Monday, June 11, 2012

The Consequence of Injustice

What have our magistrates, politicians and peace officers to fear? With the alarming escalation of violent crime and criminal activities within our local communities, is it fair to conclude (suggestive by their unwilling attitude and ineffective response thus far) that they are somehow immune?  Could it be that God has place a hedge of divine protection around the judicial and political leadership and enforcers of law in our Bahama Islands? 

As silly as the above questions might appear, the facts concerning this issue, relative to vulnerability, leave many average Bahamians routinely contemplating the very same - constantly baring in mind that crime is not a respecter of persons.        

Seemingly, lawlessness is becoming, if not is, our culture.  Ritualistic and retaliated killings are now more popular than partaking in Holy Communion.  Where on Sunday nights and within spectacular holy edifices, time were habitually set aside in honor and reverence to the Lord our God; are now become as ghost towns, wherein even the spirit of praise and thanksgiving are sacrilegiously made a mockery.  When the fear of the Almighty God takes second place to the fear of thieves, murderers and child-molesters, what remains of civilization are the samplings of fearful creatures barely living a sub-human existence.         

Take special note: as the recently elected Christie administration, under a campaign theme of “put Bahamians first” undertakes to implement their “swift justice” agenda, the PLPs member of parliament for Tall Pines, in an ‘explicit’ 2012 budget address within the hallow chambers, unapologetically advocated vigilantism as an alternative to judiciously combating crime.  

The MP further ranted his endorsement toward wearing concealed weapons, specifically by the Honorable Minister and Junior Minister for National Security – to which, during a recent public address, the Hon. Minister for National Security characterized the uncontrollable crime dilemma as “War”.  Every rational thinking Bahamian ought to weigh the gravity of the minister’s comments upon crime, contrasted with the Hon. Member for Tall Pine’s budget address; a man venerated for “shooting from the hips”.

Are we, the law-abiding citizens of this peace-loving nation, to now take up arms and fight fire with fire - duly undertaking an honorable obligation: Not in coldblooded wrath or in hatred nor for righteous vengeance, but rather in the name and for the restoration of justice;  to do that which our judicial system is unwilling and/or unable to do.   

In these evil times, one is force to consider the pragmatism of owning a weapon for protection.  With an increasingly backlogged judicial system, coupled with an undermanned and overwhelmed law enforcement department; it may simply prove justified to one’s good sense and health to remain “strapped” at all times. 
However, although not a man of faith, I would like to think our universe were ordered along a rational path not so randomly persuaded as might oftentimes appear.  Notwithstanding surmountable evidence to the contrary, supreme purpose were establish to all things in existence for the benefit of universal balance. To this end, nature creates an equal counter effect to compliment everything (i.e., day and night, hard and soft, ice and fire, pleasure and pain, birth and death) and, if the pragmatic politician is indeed correct – the increasing escalation of violent criminal activities do justify the advent of vigilantism.

This social observer and political analyst is not a card-carrying member of the (NRA), National Rifle Association… at least not yet.   However, if crime continues unabated, I could easily see myself becoming an avid spokesperson venerated as the great Charlton Hesston.  Being an above-average individual of modest repute and temperament, harboring zero-tolerance for inefficiency and nefarious activity; it is not beyond reason that I would rather reside within an orderly gun-carrying society than to reside within a society - wherein but one innocent life snuffed because of evil doers.     

In closing, allow me to echo this very profound and prophetic statement:  “Guns do not kill people.  Stupid people kill people.”

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fuel for The Fire

Saturday night 26th May 2012, I could not believe my eyes, nor contain myself, as the Long Island MP and newly elected deputy leader of the FNM entered the convention center –  clenching with a death grip the hand of her husband, and (like a child with a stuffed rag doll) proceeded to closely drag him behind wherever she went. It was in stark mimicry to the protocol displayed by her political counterparts.   I almost contracted diabetes when the deputy leader further dragged Mr. Turner on stage, ‘sweetly’ kissed and sent him off looking, perhaps feeling, like a twenty-dollar hoe. 

What might have been a message for the advent of gender role reversal (as traditionally approved) later proved to be a strong female in opposition echoing the vehement sentiments of former FNM leader Mr. Ingraham – challenging, with an unwavering on-point and crystal clear voice, the newly elected PLP administration, stating: If it’s war you seek, let fire and brimstone fall.    Judging from the overwhelming response from the massive crowd gathered at the convention center to the speech given by Long Island MP Mrs. Loretta Butler Turner:  message received and approved, loud and clear.    

This power play by the FNMs deputy leader was painfully contrast by the lack-luster performance of the leader: whom having, with genteel vigor, admonished the FNMs inner core to “not oppose for opposition sake” was spoken like a handpicked minion of Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie himself.  A press statement released on Monday 28th May 2012 by PLPs chairmen Mr. Bradley Roberts came very close to an official public confirmation of the same.    

This “soft agreeable approach” of leader Dr. Minnis has not resonated well with the remnants of Mr. Ingrahams’ hardcore FNMs, or with the inner-core remnants of Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield.  Based upon the lukewarm welcome extended by a majority of those gathered at the FNMs convention towards their newly elected leader, might almost predict the kind of support he will receive going forward with his non-oppositional position.   

I thought an opposition’s expected to oppose and not kiss up, or perhaps that is simply Dr. Minnis’ style… or not.  

I have to ask leader Minnis: if all that fussy-warm love you spoke about was for real, why did you forced your wife to beg for a kiss on stage? (…and many thought that Mr. Ingraham is cold and heartless).   Perhaps you are more comfortable delivering your public speeches via email, text messaging and hologram rather than in public and in person. 

Mrs. Minnis, The Bahamas felt your pain and encourage you to keep your head up despite the turbulent storms upon the political horizon.

