The day that Mr. Gibson took a pen and then he wrote;
An anthem dear, which we declare, our country can devote.
A brand new dawn, a nation born with sun, sand and sea;
A people cry, so fill with pride and look like you and me.
Struggling on from dusk till dawn but never once apart;
Reminded each day, give thanks and pray for God lives in our heart.
With steadfast eyes, together we rise; determined and so we stand;
Forward, upward and onward we’re marching on Bahama land.
We will not bow nor ever allow the stranger to tear us down;
Trodden and kill that which we’ve built and leveled it to the ground.
Our common ideal, clearly reveal, traditions from our past;
Here we will stand hand in hand; together we shall last.
As we move on, focus upon the issues in our life;
There’s bound to be, we’ll disagree, cause pain, heartaches and strife.
We are all our brothers keepers whether gathered large or few;
We walk each day by faith and pray our faith will take us through.
This I have seen for some have been portrayed as racist foe.
To love and unity this was a devastating blow.
A convoluted system treating man like filthy beast;
As long as there’s injustice, I fear, we shall not have peace.
From the day I heard that anthem I felt like a man;
I proudly walk the streets waving a flag in my right hand.
Solemnly lift my head as I look up into the sky;
Standing with my people; our bright banners waving high.
Thank you Mr. Gibson, your thoughts are truly heard;
I travel round the world and represent your every word.
There’s always something new to learn ever your anthem’s read;
Thou absent from us in body, your soul is never dead.
Keep marching on to a glorious dawn and smile upon our youth;
Intercede on our behalf until we find the truth.
I know mercy in heaven abound, or so I have been told;
May our spirits march together on streets paved with gold.
One last thing Mr. Gibson, if you have the time;
I’ve nothing worthy to give in honor so I wrote this rhyme.
I trust that it embodies each child, woman and man;
Proud to be Bahamian in this our Bahama land.
Again I say thank you, good sir, sincerely from the heart;
You may never recognize me but it is a start.
Like you I put a pen to paper and cast away the fear;
Composing words of honor crafted to ring within our ear.
Please touch our heart and guide us as we forwardly march on;
And keep us moving upward till the last of us is gone.
Protect and provide daily our sun our sea and sand;Pressing together onto glory; march on Bahama land
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