A simple verse that describes the true nature of Man says "Let your light shine that men may see your works and glorify the Father in Heaven" (Matthew 5:16). To a degree, this verse illuminates the possibility that we (mankind) are not organic matter but are actual beings or beams of Light... and as such, we're made to shine as celestial bodies, and in shining we invariably reflect the glory (which is the true image) of our Maker.
Following closely to a written biblical references, Genesis 2:6 -7 - the Creator made an empty vessel from the dust of the ground to contain a portion of its Self, and called that newly made earthen-vessel Man. Furthermore, the Creator poured us (a portion of itself) into the empty vessel (Man), and after contained therein, Man (driven by us) became an operable organic vehicle - that we (a portion of the Creator) may physically interact within the natural dimension, and rule as gods. .