Could this be signs of chinks in the leader’s shining armor?  The rise to power of the anti-FNM whom, with technology and two silky-smooth thumb, beguiled the innocent youths of Killarney – texting peace and bipartisanship in time of war, and mending broken hearts while delivering a message of defeat and hopelessness.  After a “vitriolic” and uninspiring speech, one is left thinking if Dr. Minnis have enough fuel to ignite anything.  

By contrast, if it was a first for a female to ascend to the station of deputy in the house of the Free National Movement, certainly it is not unbelievable or unthinkable for that female to ascend even further… and in very short order.   If leadership sets the tone going forward: considering the non-domineering naive and lack-luster demeanor of the leader Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis, it becomes obviously that (to ignite the FNMs future) strong tactical leadership is desperately needed otherwise FNMs can kiss 2017 goodbye.  


Monday, May 14, 2012

Criminal Epidemic: Cause and Cure

In ancient and modern society, those who commit antisocial acts are widely considered and often accepted as criminals – persons of limited moral fortitude and rational conviction. This viewpoint justified a necessity to legislate the use of cruel and unusual ways of treatment, either for prevention (as a proactive cure), or for punishment (as a reactive cure).  However, in both instances, whether by proactive or reactive means, the “criminals” themselves rarely received proper assessment toward clearly identifying not simply the symptom but the cause of their individual antisocial behavior; that specifically identified not just the answers to how a crime was committed but also why.  

Further studies have shown that the accepted “civilized” cure for crimes, in ancient and modern society, are considered barbaric forms of human torture: the criminal involuntarily forfeits their basic human rights, and are then treated as wild animals – locked behind iron bars for extended periods and constantly maintained under armed-guarded surveillance. Degraded to a mere property of the state and forced to undergo intolerable conditions, the criminal learns (in order to survive) to accept and willingly adapt primal behaviors. In an attempt to rehabilitate the human within the criminal through the cure of imprisonment, we unwittingly reduce the human from a partial criminal into a fully functional bloodthirsty beast.     

From this viewpoint, civil society prisons are merely staging ground for the educating and promotion of predatory violators - whereupon entry, a reluctant and misled minor offender (in order to survive) gravitates toward willfully committing major offences.   Wherein a person of limited moral fortitude and rational conviction would had rehabilitated; now instead leaves only a shadow and a shell of what once resembled humanity.   Is this a symptomatic condition of civility, or the rational result of a twenty-first century legal system?

As I had afore state: “criminals themselves rarely received proper assessment toward clearly identifying not simply the symptom but the cause of their individual antisocial behavior”.  It is in this light that our legal system ought to place close attention. Based upon a level and the quality of ‘proper’ education undertaken led me to conclude that criminals are persons afflicted with mile to acute forms of ignorance: A criminal being one who (for any reason) lacks adequate ability to make rational decisions, and a crime is merely a symptomatic result of an irrational decision.  At this point, the question, which necessitates an answer, is simply this: What is the root cause of criminal behavior? 

In ancient times, criminal behavior was widely viewed, and accepted, as the work of evil doers under direct influence of demonic forces.  Just recently, in the nineteenth century, physicians put forth their theories suggesting that irrational behaviors can be link to certain brain disorders.  More recently, in the twentieth century, clinical psychologists linked criminal behavior to a mental anomaly deep within the brain cells that prohibits the pulses of rational thoughts.  This mental anomaly, after undergoing further psychological research, resulted in the clinical identification of a “criminal gene”.  Further researches have genetically identified the “criminal gene” resting dormant within children as early as infancy.

Statistical studies can directly link increase escalation of crime and criminal activities in civil societies equal only to increase escalation of the birth rate in the migrant population within that society. Cross-contamination at genetic levels his proven to be deadlier and more destructive than both world war one and two combined.  Wherein the “criminal gene” is (negligently) release into the gene pool of a (once) passive people, resulting in uncontrollable havoc on a massive level not before seen or written in the historic records of that culture.   

This fatal epidemic predicted to continue unabated until and/or unless the indigenous population decides to personally arm and to fortify their “strong-towers” with full and proper knowledge.  Not mere reactive protection but rather proactive prevention would prove a more better and rational choice in an all-out war against the forces of ignorance.

It is the human-animal nature to want something, yet only a small segment of society would willingly offend the law in its acquisition. Hate resides within the psyche of the human-animal, yet only a small segment of society would willingly express hatred with deadly violence. Therefore, a systematic strategy must be constantly engage toward identifying individual possessing anti-social tendencies while their “criminal gene” is yet in its dormant state.  Through a process of selective coupling, based upon modified gene analysis, the family units would successfully and securely reproduce offspring’s void of defects.       

If men knew better, they would do better.  Therefore, the solution to crime is not through imprisonment and extended periods away from society, nor by corporal punishment but rather through systematic reeducation programs geared toward civil rehabilitation: A clinically structured environment wherein antisocial offenders receive necessary holistic information for lucid mental and spiritual states, and for improved physical health. 

The challenge now is to restore and not restrict civility; to uplift hope and not encourage hopelessness; to invigorate the intellect, and end the senseless promotion of ignorance. 

1.      The first challenge ought to be gear toward creating a stable environment that provokes the criminally minded to consider the folly of irrational thoughts and actions. 

2.      The second challenge ought to be gear toward evoking the rewards of cultivating spiritual values and rational thoughts.

3.      The third challenge ought to be gear toward stimulating civil awareness and ethical conducts.

4.      The fourth challenge ought to be upon promoting the rewards of healthy physical lifestyle.

Once the criminals’ body, mind and spirit are, equally rendered, empty and cleanse, can the process of healing fill both with principles that promote healthier lifestyles conducive toward civil awareness and ethical conduct.



