Monday, August 17, 2009

The Greatest Gift.

“Any rationally functioning mind could be rendered to accept an attitude of intolerance that does not follow along the pathological lines of the logical thinking human”. That statement represented, word for word, the surmise of an answer to a question in an ongoing debate respectively relating to the truly criminal minded, in specific; how do you effectively control crime in the 21st century?

It is, to me, an oddity to expect one thing to happen yet another thing happens instead; to anxiously anticipate raindrops to immediately start falling from the skies, and suddenly hailstones rapidly begins falling. In a sense, it is the true metaphor of life and everyday living here on the planet Earth that engages us all with mental obstacles of obstructions that, more than often, manifest themselves to personify whoever our perceived adversaries may be.

One moment, our minds are actively stimulated by the contents of our immediate surroundings, and then suddenly; our minds are selectively toning out all frequencies that do not meet a predetermined [high/low] stimulus value. The symptomatic victims of such disorder can quickly and easily develop deep and unrelenting desires to experience an insatiable amount of physical pleasure to stimulate, or to put at ease; the sudden anxiety and discomfort experienced by their mind.

The other symptomatic extreme manifests itself through our subconscious urge to inflect a dangerous amount of physical and emotional distress upon ourselves and others; this can be publicly observed from a human prospective of the lone wolf verses the pack leader. The resemblance to anything remotely equivalent to an emotionally charged individual displaying violent tendencies towards the status quo ought to be noted as a mere coincidence and surly, no more than, unfounded accusations.

Ask yourselves; do you find it unacceptable to do anything you dislike? The flipside and hard reality to that question is the fact that, on average, 9 out of 10 persons were doing something they disliked. When faced with the choice of individual freedom against the threat of social discomforts, the masses would often choose the lesser of two evils or compromise; forego certain individual freedoms for some social comforts.

What is one truth and will invariably remain a constant in the nature of human is this fact; the greatest ability humanity possesses, from creation to this day, is our adaptability to changes, and it’s because we adapt to change so well; what it meant to be human now takes on a different prospective. The forbidden X-Gene or alien link that eluded scientific and religious minds cannot be ruled out as a possible reason explaining humanities sudden interest in all things self-destructive.

Our worthiest guess as to why the living finds so much fascination and intrigue in the world of the dead leaves one to consider the burden of life coupled with the daily cost of living per individual. With an estimated population of 6 plus-billion people living on the planet Earth to date; the collective cost of living increases with every new born child, a grave need to maintain an adequate number of individual upon Earth becomes that more a necessity.

Some had suggested, in times past, a theoretical premise that “all life were weighed upon the same scale and measured by the same rule” surly this same standard is used today but for the completely opposite reason. The policy of today is not geared towards the wealth of your soul, but rather, the worth of your bank account. This premise echoes the sentiments of those that justify their carnal lust for pleasure and strong desire for material worth, those whom are taught to accept an individual’s worth as equal to that which he/she had achieved in life.

The theoretical premise goes on to suggest “significant increases to revenue is produced as a byproduct to the reduction upon the overall expenditure”; the wording in the structure of this premise gave license for many to think of and devise methods by-which to stimulate the economy and increase their worth, and, at the same time; becoming the agent that induce fear, incite riots, begin wars and cause death. What is, in a sense, perceived as the modal of civil society, is simply a system upon the lasting principles of lies, stealing and murder.

The social-economic system adapted by the international markets seemingly is tuned into what is negative and self-destructive that it made provisions for total collapse of its own structure. A system that that is rooted in the practices of hand come, hand go; that it with one hand offers benefits and with the other take it away. Behind the thin vales of modern society rest the shocking truth regarding the seemingly simplistic systematic structure that fuels the economy, I’ve made a listed as follows;

1. 1. To provide for doctors you need sickness.

2. 2. To justify protection you need fear and violence.

3. 3. To accommodate magistrates and lawyers you need criminal.

4. 4. To elect a bad leader you need ignorant electorates.

To sum up and put a cap on my social observation, I draw your attention upon a phrase that gives credence to the life as being the greatest gift of all, however as in life; all things are relative.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Constitutional Reform from Colonial Imperialism


A constitution can be described as “particular kinds of laws or ordinances” or “the body of rules prescribing the major elements of the structure and organization of any group of people” or “the fundamental political and legal structure of government of a distinct political community”.          Personally I subscribe to a view that a constitution is an agreement containing certain laws, rights/privileges and penalties between an individual and/or groups of individuals and the ruling class; a written or unwritten document of specific rules and regulations outlining the parameters of conduct for an individual or group within a jurisdictional body of competent individuals empowering it to work. 

