Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sexual Predators and their Victims

Feel free to jump in and correct me at any time, show me where I went wrong, where I may have misunderstood certain social cues, and, if at all possible; suggest a better way. On my drive through the streets of Nassau, I have made it a point to take note of unusual sights; the ways in which our young female in society feel it a necessity to dress down in rather revealing outfits, clearly a desperate attempt to solicit the attention of some under-sexual male or female. I sometimes smile to myself thinking what fools we are, or how much of a fool many would have others to believe of them.

Skin tight low cut jeans with G-String showing from the back is the more popular form of sexual incitement chosen by overly active sexual female which, from a logical view; has nothing to with sex at all and more to do with promiscuous self promotion. The need to parade about the streets displaying your cheap dirty underwear has became such a popular pronominalize pastime that the trend has not miss the attention and imagination of those willing to exploit this growing practice.

Predators looking for quick fixes can have their pick for any kind of obsessive sexual desire met at the turn of every corner in our city with little to no resistance, the approach is simple; just look for the signs of scantily clothed individual walking about on the streets, in our workplacess or wheresoever slackness exist. Although no means no, the languish of our bodies speak volumes more than what we actually say, and, for those in the loop, when it come to sexual intercourse with a female; the opposite expression is commonly the correct response.

Seemingly unaware of their powers to suddenly sexually arouse their opposites, it raises a curious question in my mind; who is the predator and whom are the unsuspecting victims. I would only assume, as we are human animals, our impulsive sexual urges manifest themselves through our actions and, more so, in the way we dress or lack thereof; sending subconscious signals to let the world know that we are in heat, that it is time for some sexual healing.

Call it whatever you may but be ever mindful that whatsoever is needful is also lawful, and, as sexual expression is totally natural to humans if done in the proper ascribed manner; there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or to shy away from.

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