Monday, April 23, 2012

Demon-ocracy (The Chronicle of Chris Rolle - p6)

  For more than one thousand centuries mankind have been seeking to develop a system of laws to govern themselves; providing equal rights and protection there-under for each individual member of that particular society.  Initially based upon what was the innate ability and reasonable expectation of humanity: In time, a system of Natural Law was introduced and, in time, was further developed to meet the natural evaluational progression of the human-animal. However, as mankind begin to walk upright and started wider exploration of the planet, and to further develop physical skills for tool making and the mental abilities for logical and analytical thinking; they began encountering other humanoids, and through rational reasoning initiated trading systems encompassing best-practices based upon communal concerns. 

Communal societies quickly sprung up throughout the province, governed by common principles based upon Natural Law: the human-animals enjoyed an organized culture wherein shared responsibilities were, in essence, the cement which held each family group and the entire community dwelling harmoniously together as one.  The law became a living guideline by-which all grievances and common concerns were amicably resolved.  A small number of the people – namely family elders and those so taken and held in high regard (i.e., tribal-elders, advocates, council members, arbitrator, etc), were chosen as representative, to mediate directly or indirectly on behalf of all parties concerned.  Final judgments normally came about by collective census – not merely by a ruling pass down by the elected council officials and tribal-elders but by the supporting will of the majority members within that community: These primitive tribal councils, advocates and arbiters represented the beginning stages and establishment of a true democratic system and society.  

Throughout the medieval era – when the human-animal embraced Nature as the supreme benefactor of all life; recognizing, through his increasing intellect, the beneficial attribute of the four superior element [earth, wind, water and fire], and of the particular importance of the sun and it rotational cycle, and the moon, and the stars, and all the other solar bodies above, and of the lesser elemental minerals below (i.e., metal, stone, coal, crystal, salt, etc).  It is at this stage of his evaluational process that the human-animal started to embrace irrational beliefs, and integrated those ideas into the development of the system of Natural Law. Not only were there pragmatic qualities within the body of laws that govern mankind but also an element of superstition – based upon a belief in supreme entities responsible for governing all physical matter: rather in essence, this was merely the human-animals attempt to rationally explain that which he was (and is) unable to comprehend.

From this irrational acceptance of universal supremacy – the belief that there are entities [gods] whose sole reason for existence was (and is) for the purpose of governing all life on earth and throughout the known solar-system, gave a false plausibility to an idea that certain human-animals (whether through bloodline, superhuman acts or divine consent) possessed a supreme right and privilege to govern all life as though they were, themselves, gods.  This stage of the human-animals evolution (along with a greater sense of self-awareness, increased intellectualism and social development, and advancement in technical skills and its application) brought an era of infinite violence, social and cultural upheaval and civil wars. Seemingly, at this stage of the human-animals evolutionary achievements, wherein an insignificant species flirted with irrational ideas of grandeur and supremacy: In one fatal act of destiny, the golden age of mankind, suddenly and without warning, plunged into an gaping dung-hole historically described as “The Dark Age”, and to this day historians worldwide lament over the tremendous social, cultural and intellectual loss.

With further development of Natural Law came fundamental amendments, converting certain specific tenets applicable to the protecting of individual rights and privilege. The ideals of communal responsibility – wherein grievances and common concerns were amicably resolved by tribal-elders and community mediators met an abrupt end, and the evolution of the human-animal had reached a stage of self-reflection: if mankind was to progress further, there had to be drastic changes within its system of beliefs and within its social structures. 

Still flirting with ideas of grandeur and supremacy; yet unwilling to totally abandon medieval beliefs in “gods” and the ritual practices thereof: the human-animal decided to combine both irrational beliefs and collectively embraced this new philosophy wherein the supremacy of man hinged upon his acceptance in the universal supremacy of god.  Instead of election of individual (by a majority of people) to high offices of advocacy and mediators of the people: a privileged minority (either through bloodline, privileged appointment or divine consent) selected individual member of society to administer the law, not as arbiters of the people but in the capacity as representatives of god.  In their newly established position, not only were the individual administrators of the law widely regarded as supreme (by the powers of authority invested in them), but were also widely regarded as supreme according to the sanctity of the office they held.

As the human-animal further increased spiritually and intellectually, expanding his authority throughout the world and colonizing humanoids wherever they were found; the necessity to further develop a system by-which the enlistment of ideas, advanced methods and best practices made it convenient to amend and update the principles of Natural Law to suit a more common application, and to maintain the social status-quo. Hence, the introduction of Common Law which made it extremely possible and easily adaptable through business and trade, politics and religion, and within the social and cultural customs of the many people. 

With the establishment of Common Law, immediately after, came the introduction of the Social Contract – a set of fundamental rights, privileges and protection granted accordingly to each individual member of society, conditioned upon surrender of person and property to state officials, total obedience to authority and strict adherence to the law of the land. This new system of social order made practical the beliefs in the supremacy on certain individual according to the office of authority they held and, accordingly, the law made equal amendment to reflect the same.   Inherently, the system whereby the power of the tribal-community (or state), which reflected the collected census of the majority of its members, silently went from a collective census right and privilege to an individual right and privilege: The power of the people became the power of the person. 

Gradually, the system of democracy became demonized through its numerous conversion over the many centuries; becoming less the power of the people – merely a privilege; less of a protection for the masses but rather a private police for a person.   In retrospect, when we truly utilize our increased intellectual capacity, it is easy to understand why our democratic system proves flawed and corrupt to its core.  To gain insight, it is necessary only to analyze the source from whence our political system came, the motive of its forebearers, and the reluctance to sever all ties.  

It is popularly but fictitiously romanticized that the story of The Bahamas began haphazardly in 1492: discovered by a virus-spreading murderer name Christopher Columbus.  However, when we rationally analyze the known evidence, we advance to the year 1670 wherein King Charles II of England granted The Bahamas to six irresponsible Lord Proprietors of South Carolina who had done nothing regarding development of the country and the advancement of her people; thus, there name are omitted and worthy of mentioning.