One of the major deficits to a constitution is the failure of the state or ruling class to, judiciously and irrespectively honor and enforce the letters of the agreement.

From a humanitarian prospective, I view the failure of any society as a result of inequality; representative of the direct prejudicial influence, by either the social elites, military or labor forces, upon the administration of the laws and economic growth of an entire Nation.

I am constantly reminded that it is easier for an individual to help another, out of a pit, than for the same to help themselves, when fallen, back onto their own feet. This reliance upon the group for moral assurance is clearly an inherent link to our tribal ancestry.                      Reminded of the deep roots, our rich lineage and bloodlines, one invariably quarry challenges the rational for universally adapting the social and economic culture of your oppressors.  

The oppressor’s educational curriculum teaches the oppressed, from birth, the historical significance of the ruling class; a herd-like obedience towards the laws of the land and belief in a social order built upon the Word of God as interpreted accordingly by all the kings’ men.

A system employed to render the conquered and submissive Nations functional as an arm of a corporate entity ideally known as Colonialism.   This system of governance requires the conquered people to become reeducated to adapt the purposes of their conquerors.           

For the conquered people, to better enabled themselves to function under Colonialism; the individual must have proven proficiency in the local languish and displays propensity towards loyalty.

When the first generation of colonized people had became adequately assimilated; the next order of business then becomes breeding a fully assimilated generation to maintain that the economic wheels remains turning. Having been assimilated to levels of limited self-recognition; the colonized nation easily abandons their native tongue and traditional culture, adapting to the language and culture of their captors and the sound of their captive names.

With every new generation produced the assimilation takes affect; the captive becomes a living functional part of a system that views, from the conquerors prospective; the privilege and limitations of the captive people as equal to chattels or live stocks. Each generation that follows, if the system runs successfully, will  readily adapt and sympathize with their captors religious, social and economic philosophies to the prospective of ascribing certain doctrines to be Gods infallible truth.       Regardless of organized efforts to discredit and abandon colonial imperialism; the need for all individuals to personally understand where you’re from to truly appreciate where you are and ought to go.     

When an emancipation laws is enacted, legislating enforcement of an already existing law concerning the freedom of all individual; in the mind of the captive people this is perceived as a win for human rights.   What is rarely considered, at the time, in the mind of the captives is this great universal truth; All men are created in the image and after the likeness of God regardless of race, creed or color.       

How could one race, creed or color logically claim genetic superiority over the others and systemically undo the will or, through legislation, advocate the work of God to be inferior? The greater wrong rest in the ironic sentiments of a captive people to, sincerely but ignorantly, thank their captors for legislating it legally acceptable for one race to exercise equal rights and/or privileges over another when all races are inherently obligated by God to freely exercise the same.

The questions that arise, surrounding suspicion and defamation, proved to be all true; the conqueror and the oppressor are one and the same, and, the system is still running strong. 

Knowledge is not as an ocean nor can it be characterized as a mighty rushing river, rather factually relevant is its metaphoric representation as a single bead of water trickling out from the center of a solid wall of rock.  It shatters ones grip upon reality; casting immediate scrutiny upon self-image and personal identity.    The realization that the constitutional promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were all relative according to the legislative dictates of the ruling class; becomes a vision of infinite clarity before your presence.

A prospective view upon an individual that knows and applies the rights and/or privileges of any constitution to their personal advantage can simply be summed as a wise member of any community.                The realistic actuality of the largest segment of any society knowing all their constitutional rights and/or privileges, let alone understand their fundamental human rights to life becomes more and more predictable within a colonial Nation.

The word Colonial, not surprisingly, originated from the root word “Colon”: Co-lon or Clone, as in; to clone someone or something.              Many great empires of the Earth, and throughout history, use the philosophies of Colonialism as a form of control, socially and otherwise, of the masses.       The affects of Colonialism upon the captives mind is engineered to render long-lasting scars upon the emotional psyche; an exercise culminating with devastating consequences to cultural values and self-image issues relative to  fundamental human rights as interpreted by the laws of the State.  

It is justifiable to say; “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”, and as the term “truth” is of relative interpretation; it has become the captive’s obligation to obtain knowledge, administrate justice and remember the past.