recognized worldwide for his beautiful art etched  in a seamless oil body floating upon canvas, yet little attention is given to the eccentric nature of the individual; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies, which may have directly resulted in his final fate… human sacrifice.  His famous quote: “But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things”.

    Adolf Hitler; a man with an inherent child-like curiosity toward nature in its simplest forum; who having attained greatness by man, sort then the recognition of the gods.   Recognized worldwide for human atrocities and war crimes, yet little attention is given to the eccentric nature of the individual; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies, which may have directly resulted in his final fate… human sacrifice.  His famous quote:”Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle. If you do not fight, life will never be won”.   

    Emmanuel Bin Yoseph; more than any child born from woman, this child would grow to symbolize the meaning of hope and compassion.  Recognized worldwide for his ability to change the minds of mankind with a simple message of love, yet little attention is given to the eccentric nature of the individual; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies, which may have directly resulted in his final fate… human sacrifice. His famous quote: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.  For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”    

    The pages of history, in literature, arts, aviation and science, are all stained with the blood of great men and women who were willing to sacrifice their life for whatever (they believed) is right, and decent, and fair within this world  we all now live.   Humans who saw manifestations of gods and demons dwelling within the body of ordinary individual, and recognizing the injustice and suffering which plague humanity; took responsibility upon themselves to radically change the destiny of mankind.  

     This thread that links the great visionary minds is commonly seen throughout our modern world; although not as commonly recognized. 

    Our social parameters keep us in-line with those who are common to us.  Those who are of an average equivalent character, are given little attention, and those who are above or below our average, who do not meet are prerequisite standard (although becoming involuntarily invested within the circle of acceptable social parameter), are instantly thrust upon a golden pedestal, to be worshiped by the average thinking mind of the common individual; a mere unrecognized member of the public social network.  

    The common thread, peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies which links great thinking minds , sets them apart (from the average thinking mind), and place them within a unique social group all to themselves…the league of demigod.   

    This elite society of distinguished human-being, renowned for their members uncanny ability to evoke confusion, division and dissent among the membership within the other social circles.   Their humbling posture, yet the incredible manner in which their presences is felt, they immediately awaken and enlist thoughts and actions.  Though words alone, a single idea manifest itself into a worldwide revolution which swallows armies in a ferocious ball of fire; feeding upon the souls of the masses as equally as it delight the most discriminating palette of a distinguished few.     

    As I sat reading on, I became all too tempted to recognize and, through a process of comparison, indentify the eccentric members within my social clique; peculiar habits, mannerisms and antisocial tendencies which may give any indication toward greatness.   I can only imagine as  to the number of incredible ideas being deliberately constructed within the mind of a man, or woman somewhere on our planet and in our time, destined to change the age of mankind forever; someone who will be greatly recognized for sacrificing their life toward the fulfillment of a dream. 

    Turning the pages of the book I am reminded of a simple truth that I ought always to obey: Above all that is honorable, let truth abide.  

    Adapting as a motto: Truth above Honor; and strict adherence to a philosophy of change puts me at the boarders of greatness, having (as do all great minds) seen the promise of a new Bahamaland, filled with   socially acceptable people.    I am further reminded to focus close attention upon the godly and just; as do the ungodly and corrupt, and continually strive toward perfection. 


    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Political Rivalry in The Bahamas - (Ending the Two Party System)

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to technical difficulty we are unable to broadcast footage from the new season of THE ROLLE REPORT, therefore as an extent of our obligation  to our valued subscribers we now bring,  for your enjoyment, previous footage from our past reports 2009.   

    Part 1- Political Rivalry in The Bahamas.

    Part 2- Political Rivalry in The Bahamas.



    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    And, Until that Day..

    ‎"...and, until that day, the dream of everlasting peace, world citizenship, the rule of international morality
    will remain just a fleeting illusion to be pursued but never attained." - Emperor Hali Salasi I

    The search for freedom and the protection of state by which an individual is afforded the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice proves an elusive dream; a byproduct of centuries of subhuman conditioning.  Conditioning which renders the thought processes and sensory tolerances of each citizen atone to the pulse of the state.    In accordance, the public is persuaded to accept state laws as inherently infallible, and thus render any contrary law to the same void and of no affect.    The popular perception that The Bahamas Independence Order 1973 was the infallible word of almighty God has proven in 2011 to be the work of mere mortal man.  This consequence, the inevitable result of careful and deliberate past acts, have certified all future interpretations of law relatively meaningless and void of any moral effect.

    Democratic states wherein each citizen is criminally negligible for exercising independent thinking and expression of thought are deeply rooted within the soil of fascism. Therein the law is crafted; not upon the inherent freedom of the individual, but upon the abdicated power of the people onto the hands of the state. Therein, the fate of the people rest not upon fair and impartial justice, rather upon the personal interest and ambitions of its leaders.  Leaders seeking to permanently engrave their name within the nations’ foundations and ultimately recognize a single truth; the foundation of a nation is its people, and an individual armed with an idea and motivated can remove foundations.  This truth represent opposition to building any life time legacy, therefore with a stroke of a pen, truth is hidden beneath the blanket of self-interest and civil order with a single personal intent; political longevity.

