Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ultimate Guide to Unlimited Wealth (chapter 3, Selling)

3. Selling

I. Always sell at the highest price possible.
      When selling anything, our mean goals must first be upon customer satisfaction, and secondly; making an adequate but favorable profit on the item sold.   To do otherwise simply is a waste of time, effort and money.     
In business, the only strategy is to make more money, and this is easily done by the margin of profit added on goods or service sold.         By adding a percentage increase to the total cost of merchandise in our inventory will assure ourselves of a good return on our investment capital; enabling us to a financial reward for our venture risk, time and efforts.

II. Timing is everything in business.  
      Knowing what to sell is as important as knowing when to sell.  Some particular merchandise call for knowing the right season in order to maximize our margin of profit, in summer; sell goods and services that complement long hot sunny weather, and in winter; sell goods and services that are in keeping with the cooler weather such as items that will keep us warm.                                 
Let us not forget that some goods can only be produced seasonally, but if we warehouse these items for future sales (as they will be in short supply and in high demand) we can corner the market and make a fortune.

III.    Know your product and who your customers are.
     Good product knowledge can go a long way in helping us to make consistent sales; especially at times when we know what customers are willing to buy; even at times when customers themselves don’t know or are uncertain of what they want to purchase.   Wide knowledge of all our products, goods and services can help us to successfully close many difficult sales, especially when customers’ become indecisive and need that extra push in the right direction.
 Knowing our customer can help us to stock supplies that are sure to be bought. Customer knowledge eliminates guess-buying merchandise that waste precious resource, gathers dust and take up valuable shelf space.  The better we know our customers; the better we become able to effectively anticipate and efficiently supply their particular needs.   The better we know our products and services; the better we become at buying quality merchandise and giving quality service at the best price possible.   

This principle of product and customer knowledge is the heart of growing a healthy and profitable business.

IV.   Never appear desperate to sell anything.
    When anyone believes or knows that we are in a desperate to sell anything, they automatically start to think suspiciously about us and our merchandise:
                                                        A. Does it work?
                                                       B. Was it stolen?
                                                       C.  Is it safe?  
In any one of the above case, we can be assured that almost everyone will be looking for a bargain at our expense. Therefore, even if we are in a situation like the above mentioned, it is advisable for us to play it cool, business as usual, and not allow our true motives to be visible to anyone.

Be very attentive to customers that are instead looking for a quick deal and eventually we will find an ideal buyer for our merchandise.    Remember, whenever we find ourselves falling short of our projected sales quota; there is a sucker born every day, but make sure that sucker is not you.   

V. Business is about demand and supply; whatever is in demand, supply it.
     We enter business to make money for whatever reason that we may have, and in business; we will only make money when others what to buy the products and services that we are selling.  To ensure that our inventory is sold for top dollar, we must stock our shelves with merchandise that are in high demand at any particular season.
Whenever we are selling any products or services that are in high demand, we are sure to make a good living.   Furthermore, if that product or service is in high demand, and in short supply; we can make ourselves, partners and/or shareholders extremely wealthy. 

VI. When demand is in short supply; sell high.
     This principle applies to merchandise that are either rare, difficult to produce, or where demand is very high but the supply of this particular item is lacking in the market.          When we have a situation similar to the above mentioned, we can easily increase our profits by simply increasing the percentage margin of the original sales price.  This strategy is frequently employed to cover any reasonable short falls we may have had or forecast having.                                                                                                                                      
Whenever the world markets run low on any commodity, we can be sure the value of that commodity will dramatically increase.   Likewise, whenever we have a product or a service that only a few (or we alone) can supply; we, in accordance with our competitors, are strongly advised to increase the sales price to meet the demands of the present market.
Ideally, whenever there are no competitions for our products or services, we then have the power to operate in the market as a monopoly.