In 1718 the British Government assumed full administrative control and officially began the process of introducing and integrating Common Law in The Bahamas under the guise of a political system call Democracy.  The British Government then sent Woodes Rogers to occupy the newly appointed office of Royal Governor.  Being more a warrior less than a polished politician: surprisingly Governor Rogers was able the restore a semblance of civil order to The Bahamas, established Colonial rule, develop the local economy through the encouragement of trade and industry, and (to an extent) advanced the condition of our people through the implementation of a relative form of Social Contract.

During the American Revolution from 1775 to 1783 a group of wealthy individual from Georgia, St. Augustine, Florida and the Carolinas, still extremely loyal to the British Crown, escaped the treasonous revolt undertaken by George Washington against British Law and authority, and made their way to The Bahamas and to other British Colonies.

With the arrival of these wealthy businessman and merchants [self-styled Loyalist], brought with it a renewed economic energy to The Bahamas. The locals, majorly Black descendents from Africa, increased their numbers from 4,00o to 11,300 between the year 1785 and 1789.  Bahamians enjoyed academic, social, religious, political and economic prosperity not since achieved on such a broad level before.  The Social Contract extended the rights, privilege and protection there-under for free Black Bahamians - who equally shared in the prosperity and, themselves, became successful; establishing their own business enterprises and owning vast amounts of land on New Providence, Exuma, Cat Island, and the other islands of The Bahamas.  Notable Bahamians whose names included: Rolle, Russell, Bowe, Curry, Culmer, Dean, Forbes, Fergusons, Fox, Adderley.     

Along with town-planning and infrastructural developments in The Bahamas (during the Loyalist arrival) came the building of schools, the Nassau Public Library (still located on-site on Shirley Street), the establishment of the Police Force and new jail houses, the building of St. Mathew’s Anglican Church and the Presbyterian St. Andrew’s Kirk, The Bahamas Gazette (Bahamas first newspaper), ship building in Abaco along with other business ventures too numerous to mention.

Although Bahamians prospered through the implementation and practice of Common Law, and under a British system of governance: This system of Democracy, having evolved throughout the many centuries, had yet to meet the needs, and to rationally satisfy the innate requirements of the individual – those intellectual and irrational aspects of the human-animal which deeply desire an avenue by-which to ‘freely’ express the unique purpose of his or her existing: that inherent quality which aspires and elevates the human-animal to the supreme level of God.   To Be Continued.       
*Fear is not an inherent ability, rather the position for a flawed character*

Saturday, April 21, 2012

According to Logic (The Chronicle of Chris Rolle -p5)

Before May 2nd 2008 I use to enjoy an ordinary easy-going yet disciplined lifestyle structured upon the divided three-fold fundamentals: Eight hours dedicated in service to mankind regarding gainful employment; eight hours dedicated in service to my God, spiritual edification and family-time; and, eight hours dedicated towards self-gratification, relaxation and sleep.  However, after an unscheduled appointment with destiny, certain specific aspects of my “easy-going” lifestyle had to be adjusted to fit my present philosophy and personality. Seemingly my whole life went into an abrupt and life-changing spiral; as if I had haphazardly stumbled into a twilight zone – falling endlessly into a bottomless abyss of no-return, leaving me to reluctantly relive each day as though there were no tomorrow. 

I wake up at 3:15am, rolling out of bed, stumbling through the dark hallway toward the living room.  Strangely, it is at this point when I would either proceed toward the kitchen – to get haft-a-glass of bottle water set at room temperature or (depending upon the my temperance), proceed toward the front door – stepping outside into the silent and intoxicating light of a new moon, covered beneath the blanket of the dark yet star-filled-sky: that I might quietly stand completely still (for prolonged periods) regenerating in its radiating glow – contemplating, carefully analyzing every aspect of my being until dawn begin to break.   This obsessive procedure occurs exactly the same time each morning regardless of the weather or my present obnoxious mood. As a result, I have made slight to dramatic adjustments to my usually unpredictable nocturnal activities; adjustment that have (for the most part) impinged upon my predictable day-time actions.

The primary adjustment pitfall to my predictable day-time behaviors hinge upon a tight time-schedule that only accommodate prearranged functions, maintained upon individual appointments which disallows any instance  for spontaneous activities or events; all nocturnal schedules are open to review, consideration or cancelation.    However, the benefits greatly outweigh any negative consequence thereof: I am able to comfortably and completely sleep for less than four hours within a twenty-four hours period; I am able to completely focus upon a sequence of prioritized functions and events between the hours of 6:30am to 6:30pm daily; and, I am able to adjust and to readjust any schedule appointment within a given time prior notice of the same. 

Further benefits include but are not limited to: a precise analytical process of mental state, a highly developed sense of self-awareness, a basic compulsive desire toward organized structure, an energetic physical and mental stamina, a natural intolerance toward abusive pharmaceuticals (i.e., legal and illegal drugs, narcotics, nicotine, alcohol, manufactured stimulants, etc), and an enormous lack of interest toward fairytales, erroneous assumptions, lies and all dishonest and unnatural practices.            

As time pass from that moment in 2008 to the present 2012, I have adapted certain odd and unusual behaviors. I find myself less and less reliant upon erratic systems to govern my thoughts and actions; instead (to a large degree) becoming deeply committed to a highly structured and logical system of regimenting each department of my life. Rather than making judgments based upon irrational thoughts and unverifiable substance (i.e., emotion, premonition, random-calculations, coincidence, magic, etc), I simply rely upon tangible evidence and proven methodical analysis – absolute fact and not mythological theory in establishing judgments. Hence, any practice or practicable application of mysticism and emotions are strongly suppressed and countered by the evidence of a logical and a pragmatic mentality.

It is therefore from a strictly academic prospective that I would directly engage or be indirectly entertained by the practitioners of religious theories. It is within that same frame-of-mind wherein I find opportunity to initiate (those of limited understanding) into the absolute and glorious light of Truth; into the practical gift of Knowledge; and, onto the sublime pathway of wisdom.   Therefore it is written: “From rational minds proceeds rational thoughts, and from rational thoughts proceeds rational acts and, by rational actions, all good deeds are established.”

