The modern man lives in an increasingly complex society wherein he must constantly move along with progress or face losing everything he thus far accumulated; falling back into the masses of ignorance, uncertainty and destitution. Modern man, having successfully advanced through recognized institutes for higher learning [overcome ignorance], inherently expects to, likewise, advance above the masses, to undergo credential acknowledgement and social acceptance [overcome uncertainty].
Having achieved academic and social recognition, modern man now becomes obligated to chime the social ladder; to sit at the table of prosperity [overcome destitution]. He realizes his own personal worth, and, if he is not contented with the measurement of his social value, he then applies methods to identify with those of a (relatively) higher social value. Certainly the fears promoted remains that the alternative would result in social outcast.
It is this continual process that keeps the wheels of our modern capitalist system perpetually turning... fear! Fear of not fitting in or belonging to something larger then ourselves, and, despite the increase complexities; modern man innovates ways of which to adapt to life, lest he perish. But… what if the system (in order to function “properly”) require more than 2/3 of the population to perish than the remaining 1/ 3 might live in comfort.
As the capitalist system goes, out of a population of 100 people; on average, 15 % represents the outcast [unemployed], 60 % represents the labor force [blue collar laborers], 20% represents the managers and mid-managers [white collar laborers], and at the top of the food chain, a small 5% representing societies elites [ owners].
While the bottom 15% of society could care less about any system, they still depend upon the system to provide (albeit in small measures) food, shelter and protection.
The upper 60%, like the bottom 15%, share the same lack of ownership but with a difference; they’ve obtained means of employment, and are able to provide more food and a relatively better shelter and lifestyle for themselves and families. This combined 75% [15% + 60%] represent, in a capitalist society, the lower class or poverty line; academic level equal to a high school diploma or technical trade institute certificate.
The middle 20% of society are those who have achieved excellence and likewise, recognized and rewarded; those that have advanced to the top of their professional career. These are the ones that keep the capitalist system together and operating smoothly on account of their social positioning; a conduit between the (5%) visionaries and the actual (60%) work force. Although this middle class enjoy an added level of certainly and protection within society, like the lower class, they (for the most part) are also none owners and are more heavily invested. Whereas, more than 75% of the entire middle class income goes directly to service loans, in this respect; the lower class (albeit earns far less) has the advantage of retaining more of their entire income.
At the top of this massive food chain within a capitalist system is 5% of the total population. This relatively small 5% of society represent 95% of the entire wealth within a capitalist society; visionaries not afraid to take large risk, to inspire the growth and development of the nation, and dictate the direction of the capitalist machinery.
Capitalism is a rational form of national development which seeks to reward innovation and productivity with wealth and social promotion which is pro choice, however, at the risk of relegating 75% of the entire population to an inferior subservient class, to maintain the lifestyle of the remaining 25%, is a very large risk to take; certainly not for everyone to enjoy life and live together on our small planet.