Unlike in our recent past, when children were taught the simple values, that if one (holistically) apply him/her self to the principles of truth; one would thereby be enabled to support themselves, their families, and contribute to the needs of those (for whatever reasons) left widowed and orphaned in their local communities. The trend at present is threefold; children are simply taught to value cheating, lies and materialism above all else, even thy own self.
Today, children are taught to value dishonest practices, and for whatever reasons; the result of such had spawned an infestation of energetic, socially challenged, criminally oriented fragments in and off our modern society. Seemingly, the proverbial pendulum of consequence now cut deepest in the opposite direction.
What can one do, when the fears of the nation germinate within the soul of those you had brought into this world? The child you had freely and loving given life; now violently and mercilessly take the same away from another and/or themselves. Where had our values gone; were they loss to the ravages of time, or simply replaced with sparkling illusions of fortune and fame?
Very little is known about The Spirit of Bahamas; that force of nature which created our 700 islands floating upon tranquil crystal clear waters, resting under the radiating orb of the sun.
It was told that when God created the earth, He made The Islands of Bahamas as the vacation place of the angles; there they cleaned and rejuvenated themselves within the crystal clear water, and after resting their heavenly bodies upon our beaches; the white sand turns pink even to this present day.
What is often difficult for me to reasonably understand about our relatively small yet fairly budding Bahamian society is this fact; if just 10,000 citizens, decide (for whatever reason) to converge upon Rawson Square (during a session of Parliament), demanding anything constitutionally applicable or otherwise; their voice will be acknowledged, and demands expediently met.
More difficult for me, is a growing nation of under 300,000 citizens, with relatively limited resources; willingly selling off the more valuable aspects of those resources to foreign citizens and/or entities. What possibly beneficial return could be derived (for future Bahamian generations) from a long term relationship such as this?
Despite the enormous challenges that we face (as a people). Despite the public social dramas, wild accusations and speculation; beneath it all, Bahamians are still the most beautiful and friendliest people in the entire world. Above all these, we are still Bahamian, and as such; we are taught (always) to lift up our head towards a new horizon and to a brighter day.
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