By the practice of sincerity – of virtuous actions and intent: I am able to tolerate, even to withstand, the enormous irrationalities of this world; able to steadfastly endure the negative attitudes and erroneous perceptions of the human animal, and also able to pursue an enlighten pathway upon which a fearful heart and an immature mind cannot traverse.  I seek neither acceptance nor approval from others, nor desire tokens of affection and emotional attachments, nor find purpose or necessity for casual conversations and gatherings.  Bluntly stated; “That which is basic is all that is required.”            

Expecting distrust even fearfulness toward my worldly indifference, and recognizing that all are not created equal: I have made it a minor priority to enlighten the public upon matters minute and profound, concerning the present state and plausible expectations toward your future wellbeing; accepting that many will find irrational reasons to maintain their present state–of-mind (as formed by prolonged exposure to erroneous information and developed through intense emotional conditioning). However, as I have come to recognize: “the true nature of the human animal becomes properly developed, not by adapting nor enduring the complexity of his or her immediate environmental circumstance or conditioning, but rather by a strict adherence and daily practice of sincerity – mentally, physically and emotionally. 

The common use of abusive and deceptive practices, overtime, has significantly impaired and eroded the practitioners’ mental ability to sense and appreciate simple honesty, therefore his or her physical ability to positively respond becomes immune to gestures of genuine sincerity and thereby rendered ineffective. Acts of cruelty and unwarranted random and deadly violence (now) becomes the present nom.  Cruelty becomes the prime initiative for elevation to leadership and the prescribed punishment and deterrence toward criminality, while random acts of violence begin cultivating within the fearful heart and immature mind of the masses as an expected prerequisite of the creation of a nations and the development of society therein.   In this instance: it is not necessary for me to claim superiority over the majority of “civilization”, rather that my personal philosophy and the lifestyle which I adhere prove evident of the same.        

From May 2nd 2008, much if not all of my actions where done according to a rational and deliberate physical and mental state, of which no instance of any accidental occurrence can be plausibly proven.  In absolute terms: Whatsoever I have done between May 2nd 2008 and this present date [April 21st 2012] deserves absolutely no reason for any sincere expressions of apology on my part.  To this day, I have shaped my craft according to the proven experiences of the pragmatic and gifted – those esteemed individuals (past and present) in whom I am honored to emulate.   

*Let them that are of a rational mentality duly acknowledge and so incline toward the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but...*


Monday, April 16, 2012

The New Order… (The Chronicle of Chris Rolle – p4)

There comes a time in every nation when change is not only necessary but inevitable.  Not merely change surrounding the social and economic development of that nation (as a collective), but also a unique philosophical change within the heart and mind of the individual citizen.  This change, representing an evolutional progress and ignited by social chaos and the civil unrest of the present time, force the individual citizen to examine their living condition. Through an analysis of comparison between the lesser and the greater members within that society, the individual citizenry begins to gravitate toward the center - wherein the obvious difference between the rich and the poor becomes obscured and not easily recognized.  

When Adam Smith (the father of Capitalism) and Karl Marx (the father of Communism) begin to conceive their individual philosophies, each held, within their heart and mind, a deep desire to not only change their personal conditions within their community, but also to change the living condition of every individual in the world.  Although both men deeply held opposing views concerning the roll of the individual within society and toward the economy: The similarity between Adam Smith and Karl Marx was their unique approach in creating a pliable solution that have both engaged the rich and the poor in a unified effort toward the establishment of a new order.  It is this unified effort which had cultivated dynamic development toward the betterment of the individual’s social and economic condition throughout the world; the same philosophical changes and unified efforts that had given birth to the super powers of the day (i.e., United States of America, China, Russia, etc).

Today, in The Bahamas; what is evident and inevitable is change. The ever increasing divide between the rich and the poor; the uncontrolled escalation of violent crimes and criminal activities; the rising perception of political and religious corruption, and the disintegration of the traditional family unit: These are the perfect ingredients for the creation of a new philosophy that will unify Bahamians in a meaningful effort toward political social and economic change for our nation.  I envision a fusion between the philosophy of Adam Smith and Karl Marx – between Capitalism and Communism; the blending together of the positives within both philosophies can prove highly beneficial toward a significant improvement in the living condition of each citizen residing in The Bahamas.  However, for there to be a progressive productive and enduring national change, this unified effort must first be embraced within the heart and mind of each individual Bahamian, regardless of political religious or social status.

To begin this philosophy toward a unified change, the collective consensus of the citizenry ought to be the prime motive; without this unified effort of the collective, the individual is restricted to rely upon his or her personal code of ethic – choosing between what is inherently motivated and what is learned as a product of a structured or non-structured environment; the latter more commonly outweighing the former. Therefore, the traditional rolls of government must equally evolve with the realities of modern time. The supreme law of the land ought to be viewed and collectively accepted as a living individual entity endowed with equal inherent rights and privileges afforded to the citizenry it protects.  The legislators ‘then’ are not the principle architects of this new philosophical change but rather are the subordinates of the collectives - in whose image and likeness the supreme law represents.

Both Adam Smith and Karl Marx recognized the productivity of each citizen as superior to the supreme law of the land, and it is in this view: a law ought not to restrict or govern but to enable and guide. Both men acknowledge: for any meaningful success of a government, each individual citizen (as a collective) must equally succeed - the roll of an employee ought to have an equal weight with the roll of an employer.  Both sharing diverse but common responsibility toward the productivity and growth of the local economy, therefore both ought to equally share the deficit and benefits thereof.  In this sense: The collective (governmental administrators and citizenry) becomes a shareholding society, wherein each individual citizen equally is responsible for the many important functions that are necessary for the proper development of that state.  The individual skill-set of each citizen determines their roll and placement as a functional and productive member of that state, regardless of inherent social status.    