VII. When merchandise won't go; sell low.
    This can be easily done by slightly discounting products that have short shelf life, and  merchandise that are not moving as quickly as was expect.    Items that are damaged and merchandise that are simply not selling can be discounted, if only to recover needed shelf space for merchandises that are selling quickly, or new inventory.   The rule of thumb when discounting (if at all possible); never fall below the original cost of your overall purchase price.          
We must understand; whenever we apply any percentage of discounts to our product or service, we are cutting profits and defeating the purpose of business.   Therefore, it is strongly advised to carefully consider what we are going to do before we decide to discount any item.  
 If merchandises are not damage, or outdated, and it's selling; there is no need to consider discounting.

VIII. Everyone with money is a potential customer.
     A lot of sales professionals are sold to the idea of establishing long lasting relationship with the customer, when in fact the simple truth is it's really the customer’s money that has more meaning to a sale than the actual person.  
 Let us not fool ourselves; the fact is and always will remain that a person with money is a better customer than a person without money.   The more money a customer has; the bigger the sale that customer could and will make.    Why is this fact?  It's obvious; people with money or access to money are in a greater position to buy our products and services 100% more times than people without money or access to money.
 Remember; if we're going to play the odds on picking potential customers, we stand a better chance of betting on people with money and easy access thereto; our bottom line depends upon it.

IX. Enthusiasm sells merchandise.
    If we are not very excited about the products and services we sell, how can we expect our customers to be excited about buying anything from us?  
In today's market, virtually everyone in business is selling the same merchandise or offering the exact services to the same few customers that are able to buy.     We then need to convince customers that buying our products and service has far greater value for them (the customer), and buying from the competitions is simply wasting their money.   
Our level of confidence and excitement for the products and services we offer will pass over onto the customers; making their buying experience exciting for them; and excited customers, on average, spends more money than customers that are bored, disinterested and dissatisfied.           
Excitement can be very addictive and contagious; therefore, it stands to reason that customers receiving pitches from excited sales staffs (on any product or service they are selling) eventually themselves become excited about buying whatever product or service being promoted.          
Remember, along with good product and customer knowledge; looking and feeling excited will help us to greatly increase our sales and profit margin...every time!!! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ultimate Guide to Unlimited Wealth (chapter 2)

2. Buying

I. Everything has a price.
If we have the right amount of money we can acquire anything under the sun. Everything can be bought and sold at a price even though that price may be, at times, beyond the amount we are willing to pay or, in most case, can afford.                
However, in some rare situations, money may not be a factor at all.  We might need to employ other means to adequately accomplish our goals.

II. Always purchase everything at the lowest price possible.
Products are sold at a marked up price to cover the cost of overheads, and to secure a profit at the end of sale; this is simply good business.  However, in many instances, the prices of a product or service will be marked up unreasonably high.

To ensure that this is not a factor, shop around at various wholesalers and retailers and compare      prices on the same items of interest to you. If the prices differ by a large margin, always buy the least expensive.      If the price of a particular item is the same, yet the price is still more than you are willing to pay, or can afford at that time; you should request a cash discount and/or bargain for a better price.   

Always remember, when shopping for anything, it's not about how much we spent but rather how much we’ve saved.

III. Never argue prices; there's always a better bargain somewhere else.

To avoid these types of situations; you must know beforehand what we are going to purchase,  and how much money you are willing to spend on that particular item before you enter the store.   Making a simple shopping list that carries a flat budget, and sticking with the items listed is most commonly the better way of shopping.

However, if store #1 is unwilling to give you a reasonable price on a particular item you wise to purchase, you should gracefully leave without buying anything and try again at store #2 or #3 until you get your deal.  Whenever any store doesn’t have a particular item you would like to purchase, simply take your business to another store that does.      

You can never afford to compromise when spending your money, nor allow others to dictate what you should or should not purchase.        You need to understand that it’s your money, and you can spend your money on anything and anywhere on the face of this earth; nobody can’t stop you.

IV. Never buy anything that you have not personally examined.
Millions of unsuspecting buyers are robbed daily because they relied upon the sales pitch of the seller instead of carefully examining the merchandise for themselves before purchasing.