    Inconsistency of the laws has fuel the flame of fascism throughout history.   Today, fascist fuel flame the fires of corruption within the halls of justice.  Therein (limited to the expectation of the state) the fundamental human rights of the individual is rendered contrary to the supreme laws of the land.  The will of mortal man concealed behind the cloak of public interest and civil order grants freedom to pursue life, liberty and justice, and contemptuously frustrates any pursuit toward the same.    Such legal language form the foundation upon which laws are written, interpreted and applied within The State of Bahamas Islands.  As a result the general public, afore rendered confused and frustrated, become easily tolerant and acceptant of institutionalized corruption.  Protection under the law becomes a deadly game of Russian roulette wherein the citizen ought also to beware of the state.    

    As outlined within the preamble of the agreement; preservation of our freedom hinges’ upon “national commitment to Self-discipline, Industry, Loyalty, Unity and an abiding respect for Christian values”.  The text; “and an abiding respect for Christian values”, in itself, violates the individuals’ rights to the extent that it’s fundamentally inconsistent with the tenets of [true] freedom. This inconsistency of the law renders any reasonable opportunity of exercising constitutional right, to “freedom of conscience, of expression and of assembly and association”, inconsequential. 

    Politics being the game of perception wherein the truth is not always the general perspective view. To survive the game one need only commit appearance.  To  leave an indelible impression   within the mind of, and maintain continued favor with the people require a life time of devotion and self-sacrifice.  Short term in public office is political death.   To successfully survive the game, ones self-interest and ambitions must become aligned with the general prospective. The individual with an idea progresses to citizen, then advance to politician and statesman then, after trial, recognize the value of legacy, and for a successful political longevity, ones legacy must become the law.   

    Individuals unwilling to exercise constitutional rights within their own country; unwilling to apply for public office, armed force, jury duty, etc… and, for whatsoever reason, represent a scar upon the face of society.    Citizen X (denoting absence from mainstream) interprets direct and indirect contribution to state as a deprivation of his or her personal interpretation of freedom. Regardless of his or her particular motivation and/or frustration, there are compelling evidence indicating that Citizen X (also) represents the numbers standing in direct opposition, not only to the present social-religious-political order but also to fascist philosophies and practice.

    What is historically interpreted a civil up-rise; giving birth to a new independent state, on further inspection appears evident of a social revolution. This nationalist movement for social equality; the offspring of four centuries of colonial oppression, became the battle cry activating soldier support of the disenfranchised and frustrated from 1953 to 1967.   The popular perception publicly propagated (that of sovereignty) is presently perceived a victory for social privileges and equal rights however, the economic privileges of the state remains the right of The Colony/Crown; represented by the power of The State of Bahamas Islands, the organization of public citizens and career politicians, whose lineage represent the byproduct of socialization experiments.      

    The establishment of a new political order within The Colony; tested in the fire of fascism, will remain tainted by the stench of its flames. After enduring four hundred year in domestic servitude, the people (mentally and physically) are conditioned to accept, and adapt the philosophy, theology and practices of their colonial masters.  As an effect, the public generally support the reasonable expectations of the state without question or second thought.   Constitutional agreements become required between both individual and state, wherein the freedom of the individual is legislatively limited for and by the power of the state.   What therefore was the reasonable expectation of the individual, toward freedom, now became a granted privilege wherein the individual is presumed the property of state.  The individuals’ physical presence within the borders of the state [empire/plantation] constitutes full agreement and adherence to its laws and customs; to fall in line with public perception and expectation.  

    Engraved with the letters of fascism are the words “honor and obey that your days may be long upon the land”. That the people might dwell harmoniously in “the plantation”, the individual must comply with its laws; blindly expecting that the law guaranteed freedom and protection for all.  This act of trust by the unsuspecting public, whom erringly expect individual right to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice, becomes the subject of consultation between career politicians desiring to edge their name upon the foundation of the nation. Given power of state the mere mortals apply the old philosophies and practices of colonial masters; evident in the agreement between the individual and the state.  Therein, the shackle of restraint is crafted around the tenets of freedom, and the light of truth is hidden beneath a blanket of lies.  

    In earnest, the state stifles the privilege of power of the individual behind barriers of bureaucratic red tapes with the intention of frustrating public attempt to understand and freely exercise, without impunity, their fundamental human right.  The state therefore, through its legislative power, enact and amend the legal framework necessary to maintain that the masses remain docile, irresponsive and inapt to challenge state authority.  The result of such an exercise renders the public completely acceptant of state laws, regardless of its intrusive nature or its blatant opposition toward the fundamental rights of the individual, the philosophies of fascism continues unabated. That is until the restraint of state is generally perceived the frustration of its people, and through the power of ballot   “expulsis piratis restituta commercia”.  

    And, until that day… the struggle continues.