As afore mentioned: “There comes a time in every nation when change is not only necessary but inevitable. Today, in The Bahamas; what is evident and inevitable is change.” This view is echoed within the present tone of the political leadership, and in the increasing aggressive agitations of the electorate.   It is seen by the lack of interest within an archaic educational system, and in the level of advanced technology utilized toward criminal activities. The mindset of the masses has evolved with the ever-changing times, yet, the vision of those chiefly responsible for initiating our development is shortsighted (to say the least).  Therefore, if necessary, in a unified effort to create a new philosophical change for the betterment of the nation: rather than the dog wagging its tail, the tail will wag the dog.  Through social upheaval and civil unrest, a collective and unified new order will begin to take shape and form a twenty-first century Bahamas geared toward a new breed of Bahamians.

The former imperialist structure of governance must be collectively recognized for what it was and had produced within the hearts and minds of our people - a rapidly ticking time-bomb that, upon detonation, has the destructive potential greater than any weapon of war imagined within the mind and formed by the hand of man. To mitigate ourselves against the erosive ideals of imperialism and its devastating power: the heart and mind of each Bahamian citizen must be renewed upon the philosophy of common awareness and social welfare; lest we, as one people, drift apart into an unrecognizable abyss of foreign interest and cultural obscurity. 

This new order, as part and parcel of an evolving political social and economic philosophy, must become the constitutional foundation of a twenty-first century Bahamas, in which the growth and prosperity of the nation is equally measurable by the personal development of the individual citizen therein.  The challenge thereof, although numerous, can and will be mitigated by an evolved educational system capable of producing the level of academic excellence expected from twenty-first century institutions. Coupled together with highly progressive and workable (short and long-term) visions, mandated to suit the emerging needs of our people: The challenges of this new order will not be fought by ignorance and inaptitude (as presently and in past-time), but by an equally prepared citizenry, united through a common welfare, and socially strengthened by a constitution which empowers and not frustrates and restricts the citizens rights and privilege in their own land.   

Therefore, with willing and able hearts and minds, the establishment and integration of this new political social and economic philosophy toward meaningful change shall become a legacy of which all Bahamians can be proud. A rich cultural legacy founded upon the everlasting principles of Truth Justice and Equality for all, wherein the strength productivity and prosperity of the nation is measured by the quality of life afforded to each individual citizen therein.      

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

One Small Step… (The Chronicle of Chris Rolle –p3)

Hitherto this day I have written my lectures esoterically, not onto the masses but onto their leaders that they (when confronted with truth) might reject and abandon their corrupt practices, openly confess their wrong deeds, and duly uphold that which they have publicly sworn to perform. 

Today, I now dedicate this lecture for the complete edification of the masses: That upon reading you might receive the Word of Wisdom; upon hearing thereof you might seek the Light of Truth, and, in the fullness of time, you might recognize the Omnipotent God which dwells within you.

In 1967 the wealth-deprived uneducated and marginalized Bahamian masses fought against an evil imperialist United Bahamian Party (UBP) regime and overwhelmingly won a small step forward towards deciding their own destiny. The following year I was born.  Later in 1972, by an act of that imperialist parliament, Bahamians everywhere were granted the privilege of internal self-governance – a mere shadow of “independent sovereignty status”; establishing grounds for membership and participation in international bodies such as the United Nations, the Organization of American State, The Caribbean Community, and the Commonwealth of Nations.

Led by Sir Lynden Pindling – the first black Bahamian Premier and, shortly after, Prime Minister: The Bahamas, mainly comprising people of African heritage, although expecting sweeping changes instead inherited an imperialist system, symbols and tokens while the black majority continued (from 1967 to 1992) in widespread economic deprivation - poorly academically and socially educated.  Those that have achieved a high standard academically and socially - first had to escape the boarders of The Bahamas, and have returned to achieve economic empowerment.

Sir Lynden and his PLP regime, within his five political terms, presented and passed over 600 new pieces of legislations, laying the foundations for meaningful social changes, and, although great economic opportunities were presented, the wealthy well-educated white minority took full advantage and continued to prosper. It was obvious to the greater black majority that, while the shadows of imperialism existed, true unified change would still be beyond their reach.  

Confronted by the unchanging social and economic realities: In 1992 an overwhelming majority of Bahamians once more took a step and fought against evil guised in the form of a Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) administration, and, through ‘their’ imperialist political system, elected a Free National Movement (FNM) administration, under the leadership of Mr. Hubert Ingraham, to further establish the foundations for all Bahamians to ‘impartially’ enjoy the rights and privileges of “independent sovereignty” together with greater academic and economic opportunities regardless of social status. However, with slight differences, it became quickly evident: the former and the latter are one.

Single-mindedly focused upon leaving a political legacy that rivals his predecessors’, Mr. Ingraham (from 1992 to 2002) ‘heavy-handedly’ presented and passed new pieces of legislations which, in many instances, paved way for widespread economic advancement for all Bahamians, and again the wealthy well-educated white minority took full advantage and continued prospering.  Elected once more by an overwhelming majority: Mr. Ingraham (from 2007 to 2012) further established economic opportunities for all Bahamians through government funded entrepreneurial programs and incentives; undertaking massive ongoing improvement to the countries’ infrastructure and touristic sectors; building new healthcare and educational institution nationwide; and, further expanding major ports of entries. 

As Ramesses, king of Egypt; likewise will Sir Lynden Pindling and Mr. Hubert Ingraham political legacy be forever remembered in the hearts of the average black Bahamian as: One who built great cities, institutions and infrastructures upon the broken backs of disenfranchised laborers.                

Although Sir Lynden and Mr. Ingraham efforts toward establishing a solid foundation upon which a strong and vibrant Bahamian economy and society might flourish: Their main focus rest upon building and improving structures made of iron and stone, rather than building and improving the everyday life of the average Bahamians.  Seemingly, that one small step for the greater good of all Bahamians brought both Sir Lynden and Mr. Ingraham closer toward individual prosperity as oppose to a unified national progress; placing them both within the small circle of the wealthy minority and further away from the daily realities of the marginalized Bahamian masses. 

