When one talk about the law, it commonly cause others to assume one has access to information others need to know, the kind of information that may cause one, as it where, to gain access to the archaic secrets of all ages, or at the least privy to information not commonly known. When I talk about the law, it is with one simple understanding. I approach law with foreknowledge that; the law is a ferocious living beast able to devour anything that violates its territory, and as law gives’ life law likewise takes’ life away therefore law must be feared all the days of one’s life.
The difference between both approaches ought to have been clearly understood upon becoming forewarned. To be specific; others approach law from a philosophical prospective view. I approach law as it were the written words of god. Before you become fairly interested in understanding a truly living interpretation of law, I would be wise to interject a possible reason why one ought never to read on further. That is to say, namely, even with your own life; law is one thing one cannot bargain with. Law therefore is god.
If this exchange of information were simply between two or three individuals, it may not have mattered as much, if at all, for the mere fact that individual acceptance of this information (as plausible) represents a small sector of society. A very small sector of our society that can, very easily, be crushed by the mighty establishment if needed, or supported by an arm of its beast like body when and if the need requires. If the same information is shared among the majority within a society; even the worst of philosophies would eventually establish root in the heart and mind of, at least two or three individuals and eventually in time (if not crushed) will touch the hearts and minds of others.
To understand law one ought to first acknowledge that laws exist, therefore are real, and not to be interpreted as a mere philosophy or perceived as a construct of one’s own imaginations. When one first begins’ to understand that law is not part of life but indeed life itself, at that moment one begin to accept and to embrace the law as if holding onto ones’ very existence. Desire to live equally become intently interwoven with ones embrace of law and the laws to the extent that thoughts therefore actions are in alignment. When the measure of our devotion to life is in balance with the laws there is peace and harmony within us, but when the balance become tilted, for whatever reason, chaos immediately ensues.
As thou upon the golden pathway that lead directly to the fruit of the tree of eternal life, law therefore is as the light which illuminates our feet. That we may run as fast as we can without fear of stumbling. Recognize from a distance pitfalls and snares; skillfully avoiding them. One need not to question or think but only to obey whatsoever law reveals and one shall be protected by such. Law in its simplistic form becomes an everlasting and irremovable object exceedingly sharp, whose blades edge divides the day from night, the pure and virtuous from the vile and despicable. Law then represents the order to begin life.
“Let there be light” remains the greatest and first of all laws, commanding all to live in the shadow of the perfect light; that all who sees and follows the light may likewise be made perfect. The great light could come not but by the word of the Law that was so ordered. The law therefore was first made perfect in darkness before it was known to the light. The word of life then represents the law, so too, the law then represents the breath of life. Those that accordingly follow upon the perfect line of every letter of every word of the law shall likewise be made perfect.
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