Monday, June 11, 2012

The Consequence of Injustice

What have our magistrates, politicians and peace officers to fear? With the alarming escalation of violent crime and criminal activities within our local communities, is it fair to conclude (suggestive by their unwilling attitude and ineffective response thus far) that they are somehow immune?  Could it be that God has place a hedge of divine protection around the judicial and political leadership and enforcers of law in our Bahama Islands? 

As silly as the above questions might appear, the facts concerning this issue, relative to vulnerability, leave many average Bahamians routinely contemplating the very same - constantly baring in mind that crime is not a respecter of persons.        

Seemingly, lawlessness is becoming, if not is, our culture.  Ritualistic and retaliated killings are now more popular than partaking in Holy Communion.  Where on Sunday nights and within spectacular holy edifices, time were habitually set aside in honor and reverence to the Lord our God; are now become as ghost towns, wherein even the spirit of praise and thanksgiving are sacrilegiously made a mockery.  When the fear of the Almighty God takes second place to the fear of thieves, murderers and child-molesters, what remains of civilization are the samplings of fearful creatures barely living a sub-human existence.         

Take special note: as the recently elected Christie administration, under a campaign theme of “put Bahamians first” undertakes to implement their “swift justice” agenda, the PLPs member of parliament for Tall Pines, in an ‘explicit’ 2012 budget address within the hallow chambers, unapologetically advocated vigilantism as an alternative to judiciously combating crime.  

The MP further ranted his endorsement toward wearing concealed weapons, specifically by the Honorable Minister and Junior Minister for National Security – to which, during a recent public address, the Hon. Minister for National Security characterized the uncontrollable crime dilemma as “War”.  Every rational thinking Bahamian ought to weigh the gravity of the minister’s comments upon crime, contrasted with the Hon. Member for Tall Pine’s budget address; a man venerated for “shooting from the hips”.

Are we, the law-abiding citizens of this peace-loving nation, to now take up arms and fight fire with fire - duly undertaking an honorable obligation: Not in coldblooded wrath or in hatred nor for righteous vengeance, but rather in the name and for the restoration of justice;  to do that which our judicial system is unwilling and/or unable to do.   

In these evil times, one is force to consider the pragmatism of owning a weapon for protection.  With an increasingly backlogged judicial system, coupled with an undermanned and overwhelmed law enforcement department; it may simply prove justified to one’s good sense and health to remain “strapped” at all times. 
However, although not a man of faith, I would like to think our universe were ordered along a rational path not so randomly persuaded as might oftentimes appear.  Notwithstanding surmountable evidence to the contrary, supreme purpose were establish to all things in existence for the benefit of universal balance. To this end, nature creates an equal counter effect to compliment everything (i.e., day and night, hard and soft, ice and fire, pleasure and pain, birth and death) and, if the pragmatic politician is indeed correct – the increasing escalation of violent criminal activities do justify the advent of vigilantism.

This social observer and political analyst is not a card-carrying member of the (NRA), National Rifle Association… at least not yet.   However, if crime continues unabated, I could easily see myself becoming an avid spokesperson venerated as the great Charlton Hesston.  Being an above-average individual of modest repute and temperament, harboring zero-tolerance for inefficiency and nefarious activity; it is not beyond reason that I would rather reside within an orderly gun-carrying society than to reside within a society - wherein but one innocent life snuffed because of evil doers.     

In closing, allow me to echo this very profound and prophetic statement:  “Guns do not kill people.  Stupid people kill people.”