Yes..! We as a country have moved forward and upward socially since the days of Premier Sir Roland Symonette United Bahamian Party’s (UBP) blatant imperialist control. However, as a people, we have yet to move onward “together” academically and economically as promised and expected.  This obvious dilemma we face daily cannot and must not hinder the little progress made in the past, nor must the greater majority allow a small minority to influence the direction we as a people pursue.

If not watch and regulated, this small wealthy minority among us will influence the legislation of an imperialist system of control upon the greater majority with devastating consequence for our children.  If we as a people do not speak-up to effect the necessary political, social and economic changes within our own communities: the rights, privileges and opportunities that are constitutionally in our power will be forfeited into the hands of foreigners for their enjoyment.   

An official reported given by Mr. Brent Symonette in February 2012 openly admits: More than ten thousands (10,000) illegal Haitian migrates and other foreign nationals were granted citizenship under his watch as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the present FNM administration (just weeks before the 2012 general election is called) – many of whom were unable to competently or simply failed to speak English (the native language of The Bahamas). When question on this point, Mr. Symonette retorted: “The Progressive Liberal Party administration granted more citizenship than the Free National Movement”. In other words: “what is good for the goose is good for the gander.” 

It is this sort of ‘petty political rivalry’ which has promoted widespread mediocrity, civil unrest and social divide; the legacy of an evil imperialist regime inherited by successive governmental administration that has (to this day) cultivated the seeds of distrust, dishonesty and corruption within the hearts of a once warm and friendly people.  Coupled by negligent crossbreeding between a passive and an aggressive group of individual, the former inherits undesirable behavioral flaws from the latter, which now has surfaced, and have proven detrimental to Bahamian culture and society: Placing tremendous burden upon an already inadequate healthcare system, a deprived educational system, and a dangerously backlogged legal system.

It has long been speculated: In order for The Bahamas to experience a tremendous economic boost, there would have to be an equivalent boost of the local population.  This idea held much promise and gave license for the wealthy well-educated white minority, whom are also the ruling merchant class (collectively owning the majority of businesses, shopping malls, wholesale and retail stores, etc) in The Bahamas – specifically in Nassau and New Providence.  Therefore, if it was necessary for an expedient growth within the local economy, it was equally necessary for the importation of individuals to fill a predetermined quota: as simple as importing merchandise to full empty store shelves; and, as simple as the evil imperialist regime imported slaves to satisfy labor demands within their colonies.            

Just look around in your community and walk the streets of your capital, and you will quickly realize your diminishing status as a natural born Bahamian.  Then ask yourself one important question: “Do I want more for me and my children?” If the answer is “Yes”, you need to take two steps: Step #1. Start agitating your parliamentary representatives for immediate change; and, step #2. Don’t stop agitating until that change is reality. 


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Iscariot: The friend, the faithful

The name is synonymous worldwide with the word betrayal. Yet, to this day, only a select few willingly accept the truth behind the events which led up to the death of the Nazarene called Jesus, The Christ. The biblical accounts are as accurate as many choose to believe. The simple truth is more so a liability than an asset to the collective body of believers. Seemingly, it is a far greater thing that one is made a scapegoat for all, than for all to perish - that by the death of an innocent, the guilty might live. Thus the truth is concealed within darkness, and a convenient lie brought into the light.

Concerning the “Betrayal”
According to the accepted biblical text specifically John 13:11, it is strongly suggested that the Nazarene intimately knew his betrayer - “For He [Jesus] knew who would betray Him”. Yet in all his wisdom and power, Jesus did nothing to stop it. However, strangely enough, it is further suggested that Jesus, the Christ, may have plan the alleged betraying himself – encouraging Iscariot in John 13:26 by personally feeding the alleged betrayer and seconds later, according to John 13:27, commanding him to commit that controversial duty – saying to Iscariot “What you do, do quickly”.

When we put all the pieces together to get a complete picture of these events unfolding we then see the Nazarene in a different light; one of questionable intent. John 18:4 state “Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him”. However, when we compare all that we have learn of the Nazarene's complete knowledge of what is happening, relative to his alleged betrayal, [John 13:11, 26, 27 and John 18:4] with the biblical accounts of Matthew 26:50 stating “But Jesus said to him [Judas], “Friend why have you come?", Jesus the "Christ", the "son of God" more and more appears as a con-artist - a manipulative mastermind -  than a man of Holy Divine Truth.

Upon this Rock
It is said “all sin is sin” and that none is greater. But if all sin is sin, which then is more deserving of eternal condemnation; the servant that faithfully executes a direct command from his master, or the servant that out-rightly denies his obligation to serve his master? However and according to biblical text it is that faithful (obedient and humble) servant whom the world condemned, and his unfaithful (arrogant, lying and violent) counterpart whom the world promotes above all other servants - to lead the collective body of believers; a “Rock” upon which unfaithfulness, as a beacon of hope eternally rest.

The collective body of believers might have had a better chance if Iscariot rather than Simon-Peter had been appointed to build that universal edifice referenced in Matthew 16:18, saying “…upon this rock I will build my church…” Perhaps that edifice might have truly represented that divine purpose of God instead of reflecting that which has become a mockery of faith and all that is holy. The faithless with arrogance dishonoured his position – contradicting the word of Christ (noted in John 13:8, 37 and 38 Matthew 14:30 – 31 and John 18:10) when he ought to have reflected humility and obedience. It is without doubt that the church was built upon un-level ground; upon an unsound foundation; upon a slippy-rock resting upon sinking sand - so to this day, the church still crumbles beneath the weight of spiritual wickedness in high places thereof.

