Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Sins of the Forefather...

Recovering from receiving repeated kicks to the forehead, stamped about the abdomen and spat upon, the unmistaken sound of a well handcrafted rawhide bullwhip breaks the chilling night air.   Remembering more the whip than its heartless wielder; mindlessly gorged in blood thirst ecstasy from every agonizing cry.  

For one civilized moment your body feels completely paralyzed and lifeless, as though spirit had left behind a cold empty soulless shell.     A level of peace grips the heart as a longing for release, from shackles, from pain… from the burden of living.   Next moment rudely awakened by icy water thrown into a swollen lacerated face.

With the slightest flick of the wrist, the razor-sharp edges of the whip rips across broad baked backs; ripping away thick chunks of bloody flesh.  The sheer pain and agony is unbearable.  Holding your focus away from simply giving up and dying as the very instrument inflicting your pain.

Through callous intent man had indeed invented a device of torture able of inflicting deep wounds upon the body and (greater) upon the mind.   With deliberation he hurls his torturous devices upon the defenseless, to subdue their will to his own pleasure.  Through the establishment of fear, the device of torture becomes a symbol of strength and the implemented power of authority.  

In the time of our fathers’ forefathers there exist evil unheard, unspoken and unimagined by the masses.    Evil beliefs, attitudes and customs established that rear ugly heads within religion, politics, and law enforcement.   Such evil practice eventually evolves into socially accepted norms practiced commonly among the majority of the day.  

Of social culture like ours, the political and economic balance dramatically shifts to favor the powerful.    Generations of vipers who had (in times past) raped, pillaged and murdered the poor and defenseless for personal benefit now enjoy the full trappings of social elitism.  Unguarded, the shackles which fell from the forefather limbs falls upon the forehead of the great-grandchild.

Although past performances don’t indicate future result, it certainly gives one something to consider… certainly before giving away ones birthright.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Defending Primitive Man

An interesting observation upon the misunderstood nature of man, presented haphazardly for the benefit of self-indulgence.

To support my latest theory that Man, "made in the image and after the likeness of God", imagines himself, like God; endowed with power to create [his own] reality.   Drawing attention specifically upon the evil that men do I shall deliver a most compelling factor which ought to be seriously considered while in the process of condemning a man for any of his deliberate acts.  The rationale behind this unusual approach to better understand the actions of males I leave to the discretion of the reader.

Females have long wondered; what could possibly provoke a man to deliberately break an innocence promise with a lie, the chastity of loyalty with lust and the sanctity of marriage with infidelity?  The real hurtful thing to the situation is not complicated as female may feel, but rather as simple as having a desire to do a thing then act upon it.   When female do the same (the feminine way) it is call pro-action, but when males reciprocate it is call sexual harassment.   Not that this is "good" or "bad" in anyway other than to imply the resemblance to the power of God, to desire and straight away to create that which is desired.

The power to create shall forever remain the legacy of man. Such creations have spanned the test of time for its sheer strength and durability, testament to the awesome ability of man blind commitment to excellence and progress.   The benefit derived from the great accomplishments of the male is equally enjoyed, if not more, by females alike.   Whether it was created to assist the common house wife with her chores around the home, i.e., stove, washer, dryer, TV and phone.   Indeed the benefits of man simple creations of desire are wide reaching with many implications. 

From the beginning men would survey the land and claim the most desired as their own.  As with all of his property, Man is instinctively made to protect and to defend his own.  To this end, men would reinforce his dwelling place from the approach of others; even his own emotions he ferociously protect. Man, early in the morning, would leave the comforts of home and wife to subdue and dominate the wild ferocious beast, surround and gather the flock of all kind, "plowing the fields and scatter his seeds". Return at the end of the day to his dwellings bearing all manner of substance equal to his own various abilities; be they whatever.

Whatever Man desired he dominated, subdued and kept.  Whatever he kept he nourished, protected and ferociously defended. He assigned certain choirs to every beast in his stables including his females, created various tools and instruments geared toward better efficiency and more productivity.   To the beast of his fields Man binds them to harnesses and hitched them to all manner of his creations.  With his female captives the man strapped large bags around their shoulders and soft leather around her feet  that the female might quicker and more easily gather provision for his dwelling home.  These gift the female greatly cherished. The  straps of leather that protected her feet during her walk about and the large leather strapped bag she used to easily carry her heavy load.      Even to  this day the female is often seen walking about wearing some sort of leather strapped to her feet, and around her shoulders can be seen some variation of the strap bag.