If you are, for any reason, unable and/or unqualified to competently examine a particular product that you would like to purchase; you ought to seek the help or service of someone personally known that is ably qualified to assist you. Both you and the expert together can effectively reach a prudent decision on whether to buy or not.

V. Never appear too eager to buy anything.
When anyone knows that they are in possession of anything that others may want or need, it puts them in an enviable position to demand whatever price they require to their benefit and our loss.  
Purely based upon your enthusiasm, or lack thereof, towards anything you may want or need to purchase will determine the sellers price to either rise or fall.   Therefore, when you are in the market to buy anything it is extremely imperative that you conceal our true emotions and intentions.        
Always let the seller assume that you are not that interested in buying anything.

VI. Know at all time exactly how much money you have in your pocket.
This is to say that we must always keep an accurate account of all money’s in our possession. Sometimes we may get careless and loss our money, or forget to take a sufficient amount with us when going out for whatever reason.     On many occasions, your money may have been stolen from your possessions without your knowledge of it being missing.   
To avoid these kinds of situations, we should, within the confines of a privet area, and without the foreknowledge of others, make routine checks on our moneys.       We should carefully count our moneys before and after buying anything. Check all sales receipts immediately after purchases, comparing each item and its corresponding price with the overall total cost, and verify that we have indeed received the correct items and amount of change.

All of this must be done while we are still in the presences of that particular person with which our cash transaction was completed.

VII. Never let anyone know exactly how much money you have.

     This above all other reasons is why many persons are mugged and robbed each day.  Whenever someone else knows exactly how much money we are carrying in our possessions, we automatically become a moving target for them to, at any time, free us of that burden.    

Their scheme to free us of our money may range from a sudden friendly loan to arm robbery.  Whatever and however the means employed, it is always best that we never allow anyone to know the full extent of our personal financial worth, or that we have money in our possession at any time.  

  Whenever possible, and by any means at our disposal, we must attempt with extreme prejudice to discourage and eliminate any chance of solicitation from freeloaders wanting an easy handout.

VIII. The best time to buy is when someone is desperate to sell.
   This is a controversial strategy that ought to be used wisely for obvious reasons. When anyone is too eager to sell any merchandise, they are usually looking for fast money and are not really thinking about making themselves a profit. This therefore puts us in a position to bargain for the lowest price possible.
However, on the other hand, they might be trying to give the illusion of desperation in an attempt to lure us into purchasing their merchandise which, for marketing reasons, may have been:
                                        A. Sold to secure a quick profit.             
                                        B. Damaged goods.
                                        C. Stolen goods.                              

The two (2) techniques to follow are;   
                        1. Know what you’re going to purchase before you enter the store.
                        2. Know what it will cost you before you spend a penny.  

IX. Only buy what you need.
      With many merchandise being sold daily it’s difficult to determine what quality goods are and what are not. Therefore, when we are shopping for any particular product or service, it is strongly advised to focus on what we need; paying close consideration to:
                                     1. The reputation of the dealer or seller.
                                     2. The manufacturers make and model.
                                     3. Quality of product and service.
                                     4.  Expiration dates and packaging.
                                     5.  Extent of warrantees and coverage. 
It’s your responsibility to spend money wisely and with good judgment; in doing so, you stand a far greater chance of preserving your hard earned wealth for future use.

X. Never buy what you can't resell.
      How many things do we have laying around our home and office which we would rather sell but only to find out that the particular items only have meaningful value to ourselves?   
This is a common mistake made by everyone but it’s a situation that can be easily resolved when we follow this  simple buying technique; always invest in popular items.   In doing this we assure ourselves of having something many others may like as much or more than us; making it fairly easier to resell if and whenever we feel it necessary.     
This slight adjustment in our buying practice may take some getting use to but, in time, we will reap the financial rewards as we ourselves will soon find, as the seasons changes so does the value and need for most of the treasures we had over time acquired.   The need for liquidating our accumulated assets will always be an essential factor toward personal growth, wealth creation and financial sustainability.

