Our world has and is being manipulated by a very small (0.001%) segment of society which controls 95% of the global wealth. Widely known as "The Illuminati", however contrary to popular belief, this label [Illuminati: meaning Enlighten One/s] contradicts all known evidence of the same.
This powerful group of global manipulators are represented by thirteen well known families. They don't call themselves "Illuminati" nor are their faces glossed across the covers of national tabloids. However, they are ordinary families albeit with extraordinary wealth, power and privilege. They are as follows:
- The Astor Family
- The Bundy Family
- The Collins Family
- The DuPont Family
- The Freeman Family
- The Kennedy Family
- The Li Family
- The Onassis Family
- The Reynolds Family
- The Rockefeller Family
- The Rothschild Family
- The Russell Family
- The Van Duyn Family
Each of the above named families (on their own merits) have swayed the course of the global economy, in one way or the other, over the last four hundred years. Our modern societies have been shaped in their image and, as a direct result thereof, the immediate consequences of their actions (or lack thereof) will plunge our world into a great economic crises. However, this can be prevented.
What is needed is widespread conscious awareness in order to curtail their unholy attempts toward global divide and conquer - each individual recognizing the sinister plots to manipulate our minds via electronic devices must somehow resist the temptations to acquire and integrate into their (low vibration) system.
The proliferation of [GPS] Global Positioning Satellites, [CCT] Close Capturing Television cameras, [RCD] Remote Control Drones, [BMS] Bio-Metric Scanners, and [DNA] Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid research and development. All geared toward tracking our every movement, recording our every word, and creating convenient obstacles of distractions (i.e. flu epidemic / mad-cow diseases, Olympic games / World Cup, Red Carpet events, IPhone / Face Book, Civil wars, 911, etc).
Knowledge is our only weapon against this unholy alliance. To prepare for the ultimate battle, we must arm ourselves with information - questioning everything we don't understand until we do; Not blindly accepting anything before finding-out its purpose, benefits and consequences; Ever vigilant, always reminding ourselves that new don't equals better, and that "All Natural" is always the better choice for our mind and bodies.
The next six months will prove to be our deadliest in history - not on account of the sheer body counts or the senseless and unwarranted loss of innocent blood, but by the injustice and inequality of the global governmental systems in place - Democracy will fail the many and Communism will prove profitable for the few.
The watch words for the present is Self-Consciousness; LIVE... LEARN... LOVE... and PROSPER. ~ CR
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