Friday, December 25, 2015

Human Rights Don't Guarantee Safety

The Human-Animal perceives itself superior to all other life-forms, except for those self-imagined. To prove its superiority, the Human-Animal crafts complex systems govern by rules that contradicts basic Laws of Life.  Those governing rules 'modestly' named " Supreme Laws" are marketed as "Fundamental Rights and Protection" for the masses. However, at its best, "Fundamental Rights and Protection" are merely a list of delusional expectations for self-preservation.  At its worst, "Human Rights and Protection" inevitably will lead to extinction of other life-forms.

Survival of the fittest is the indisputable Law of Life.  This fact is evident by the employment of Deception, Robbery, Mayhem and Murder within Human-Animal colonies.  This specific Animals unique obsession with violence [torture, Death Sentence, Suicide Bombing, Child Birth] indicate Humans voluntary urge to satisfy primal pleasures. However, these primal urges cannot become instantly suppress by imposing and enforcing legalistic wish-lists.

Making laws that criminalize theft can not protect the victim of theft nor eliminate stealing. Nor can relabeling killing [Murder, Manslaughter] to any degree change the reality of Life.  The strong overpower the weak. The intelligent outsmart the ignorant.  The fast outrun the slow.  The wise live longer than the fool.

The greatest and most obvious evidence of Humans-Animals self-delusional view of reality is found within its interactions with other life-forms. Its flawed expectation is, somehow, all the other life-forms accepts Mans supreme self-view and willingly obey His laws.  One life-form trying to rewriting the basic Laws of Life and push for universal acceptance (on its own merits) is a delusional exercise. The simple yet necessary functions of Nature becomes an extremely complex  matter within Human-Animal societies.

The ultimate question is; why are Man laws broken so easily? The ultimate answer is;  because of you and I.... and within our hearts and mind we all know... safety is an illusion....     and yet, we choose to ignore the obvious. That is to say; No Man made law can overrule the rule of Nature nor supersede the Law of Life. Self-preservation is not a right to be granted, but rather, it's a state that ought to be defended. The Human-Animals ought expect the same fate as all other life-forms sharing the same planet.  To expect anything more or less is highly unnatural.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


There's an opposite to everything. Those opposites take on Male and Female personalities in relation to each other.  This concept of  masculating and feminizing ideas, objects and personalities for mass appeal was widely practise throughout ancient cultures - i. e., Mother Earth, Father Time, etc.

 Islam, viewed as a masculine religion, appeal more to young males seeking to display masculine qualities to further enhance their social approval.  In the same vain, Christianity takes on a feminized identity - affectionate, gentle overtones - appealing more to females seeking deep emotional release. 

Because both religions appear gender opposite in relation to each other, both religions will equally attract more opposite ideas, objects, personalities and gender than the other.... both equally appearing to serve opposing gods, morals values and social views.    The gentle baby who through love is sacrificed to pay for the sins of the world vs  The Almighty Allah who demands sacrifice and subjugation from the world.   

This maternal, gentle and forgiving  aspect feminize Christians and gives greater meaning and acceptance to feminine views.  However, Islam's regit yet discipline nature provides males ample room to be totally masculine.  While a woman will feel normal repeatedly professing their unending love for a man [Jesus], most men would instead choose to sacrifice their only Soul for eternal bliss in Paradise with 72 virgin females. . 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go?

According to Revelation 7:4, 144,000 people are chosen to be eternal guest in the "kingdom of God". 

There's an estimated 7,400,000,000 people alive today.   
The shocking reality is - 7,399,856,000 people won't receive an invitation.

Sorry for the rude awakening but it's time to wake up. 

Open your eyes and see this great Kingdom of Earth.  

Experience this Paradise of Gods... that it is your gift 

for all eternity. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Top Ten Most Annoying Home Renters Facts...

If you've thought about turning that vacant bedroom or empty garage into  a utility apartment to make some extra money, you may want to think again.  

