As the great light break forth from the great darkness to reveal the beauty and splendor of creation, likewise ought man to break forth from his fearful bondage to ignorance and death (represented as the darkness) and journey boldly into the knowledge of life (represented as the light). Law then takes on a nurturing role. As a wise father, law instructs us to diligently obey; to observe constantly, listen attentively and with caution circumscribe our thoughts and actions. As a loving mother, law impress upon our sense of compassion, to carefully consider the gift of life and defile it not.
When one through knowledge had come to understand the depth of his/her own ignorance, one rationally seeks to escape. When one sees and diligently observes the light of knowledge, one naturally desires more light (represented by understanding the laws). In darkness there were great fear, confusion, stumbling and chaos; causing sadness, pain and death, but when the light came there too came with it knowledge, freedom and order. As one become proficient in the knowledge of the laws, one is more able of recognizing pitfalls and easily corrects his/her path. Law now is recognized as the universal savior.
What was once obscure now becomes clearly observable. Those that live according to the laws are likewise protected under such, and those that live contrary to the laws are likewise punishable by such. Law now becomes a two edged sword able equally of sustaining life and ending life. As law represents life itself, those that dearly embrace the laws likewise embrace their own lives. Endowed with power and authority to illuminate as many as are in darkness, or to withhold the light that ignorance might continue.
Law instructs man to live in harmony firstly with him-self, next with humanity and then with all nature. By law, the depths’ of the universe is contemplated and the labor of an ant is given equal consideration. The ebb and flow of the tide is measured accordingly with the distance of the moon. Law directs time in conjunction to the speed of an object, the number of beats of a heart within ones chest and the path and strength of a mighty tempest. There isn’t anything within creation that is not directed according to law. Even he who first created law is servant onto his law.
Strict adherence to law direct us morally into all good things as disobedience to law openly invite disorder, therefore we are all stewards and practitioners of the laws. As one emerges from darkness into light, one ought to shed away the old vestiges of ignorance and adorn oneself within the illuminating radiance of intellectuality; that he/she may become a beacon of strength within their local communities and thus dwell in harmony with all creation.
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