The Human-Animal perceives itself superior to all other life-forms, except for those self-imagined. To prove its superiority, the Human-Animal crafts complex systems govern by rules that contradicts basic Laws of Life. Those governing rules 'modestly' named " Supreme Laws" are marketed as "Fundamental Rights and Protection" for the masses. However, at its best, "Fundamental Rights and Protection" are merely a list of delusional expectations for self-preservation. At its worst, "Human Rights and Protection" inevitably will lead to extinction of other life-forms.
Survival of the fittest is the indisputable Law of Life. This fact is evident by the employment of Deception, Robbery, Mayhem and Murder within Human-Animal colonies. This specific Animals unique obsession with violence [torture, Death Sentence, Suicide Bombing, Child Birth] indicate Humans voluntary urge to satisfy primal pleasures. However, these primal urges cannot become instantly suppress by imposing and enforcing legalistic wish-lists.
Making laws that criminalize theft can not protect the victim of theft nor eliminate stealing. Nor can relabeling killing [Murder, Manslaughter] to any degree change the reality of Life. The strong overpower the weak. The intelligent outsmart the ignorant. The fast outrun the slow. The wise live longer than the fool.
The greatest and most obvious evidence of Humans-Animals self-delusional view of reality is found within its interactions with other life-forms. Its flawed expectation is, somehow, all the other life-forms accepts Mans supreme self-view and willingly obey His laws. One life-form trying to rewriting the basic Laws of Life and push for universal acceptance (on its own merits) is a delusional exercise. The simple yet necessary functions of Nature becomes an extremely complex matter within Human-Animal societies.
The ultimate question is; why are Man laws broken so easily? The ultimate answer is; because of you and I.... and within our hearts and mind we all know... safety is an illusion.... and yet, we choose to ignore the obvious. That is to say; No Man made law can overrule the rule of Nature nor supersede the Law of Life. Self-preservation is not a right to be granted, but rather, it's a state that ought to be defended. The Human-Animals ought expect the same fate as all other life-forms sharing the same planet. To expect anything more or less is highly unnatural.