On average, here are the top ten most annoying things about renting-out utility apartments;
  1. Tenants expecting Electricity and Water to be included in the rental fee... and Also expected to be included (but not limited to), namely  - Cable TV, Phone service, Internet service, Babysitting service , Animal-care service, Plant-care service, Social Services, Private Clean-up services, etc...
  2. Loud and obnoxious noise and domestic disputes at all hours.
  3. Tenant using your house freezer, phone, cable tv and internet wi-fi access as extended privileges. 
  4. Tenants using property space as a personal storage facility.
  5. Tenants inviting family and friends to live-in for extended periods without due notice. 
  6. Tenants with unfixed or abandon vehicles leaking fluids on the driveway. 
  7. Tenant and their guest parking all over the well-manicured lawn.
  8. Tenants using electric stoves - hot plates, microwave ovens and barb Q grills to save on the cost of buying cooking gas. 
  9. Tenants blowing A/C 24/7 (home or not).
  10. Tenants habitually late with paying their rent.. on-time or ever.
If you can duly manage the above annoyances, then you've got what it take to become a real estates mogul.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

For God so love the World

If God truly love the World.  Why did He sent Heavens most dangerous criminals, not to the Sun - the nearest thing to Hell -  or to Mercury, or to Mars... or even to Jupiter, or the Moon.   No!... Creations most wanted villain and all His demonic minions got one way tickets straight to Earth.   Giving the perception that Earth is merely a prison outpost for Heaven and Hell rejects.

That's worst than the King of England sending his most violent criminal to Australia.   Surly it's much worst than a US President sending fully armed military troop into Waco to question one man.  And, surly much worst than allowing a suicidal criminal youth with full access to automatic assault-weapons into school to freely move among innocent and unsuspecting children. 

I'm not saying we all don't make mistakes.  I'm simply saying some of us won't admit it...   and it's up to us (the oppress) to hold this God in question accountable for His judgement(s) to the extent it concerns our local population here on Earth.  In other words; we're demanding rights and justice for all inhabitance of Earth equally as it is for all inhabitance of Heaven.   To this end,our grievance include but are not limited to the following demands; 
  1. Formal redress and reasonable compensation for all trespass against us equally as we also shall be judged and made to pay for our trespasses against others including you. 
  2. Complete none-negotiable surrender and removal of all Heavens prisoners exiled at any time to the planet Earth. 
  3. Complete autonomy to duly establish planet Earth and all they that dwell therein as a sovereign power apart from all other powers as originally established according to Genesis 1:28. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Perfect Point of My Entrence: pt-2

As rule of law continually vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, it becomes clear that justice is an enigmatic concept - an obscurely applicable ideal more accurately interpreted from a personal perspective... and from that angle wherein the socially-frustrated can receive due justice for any perceived transgression(s) against them.

The folly of Law is a naive perception that all will equally obey; even in face of overwhelming evidence supporting an uneven perception of reality -  proving true the saying "All are not Equal", and therefore all will not equally (voluntarily or involuntarily) submit under any circumstance.  Hence, the ultimate protecting and enforcement of laws becomes a necessary evil unto itself - an unrelenting instrument  use to impose social division and oppression, rather than to enhance social liberty and justice.

On the basis of absolute support; there seemingly exist no actual precedence affirming such adherence to the rule of law which can be provided to duly confirm the same.   This is evident based upon the enormous numbers of violators, ranging from crib to grave. Seemingly, our modern era is better known by a deep-rooted distrust of others - especially such arbitrary authority of those whom conceive laws and, having not participated in its conception, now expects you to blindly and humbly surrender to every letter of the same. In any sane reality, this would be ideal grounds for civil war.

More to my point; Is it even possible for a small segment of society to legislate any social contract without the full compliance of society at large?    Surely any product of such would attract the full (hopefully impartial) scrutiny of voluntary and involuntary individuals consenting to abiding under each condition of said contract.... and thus, those who fall prey to victimization and discrimination consequently and collectively conceive that segment of society ready to harbour and express anti-social views and/or often engaged in anti-social activity.  

