Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Molding of Humanity

It had not escaped my conservative character concerning the perfect A-typical model ideally suited to move forward, crossing over into the new era of mankind. Since the dawn of Man, there have not been any evolutionary improvements but rather an unsettling devolution to the gene pool.

Some schools of thought blame the weakening of mankind upon a dilution or, as it was told to me, a pollution of the indigenes bloodline might have directly added to this ongoing dilemma which threatens the survival of humanity; on this particular prospective I have not found any concrete evidence enough to reached an objective conclusion.

Other schools of thought place direct blame upon evil and immoral influence, outside of the control of mankind, which has confused Mans’ mind in a deliberate attempt to render the procreative nature sterile, thereby perpetuating an inevitable end to mankind; on this issue my perspective is aligned.

So…who is this new and improved model of humanity that we have (unknowingly of centuries) been preparing the way for? A human being born without blemished, possessing a symmetrical physique and skin tone, highly intelligent with the strength and stamina of a world class athlete, and, immune to all common illnesses.

What I have personally observed, while I and but a chosen few can clearly see and appreciate the manifestation of this prophecy; many seek meaning in biblical scripture referring to a coming of one that meets the above qualities. This belief that mankind is inherently imperfect (born sinner) that is in dire need of salvation is not one that I subscribe to however; it clearly signifies a subconscious acceptance of inferiority and a conscious inference toward anything perceived as blemished i.e. too short, too black, too poor, too fat etc.etc.

From my perspective, even if I am the only one that knows this for a fact; every human being (living or dead) is uniquely perfect in every way, that is to say; nobody else that (ever or will ever) exist can be just like you…that position is officially and permanently reserved for you.

An Argument for the Pro-Life Movement...

I retreated to my work desk to see what new marvel of creation I will invent, one night after dinner, but when I started to draft a blueprint for my new project; the annoying and unceasing buzzing of a common house fly would break my concentration...something drastic had to be done immediately; it was either going to be my latest invention or an annoying fly.

After fashioning the sport section of a newspaper into a suitable swatter; I waited patiently for that fly to, once again, approach my work desk and then SWAT!!! ...home team-1, fly-0. Feeling somewhat proud of my small accomplishment, I then unfolded the newspaper and something life-changing caught my eyes. Thereon the front page was a picture of the world at the top-lift section with a bold top heading that read: "Gods' will for the world".
I then looked down upon the mingled body of the dead fly and was immediately reminded by a portion of biblical scripture that read (paraphrasing): despite what mankind want, it is Gods' will that shall prevail. Today I look back and reflect with great pride in knowing that it was my will that eventually prevailed in my battle with the fly those nights ago, and, although it was Gods will that the fly live; it was my will that it die.

After close inspection of my work desk I noted the reason why I was constantly harassed by that relentless house fly; I had failed to properly clean-up after eating dinner that night and left a grain of rice stuck to my shirt collar, and had it been removed I would not have found reason to kill that fly and life would have went on (relatively) for both of us. Thereupon I, more so, understand the awesome power with which mankind is given in this world; the power to give life, as in my new invention, and the power to take life away at a sudden whim.

An even greater power which God, in its' infinite wisdom, had given to mankind for the preservation of creation....the power of self-control.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sexual Predators and their Victims

Feel free to jump in and correct me at any time, show me where I went wrong, where I may have misunderstood certain social cues, and, if at all possible; suggest a better way. On my drive through the streets of Nassau, I have made it a point to take note of unusual sights; the ways in which our young female in society feel it a necessity to dress down in rather revealing outfits, clearly a desperate attempt to solicit the attention of some under-sexual male or female. I sometimes smile to myself thinking what fools we are, or how much of a fool many would have others to believe of them.

Skin tight low cut jeans with G-String showing from the back is the more popular form of sexual incitement chosen by overly active sexual female which, from a logical view; has nothing to with sex at all and more to do with promiscuous self promotion. The need to parade about the streets displaying your cheap dirty underwear has became such a popular pronominalize pastime that the trend has not miss the attention and imagination of those willing to exploit this growing practice.

Predators looking for quick fixes can have their pick for any kind of obsessive sexual desire met at the turn of every corner in our city with little to no resistance, the approach is simple; just look for the signs of scantily clothed individual walking about on the streets, in our workplacess or wheresoever slackness exist. Although no means no, the languish of our bodies speak volumes more than what we actually say, and, for those in the loop, when it come to sexual intercourse with a female; the opposite expression is commonly the correct response.

Seemingly unaware of their powers to suddenly sexually arouse their opposites, it raises a curious question in my mind; who is the predator and whom are the unsuspecting victims. I would only assume, as we are human animals, our impulsive sexual urges manifest themselves through our actions and, more so, in the way we dress or lack thereof; sending subconscious signals to let the world know that we are in heat, that it is time for some sexual healing.

Call it whatever you may but be ever mindful that whatsoever is needful is also lawful, and, as sexual expression is totally natural to humans if done in the proper ascribed manner; there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or to shy away from.

Monday, January 4, 2010


News from the Middle East: On the evening of Thursday, at around the 11th hour and acting upon inside information from paid CID informant, one Mr. J. Iscariot; Chief Inspector, Rolle, along with a team of undercover agents, went on a routine call to pick up a rebellious rabbi named Jesus aka “Da Christ”.

When the Chief Inspector along with a number of undercover agents came upon the secret garden hideout of the suspected rebel and alleged cult leaders Jesus aka “Da Christ”; several attempt were made to ascertain the identity of said suspect, one proved successful. An attempt by paid CID informant, Mr. J. Iscariot, paid well when he was able to easily identify the suspected rebel and alleged cult leader, Jesus aka “Da Christ”, with a simple kiss.

When Chief Inspector Rolle proceeded to take the suspect into custody and place handcuffs upon the allege cult leaders’ hands; a known accomplice, one Simon aka “Da Roc” pulled out a chrome stainless steel Shorty-boy, from which he proceeded to, in a violent manner, remove, from the Chief Inspector, the right ear. Eyewitnesses at the scene of the getsemany encounter reported that the suspected rebel and allege cult leader, Jesus aka “Da Christ”; retrieved the blood stained severed ear of the traumatized Chief Inspector and “placed it back onto his head like new”.

Later when question about his allege involvement with the suspected rebel and alleged cult leader; Simon aka “Da Roc” was reported to say; “it was not me, I don’t even know the man”. As the trial of the suspected rebel and alleged cult leader goes on, one thing is for certain and that is; Jesus aka “Da Christ” will always have a cozy warm place to lay his head, although, as Chief Inspector Rolle had earlier confess; “it would have to be behind the bars of prison”.

---------------- A Clique Media News Break ---------------