XI. Spend your money wisely.
    Having money is a great responsibility, and how we spent our money is even greater. There can be no doubt in our minds that money is a very useful tool that can be used for evil and/or for good.     Where, when and how we spend our money can very well determine what kind of future we, our family, our business and our country will enjoy.
We can no longer afford to purchase anything from anyone just because we have the money to do so, this would be highly irresponsible on our part.    Whenever we spend our money, we are in the process of transferring wealth. The wealth that we transfer, in the right hands, can be used towards providing a stable economy or, in the wrong hands, can be used towards the destruction of society.  

Knowledge is our only weapon against ignorance. What we choose to buy, where we choose to buy and when we choose to buy can make all the difference in the quality of life that we daily live.     Remember, it's your money, and no one can force you to spend it on anything you don’t want or need, but you owe it to yourselves to spend your money wisely to benefit you in the most profitable way.

Stay tune for the exciting chapter 3 in our next blog update.... SELLING.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ultimate Guide to Unlimited Wealth

Chapter 1

 You and your money

I. Develop a healthy respect for your money at an early age.

When we develop a deep appreciation for the value of money at all it monetary levels, we then are in a position to fully and responsibly use this valuable tool to the best of its natural function. In doing so, we stand to greatly increase our profit making potential, which then gives us the opportunities to amass great wealth.         Therefore, the best time for us to begin appreciating the value of money would be at the earliest point of cognitive realization, which for most starts at the age of three (3) years.                                                                                                                    

Why adapt a healthy respect for money at an early age? As a child, we are more flexible to new ideas and concepts which can easily become habitual.   Certainly we can appreciate the fact that if a child develops and display good money management skills at the earliest point of learning, what an asset and a great opportunity for that child to become financially responsible through to adulthood.   The possibility of wealth is far greater for this child than for those that lack respect for money management.

II. Money is not just a true friend; It’s your only friend.
Believe it or not but there is no other friend you will ever meet this world that is unconditionally loyal, well loved, widely respected, reasonable, reliable, resourceful, incredibly influential and industrious as money. We don't have to thank it, don't have to feed it, nor even talk to it, and money will still be our best friend.

Money will never argue with us about anything nor ask for favors in return. Money will work unconditionally to bring to reality our greatest desires.  We cannot go wrong when we have a friend like money at our side.        Learn to understand and respect money and it will become a constant source of help in all our daily business dealings.

III. When money talk it pays to listen.

Money speaks in all languages and its words are pure, true and powerful. When money utters its voice, kingdoms and world governments are built and, by the same means, destroyed. The leaders of nations stop whatever they were doing when they hear the voice of money in their midst.

People all over the world gladly come whenever money calls upon their names.   When the sound of money is heard within the business houses, the market places and in the homes, there are tears and laughter of great joy and song are written and sang with thanks and praises. Whenever money is talking it pays to listen attentively.  

IV. Let your money work for you. 

  When we employ the right amount of money to do any task, we can rest assured that the job will be done. Nowhere on earth will we find a more honest, reliable, and hard working well loved and trusted employee such as money.   Put our money to work for us on a daily bases and we will appreciate its value more.

  We must invest our money in business ventures that have been proven by ourselves or reputable sources to be consistently profitable. We need to understand that money is a tool, like any other, that is capable of building great wealth when used with knowledge and wisdom.     Money that is not in uses is money that is of no use.                                                                                                                        

V. Money can buy power;  the more money you have, the more power you can buy.
  Money truly takes care of those that are fortunate to have it in their possession at the right time because it bestows the sense of great power upon them. No person can truly be monarch, leader or boss without the help of money. Having money opens more opportunities for us to be all that we want to be.

  The influential power of money attracts those that are around us and demand their utmost attention, respect and time for as long as money is in the presence. Truly it is said “he that have the gold make all the rules".  

