Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Women’s Guide to Understanding Men

There are many ways in which women and men differ, many of which directly result in the loss of communication, affection and the inevitable breakup. Men preferring companionship while women prefer relationships is the more common among the opposites.

A man is contented with simply displaying his love in that which he routinely does because it is in that act; he feels his importance and social acceptance, whereas a woman, on the other hand, seek self-importance and social acceptance through the sharing of her emotional ordeals (blow by blow) as experienced from day to day wherefore; a dedicated channel of communication must be opened and at her disposal at all time.

This continual and necessary emotional drama can be easily avoided with the use of the following simple but proven methods - certified by yours truly.

Females guide:

1. Pertaining to when a man (willingly) wants to share the company of a woman: it does not necessarily mean that he wants to become intimate with you, but rather; simply to pass the time while releasing built-up stress.

2. Pertaining finance: when a man takes his woman out on the town, he does not expect her to bring anything other than sincere gratitude, but if he (for any reason) feels pressured to spend beyond his “expectation”; he will inevitably seek to receive his monies worth with callous indifference towards you.

3. Pertaining intimacy vs. sex: to a man, sexual intercourse has no other alternative motive than another way (albeit the more popular way) of releasing build-up stress during the course of a day; he does not seek approval to go through the motions nor any emotional bonding to appreciate the act, however, afterwards a desire to relive the event is ever present; use this moment to establish a bond or find cause to relate on an emotional level.

4. Pertaining communication: like a lion, a man is not eager to enter into any deep conversation over a hardy meal, nor is he a willing participant because you are stimulated and find it interesting to mention, and, like a lion, a man will be hardly distracted when he has very little on his mind; keep the conversation light before proceeding into deep waters.

5. Pertaining commitment: as it is said; a woman seeks to change the man she love into the man she can live with, and while this is all good for obvious reasons; the fact still remains that a man will only and truly commit his life to anything that will accept him just as he is.

6. Pertaining the outward display of affection: for the obvious reasons, I shall liken a man to a domestic farm dog; he will play with you, give companionship during moments of despair, safeguard and protect you with his life but try as you may; he will be hard-pressed to say the words “I love you” and, like a dog, he will stay wherever he feels most loved and respected.

It is not in what a man say or do not say that ought to be most considered but rather in what he does on a daily bases; that which underlines his strong individual and likable character.