Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Perfect Point of My Entrence: pt-2

As rule of law continually vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, it becomes clear that justice is an enigmatic concept - an obscurely applicable ideal more accurately interpreted from a personal perspective... and from that angle wherein the socially-frustrated can receive due justice for any perceived transgression(s) against them.

The folly of Law is a naive perception that all will equally obey; even in face of overwhelming evidence supporting an uneven perception of reality -  proving true the saying "All are not Equal", and therefore all will not equally (voluntarily or involuntarily) submit under any circumstance.  Hence, the ultimate protecting and enforcement of laws becomes a necessary evil unto itself - an unrelenting instrument  use to impose social division and oppression, rather than to enhance social liberty and justice.

On the basis of absolute support; there seemingly exist no actual precedence affirming such adherence to the rule of law which can be provided to duly confirm the same.   This is evident based upon the enormous numbers of violators, ranging from crib to grave. Seemingly, our modern era is better known by a deep-rooted distrust of others - especially such arbitrary authority of those whom conceive laws and, having not participated in its conception, now expects you to blindly and humbly surrender to every letter of the same. In any sane reality, this would be ideal grounds for civil war.

More to my point; Is it even possible for a small segment of society to legislate any social contract without the full compliance of society at large?    Surely any product of such would attract the full (hopefully impartial) scrutiny of voluntary and involuntary individuals consenting to abiding under each condition of said contract.... and thus, those who fall prey to victimization and discrimination consequently and collectively conceive that segment of society ready to harbour and express anti-social views and/or often engaged in anti-social activity.  

Some, at the hour of despair, may perceive their misfortune as a direct consequence of the law - that the law make them criminals and, without the same, they would be personally justified in their pro-action(s), reaction(s), or lack thereof toward the ebbs and flow of social pressure.

 .....to be continued.     

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