In times of want [Hunter] man would search the land far and wide for substance. Many hunts would often last weeks to month’s on-end.  To survive the harsh elements and loneliness men learned to build hunting lodges around fresh water holds; there he combated with fellow hunters, drank, feasted and enjoyed "local entertainment".   It was not uncommon and perhaps considered uncivilized and unwise if [captive] man did not partake in each local customs; as he was far from his land and desirous of an alliance.   The mere fact that he posses much property is owed only to his raw ambition and own natural attributes.      

This presentation sadly ends with this strange observation of metaphoric fact, that is to say; If Man instantly sprouted wings; that which most compels him to take flight would prove to be his instinct and not his will to fly. It is not man's instinct to conform to rules of conduct outside of his own.  His instinctive desire dominates his will to restrain, comply and conform to the rules of local society, therefore he inevitably rebels.  [Captive] man, hidden deep within his sub-consciousness, desire freedom of open air; to subdue and dominate the wild ferocious beast, surround and gather the flock of all kind, "plowing his fields and scatter his seeds". 

My haphazard theory, as presented, seeks to qualify the fact that man at best is merely a vessel driven by primitive instincts and carnal desires, created to dominate and to subdue all things. Able also to create temples, universities, spaceships and the emergency room equally as he creates guns, bombs, war, taxes, compound interest and a little white lie.       

In simplistic terms, men are mere  products of their own environment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In Defense of God

A search for universal purpose.

It can be said that Man, in absence of information, inevitably seeks to understand his environment through crude practices of trial and error.   By destroying haft of the experiment he gains vital information on how more to effectively destroy the other haft.  Whether or not he achieves any relevant result, at the end of the day, his experiments are as breakthrough moments for the advancement of humanities intellectual property.   And, although his deposit to humanities information bank are generally viewed and accepted on the scales of evolutionary, the relative changes reflective in the life of the individual show a dramatically different result.   

Somewhere in the quest to understand the depth of his own ignorance, Man haphazardly stumbled upon the perfect formula for disaster; freewill.    Through an unnatural curiosity toward self-gratification Man seeks methods upon which he may find a source of infinite pleasure, satisfaction and happiness.  Through the channels of deviant sexual behaviors, drug abuse and violence mankind have discovered ritualistic practices by which the individual may, at any time, obstruct the dedicated link to his or her proper source of physical, mental and spiritual stimulation.         

Negligent to a necessity for a dedicated connection with the original source of his life, Man in utter ignorance severs links with his creator and instead invests’ himself with such authorities which erringly mandates him to decide his fate.  Seeking to reinforce, in perception, a false state of independence, Man adorns himself with the vestiges of power and inevitably begets the mentality of individual importance.      He whom served with excellence of devotion before Gods now equally serves himself.  

Had if not for my momentary laps’ into a state of mild depression I would have went on blissfully unaware of the havoc created by many of my groundbreaking decisions.  Had I not (through introspective analysis) taken time to identify and assess the rationale for my willful behavior, I would have been unable to correctly recognize my own tendencies to dismiss the existence of Deity.  My former subconscious beliefs which rest upon mankind as the dominant of all creatures, great and small, would not allow me to consider, let alone accept, the existence of anything “superior” to my own self.     

All became remarkably clear to me after I understood that the laws of God, given as natural laws, are in fact supportive of my freewill and do not obstruct nor hinder us, in any way, of doing whatever we so desire.   God’s laws are not restrictive to humanities progress but rather complimentary in as much as it informs us of the inherent dangers thereof in disobedience; of going against the pacific nature or purpose of a person, place or thing.

The laws of nature are there to instruct mankind, in understanding the proper way to successfully achieve anything in life.  Disobedience to natural laws leads to complications and ultimately death, that is to say; all mankind can harmoniously dwell together, in peace and freedom, without the need for further social experiments at the expense of millions of innocent lives.

…just a thought I thought you may want to think about.