Some, at the hour of despair, may perceive their misfortune as a direct consequence of the law - that the law make them criminals and, without the same, they would be personally justified in their pro-action(s), reaction(s), or lack thereof toward the ebbs and flow of social pressure. be continued.     

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Project: NEW ORDER

A study is being conducted involving 18 individuals (9 males, 9 females) from various backgrounds - all equal age, equal height, equal weight, equal intellect, etc - selected randomly and equally placed into either Group A, Group B, or  Group C. 

Each group is given the same tasks to be completed within the same timeframe.  However, before and after every task, each group is given a brief talk by their senior instructor;

  • Group A is told "you're the best of the best because you're taller... because you're smarter... because you're stronger..."etc. 
  • Group B is told "you're not as good as Group A, but you're way better than Group C... because you're taller... because you're smarter..."etc. 
  • Group C is told "you're not as good as Group A and Group B because you're not as tall... not as smart... not as strong... not as fast..."etc. 

After 90 days into project: new world, preliminary data are showing expected results. However, interestingly unexpected are the following observations;
  • Group B reluctantly adopts a passive strategy; exhibiting high tension and insecurity toward decision making - allocating more time to planning, and less upon execution of plans... or otherwise omitting to decide and deferring to Group A decisions to further develop their overall strategy. 
  • Group C immediately adopts a risky "nothing to lose" strategy;  exhibiting initiative, organizational ability and  heavy competitive-aggression toward task completion... more so than Group B. 
  • Group A adopts an expected strategy; exhibiting alpha-male qualities, superior attitudes, and assertive aggression toward both Group B and C, and toward task completion... and, although less physically aggressive than Group C; clearly Group A is exhibiting more overall leadership ability.   

Preliminary findings are proving favorable enough to continue studies.  More test results are incoming, as interesting new observations are being made that might be the answer to a peaceful and prosperous global society. ~ CR be continued. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Light of the World

A simple verse that describes the true nature of Man says "Let your light shine that men may see your works and glorify the Father in Heaven" (Matthew 5:16).   To a degree, this verse illuminates the possibility that we (mankind) are not organic matter but are actual beings or beams of Light... and as such, we're made to shine as celestial bodies, and in shining we invariably reflect the glory (which is the true image) of our Maker.

Following closely to a written biblical references, Genesis 2:6 -7  - the Creator made an empty vessel from the dust of the ground to contain a portion of its Self, and called that newly made earthen-vessel Man.  Furthermore, the Creator poured us (a portion of itself) into the empty vessel (Man), and after contained therein,  Man (driven by us) became an operable organic vehicle - that we (a portion of the Creator)  may physically interact within the natural dimension, and rule as gods.   .  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The God of Gods

"By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread", according to Genesis 3:19 of a Hebrew holy text, is a "curse" placed upon Man by a judgmental Maker. However, upon further reexamination, we find the Hebrew text to be more a right of passage than a curse; -

1. The sweat representing not simply work but energy exertion and exhaustion.

2. The brow representing not simply a forehead but central command headquarters atop high places.

3. The bread representing not simply fuel to burn but also created wealth and compensation.

From this point of view, the Hebrew text becomes an ominous prediction foreshadowing the Rise of Man from beginning to present date. As if to test Mans resolve; each step along the path to prosperity brought Him face to face with His makers... vindictive, jealous, judgemental makers.

Now, Man has come fulcircle - where bloody bodies of babies were burnt upon sacrificial altars to appease the Will of the Gods - now the Gods shed the blood of their first born upon the sacrificial altars of Man.

Today, Man is become intoxicated by the Blood of Gods, and is made obese feasting upon Their Flesh.

Had the Makers truly known what they had done, truly They would have repented making a MoonStar to subdue the Earth, and to dominate it, and all they that dwell therein. ~ CR