VI. Money is like a breath of fresh air; the more you have the better you will feel.
  Money gives to those that are fortunate to have it in their possession a sense of security such as none other on earth can give. It anoints upon the fortunate; honor and respect, and blankets them in the luxury of the finer things in life.

  It is virtually impossible to deny its powerful presence. Trying to live without money is incredibly difficult, many would surly die.

VII.  The one with the gold makes all the rules.
  More than 95% of the world’s population have, are, or would be willing to labor for another that can pay them the right sum of money for their services. For the most part and according to the individual’s situation, any sum of money would be willingly accepted.
  More that 75% of the time the main reason many persons would willingly labor for another is that the employer has the influential power of money backing their status of authority, the same money backed status that the lowly employee, in many cases, wants to know exist before they will decide to work for anyone.    Just because of the fact that one may have the influence of money, and is willing to give a little of it away to any person that would labor for them is reason enough for many to do, gladly or not, whatever those with money ask.
  This simple process is how our world's economy operates.    Those that have financial wealth employ those that do not.    Fairly stated, people would readily labor for those that are financially able to pay them than for those that are not.

VIII. Someone without money is someone you never what to be.
   When anyone has possession of a reasonable quantity of money, they are automatically placed in a position to take full advantage of much more opportunities than those that are unfortunately without.    Therefore, because of this situation, it is much better for us to have some money in our pocket at all times. Especially when we do not know that a very lucrative deal may come our way.

  We can never expect to help others that are going through financial difficulties except we have the correct resources to aptly assist them, which in 90% of the time is money.

 IX. Money is the answer to all problems.
Because we are living in a materialistic world, it has become virtually impossible for anyone to survive without the aid of money in one way or the other. Whether it be as trivial as buying lunch to something as serious as medical surgery, the need for money is essential to the overall health and happiness of every human on earth.
With the right amount of money we can free ourselves from 99.9% of the difficulties faced by others today; freedom from oppressors and oppression, from justice and injustice, from hunger and poverty, from society and social ills, from politics and religion, from sickness, and soon death itself.
Having possession of money is vital to our daily existence here on earth.

X. Never give your money away freely!
.  To obtain just a small amount of money in this worlds financial market take up much of our time, energy and resource making it virtually impossible for anyone to take adequate care of their financial responsibilities on time, if at all, along with the fact that 70% of all persons employed by others rarely make enough money to pay their own bills.

How can we justify taking on the financial responsibilities of others when, in most case, we find it extremely difficult to keep up payments of our own bills?      Therefore in order to make the best possible use of our money we must utilize the funds we have in the most profitable and efficient manner on a daily bases just to survive.   

Whenever we find ourselves with a few extra dollars we ought not to give it away but rather loan it out at no less than 25% rate of interest return or simply save it at an interest rate no less than 5%.        Remember always this fact; if our monies don’t work hard for us, we will have to work hard for our money.

XI. Take care of your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.
If we fully understand the vital progressive sequence of a hundred pennies equals one dollar, then we will appreciate that every penny counts in our quest for adequate financial stability. By saving each penny, we are in turn creating the dollar that will eventually be obtained from our prudent and foreseeing efforts, thereby enabling us with the accountant skills needed for large money management because "he who is faithful with little is faithful with much".

No matter how much money we have or earn, the need to save a part of it is essential to our future financial health. The most effective rule of thumb with saving money is to save at least 25% of our gross earnings. This must be the first thing we do before spending anything. However, the more that we save, the better we will become.

XII. The lack of money is the root of all evil.
Most of the things that are stolen were because there was a need for it or what it may bring. In obtaining anything illegally, there is always the threat of other unlawful means being employed which can result in serious personal harm to us. Many gains were created from as little as a “white lie"" escalating to the violent level of murder. In 90% of the time, the motivating factor in each case was in the acquisition of money.
Therefore, we sadly find and conclude that when money is not in abundance or readily available, in term of adequate employment for the general public, the end result is most commonly found in the criminal area.   Because money is the thread that weaves the social fabric in today economy, the need for having it will more often outweigh the means in which it is obtained.  Simply put; where there is a decrease in money there will be an increase in crime.

