Monday, May 14, 2012

Criminal Epidemic: Cause and Cure

In ancient and modern society, those who commit antisocial acts are widely considered and often accepted as criminals – persons of limited moral fortitude and rational conviction. This viewpoint justified a necessity to legislate the use of cruel and unusual ways of treatment, either for prevention (as a proactive cure), or for punishment (as a reactive cure).  However, in both instances, whether by proactive or reactive means, the “criminals” themselves rarely received proper assessment toward clearly identifying not simply the symptom but the cause of their individual antisocial behavior; that specifically identified not just the answers to how a crime was committed but also why.  

Further studies have shown that the accepted “civilized” cure for crimes, in ancient and modern society, are considered barbaric forms of human torture: the criminal involuntarily forfeits their basic human rights, and are then treated as wild animals – locked behind iron bars for extended periods and constantly maintained under armed-guarded surveillance. Degraded to a mere property of the state and forced to undergo intolerable conditions, the criminal learns (in order to survive) to accept and willingly adapt primal behaviors. In an attempt to rehabilitate the human within the criminal through the cure of imprisonment, we unwittingly reduce the human from a partial criminal into a fully functional bloodthirsty beast.     

From this viewpoint, civil society prisons are merely staging ground for the educating and promotion of predatory violators - whereupon entry, a reluctant and misled minor offender (in order to survive) gravitates toward willfully committing major offences.   Wherein a person of limited moral fortitude and rational conviction would had rehabilitated; now instead leaves only a shadow and a shell of what once resembled humanity.   Is this a symptomatic condition of civility, or the rational result of a twenty-first century legal system?

As I had afore state: “criminals themselves rarely received proper assessment toward clearly identifying not simply the symptom but the cause of their individual antisocial behavior”.  It is in this light that our legal system ought to place close attention. Based upon a level and the quality of ‘proper’ education undertaken led me to conclude that criminals are persons afflicted with mile to acute forms of ignorance: A criminal being one who (for any reason) lacks adequate ability to make rational decisions, and a crime is merely a symptomatic result of an irrational decision.  At this point, the question, which necessitates an answer, is simply this: What is the root cause of criminal behavior? 

In ancient times, criminal behavior was widely viewed, and accepted, as the work of evil doers under direct influence of demonic forces.  Just recently, in the nineteenth century, physicians put forth their theories suggesting that irrational behaviors can be link to certain brain disorders.  More recently, in the twentieth century, clinical psychologists linked criminal behavior to a mental anomaly deep within the brain cells that prohibits the pulses of rational thoughts.  This mental anomaly, after undergoing further psychological research, resulted in the clinical identification of a “criminal gene”.  Further researches have genetically identified the “criminal gene” resting dormant within children as early as infancy.

Statistical studies can directly link increase escalation of crime and criminal activities in civil societies equal only to increase escalation of the birth rate in the migrant population within that society. Cross-contamination at genetic levels his proven to be deadlier and more destructive than both world war one and two combined.  Wherein the “criminal gene” is (negligently) release into the gene pool of a (once) passive people, resulting in uncontrollable havoc on a massive level not before seen or written in the historic records of that culture.   

This fatal epidemic predicted to continue unabated until and/or unless the indigenous population decides to personally arm and to fortify their “strong-towers” with full and proper knowledge.  Not mere reactive protection but rather proactive prevention would prove a more better and rational choice in an all-out war against the forces of ignorance.

It is the human-animal nature to want something, yet only a small segment of society would willingly offend the law in its acquisition. Hate resides within the psyche of the human-animal, yet only a small segment of society would willingly express hatred with deadly violence. Therefore, a systematic strategy must be constantly engage toward identifying individual possessing anti-social tendencies while their “criminal gene” is yet in its dormant state.  Through a process of selective coupling, based upon modified gene analysis, the family units would successfully and securely reproduce offspring’s void of defects.       

If men knew better, they would do better.  Therefore, the solution to crime is not through imprisonment and extended periods away from society, nor by corporal punishment but rather through systematic reeducation programs geared toward civil rehabilitation: A clinically structured environment wherein antisocial offenders receive necessary holistic information for lucid mental and spiritual states, and for improved physical health. 

The challenge now is to restore and not restrict civility; to uplift hope and not encourage hopelessness; to invigorate the intellect, and end the senseless promotion of ignorance. 

1.      The first challenge ought to be gear toward creating a stable environment that provokes the criminally minded to consider the folly of irrational thoughts and actions. 

2.      The second challenge ought to be gear toward evoking the rewards of cultivating spiritual values and rational thoughts.

3.      The third challenge ought to be gear toward stimulating civil awareness and ethical conducts.

4.      The fourth challenge ought to be upon promoting the rewards of healthy physical lifestyle.

Once the criminals’ body, mind and spirit are, equally rendered, empty and cleanse, can the process of healing fill both with principles that promote healthier lifestyles conducive toward civil awareness and ethical conduct.



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