XIII. Money is a terrible thing to waste
Of course, money is a very vital tool that is used in our society for the common good of all. To squander it is to deny oneself the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of wealth.   The right to financial independence and security is not only necessary but essential for an opportunity to enjoy a normal life in today's materialistic world.

The comfort that come with the knowledge that we may not always be able to buy everything we want but could afford everything that we need is above all else paramount. However, this will only be possible if we prudently manage our money.    Never throwing our funds after anything that is not needed, affordable or profitable to our own well being.

XIV. You can never have enough money.
Beyond absolute doubt, we can never have enough money. Can one have enough food to eat, or water to drink, or air to breathe? All of these things are very essential ingredients for the preservation of life here on earth.   This is all too true with that of money, and none ought to be lacking if we are to live a normal healthy life. Therefore, I confess that money is to living as air is to breathing, and none can exist without the other.

We owe it to our families and our business associates to accumulate to ourselves as much money as humanly possible.   In doing so we are not only preserving the world’s economic structure as we know it but also the fundamental human desire to strive progressively towards meaningful accomplishments; propelling humanity further along the evolutionary pathway toward self awareness and the realization of true happiness, and finally, that long desired Godliness.

XV. Money is like kryptonite to a fool.
Knowledge helps us to acquire and properly manage our investments.   Money is the rewarding fruits of our labor.   Both go hand in   hand together in our quest for social and financial stability. Yet the   mere knowledge of how we can acquire   money   is   not nearly enough in today's competitive financial markets.   Most important; we must also know how to save our money.

We ought to understand those procedures and regulations used by the financial institutions by which we can accumulate the highest possible interest rates on our hard earned dollar. If we are thinking along these lines but lack the necessary knowledge on how to prudently execute those money management skills and/or with which financial institution we ought to do business; then we should seriously and immediately seek the counsel of a reputable professional investment manager to obtain trustworthy and profitable information.

No matter our money management principles, once it puts a reasonable amount of money in our pockets, in the quickest possible time, and on a long term consistent bases, we ought to continue with that program.

XVI. Money don't grow on trees.
We can never afford to sit around, doing nothing other than wishing for some money to come our way because it will never happen, and it's a serious waist of our time. If we are not at this moment engaged in earning, at the least, an adequate amount of money for ourselves, then we are seriously deluded and in dire need of professional help.

There is no excuse for not earning money for ourselves. Whether we are employed under another or self employed, creating the potential for profits is one of the most, if not the most, important thing that we will ever need to do in life.

We can never afford not to be earning money at anytime nor can we afford not to be thinking of new ways to earn money for ourselves.  The wealthy derive joy from every dollar they earn. However, until we can find true pleasure in the work that we do for a living, we will not be able to appreciate the money that we earn no matter how much we make.

When we find a job that we love doing, only then will we enjoy the money we earn, and the realization of wealthy will come quicker.     Remember, only through the love, dedication and commitment for the work that we do daily will we find happiness and success.   

XVII. Money is money.
Never be led into believing that one form of currency have more value than the others, nor should we say that one form of legal tender is easier to earn than the others. No matter the size, design or color, as long as we are receiving money, it has value and can be spent somewhere on earth.

Never argue over a dollar, whether it be in the form of one hundred pennies, twenty nickels, ten dimes, four quarters, two silver or paper fifty cent pieces or one silver or paper dollar, the bottom line is; a dollar is a dollar. We must never reject any money because of any miner defect such as torn, dirty or its scent.   

Torn bills, as long as all the parts are available and the serial numbers are still intact, can be easily taped back together.  Dirty money can always be "washed", and so can any legal tender carrying offensive odor.  Blood money, easy money or paycheck, all is money and money is good and blessed. More further; cursed is he who lacks money.

Stay tune for the exciting chapter 2 in our next blog update.... BUYING.