The Obedient Servant
Having been tried and never denied the Christ, son of the living God – Iscariot, although reluctantly, faithfully executed the will therefore the purpose of Jesus, ushering in a new age, not under the law according to Moses but under grace given by the Lord God Almighty. Unsurprisingly, it is forever known, as it is written, that the Nazarene Jesus, son of the Living God, having loved and laid down his life for the whole world, called alone but one human (according to John 26:50) “Friend”. Such a promotion from servant and merely discipleship to friendship, it must be universally acknowledged that Judas Iscariot, son of Simon Iscariot, above all other men - made a truly remarkable impression upon the mind of the son of God.

Is it therefore the conclusive message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to promote arrogance, violence and untruth above humility, faithfulness obedience? Was it, then, a deliberate attempt to contradict the Nazarene's’ mission by wilfully assassinating the good character of his friend Iscariot – concealing (under a bushel) one light that another might shine atop a rock? Certainly the message of the ‘chosen’ gospels has placed a huge cloud surrounding the simple truth and the popularly accepted versions of the truth. To gain wisdom, one need only follow closely the conversations between the Nazarene and his friend Iscariot. It is there that we will find the true message of Jesus mission – that he and none other might die (once) that all else might have eternal life, in abundance.

Iscariot…who was he?
Besides being unjustly characterised as a thief: a betrayer and a devil by the four authors within their accepted versions of the gospel of the Nazarene, Jesus Christ. Very little is widely known about the man Judas Iscariot. The author of John 6:71 (along with inserting his personal biases) mentioned a man called Simon as the father of Judas, and in chapter 12 verse 6 of the same - suggested that he [Judas] kept all the money that the group collectively received. However, and curiously: if Iscariot indeed was a thief as suggested by John 12:6; why then would the Nazarene appoint Iscariot as the groups official treasurer, and why did the group accepted this appointment unanimously and without question?

Equally curious was the fact that within their midst and rank was another student named Matthew, who was personally chosen by the Nazarene while yet seated at his job in his professional capacity as a custom officer of the Roman empire. Certainly Matthew ought to have been more qualified to serve as the groups’ official treasurer, yet Matthew was not chosen for that important position. Apparently, Jesus (as did all of his disciples) took and received Judas Iscariot as the more trusted and well qualified candidate for the position of treasurer – which ought to have dispelled all doubts and roamers contrary to his good character and standing among the rank and file of the original disciples of Jesus Christ.

It is mentioned only once (according to Luke 12:4) that Jesus collectively addressed his disciples as “friends”. However, there is but one biblical documented record wherein the Nazarene addressed Judas Iscariot alone and none other of his disciples with the title of friend, despite the precarious circumstances unfolding, (see – Matthew 26:50). It may be suggested that Judas Iscariot (above all the other disciples) earned the respect of Jesus on the night of that alleged betrayal by approving an established agenda with the then Jewish high priest Caiaphas – whom along with the chief priest and the scribes, and the elders of the people conspired to kill the Nazarene, (see – Matthew 26:3 and 15, and Mark 14:42 - 46).

This single controversial duty given by Jesus to one of his disciples whom he trusted elevated Iscariot from mere discipleship to close friendship. In the mind of Iscariot - he knew if he did whatsoever the Nazarene command (despite its controversy, or alienation from the group, or even universal condemnation as a result), he would earn the respect of his teacher and a place in the Kingdom of God, (see – Matthew 10:22, 25 and 33). The Nazarene himself said to his disciples in John 15:14 “Ye are my friend, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Therefore when Jesus commanded Judas Iscariot (according to John 13:27) saying “What you do, do quickly”; to a devoted and faithful student - not complying with a direct command would have been regarded as highly disrespectful, and would have brought great dishonour upon the name of his teacher.

The Entered Apprentice
Iscariot was one of twelve original apprentices initiated into the mysteries of God by the Jewish mystic and philosopher Jesus. Although a devote student and close friend of his teacher, he is better known worldwide as Judas the traitor - a man who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Painted in dark contrast to his counterparts, by the authors of the first four accepted books of the New Testament, Iscariot seemingly takes back seat: a scapegoat role compared to the other eleven original students of the Nazarene. However, when one examines closely the role played by Iscariot in relation to the overall mission of his teacher, there appears a great contradiction relative to historical purpose and intent.

Contrary to the accepted authors’ versions of events respecting the mission of the Jewish mystic and philosopher Jesus, specifically regarding the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; seeming there was, and still is, a clandestine plot (by unscrupulous representative of the church) to portray Iscariot as a “devil”: one whose hidden agenda goes directly against the teachings and ultimate mission of the Nazarene. However, upon close examination of these four authors’ works, it became obviously clear that the student Iscariot and his teacher Jesus were on “one accord” and, in fact, working from the same exact blue print.

The Nazarene's’ mission was to be killed according to specific guidelines afore written within the Jewish historical doctrines, and it fell upon the obligation of a devoted and faithful student to carry out certain (unpopular) task as was required by his teacher in accordance with established Jewish prophecy: in short: so said, so done.

From the Gospel of Judas
When Jesus appeared on earth, he performed miracles and great wonders for the salvation of humanity. And since some [walked] in the way of righteousness while others walked in their transgressions, the twelve disciples were called. He began to speak with them about the mysteries beyond the world and what would take place at the end. Often he did not appear to his disciples as himself, but he was found among them as a child.

One day he was with his disciples in Judea, and he found them gathered together and seated in pious observance. When he [approached] his disciples, [34] gathered together and seated and offering a prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, [he] laughed. The disciples said to [him], “Master, why are you laughing at [our] prayer of thanksgiving? We have done what is right.”

He answered and said to them, “I am not laughing at you. are not doing this because of your own will but because it is through this that your god [will be] praised.” They said, “Master, you are […] the son of our god.” Jesus said to them, “How do you know me? Truly [I] say to you, no generation of the people that are among you will know me.”

When his disciples heard this, they started getting angry and infuriated and began blaspheming against him in their hearts. When Jesus observed their lack of [understanding, he said] to them, “Why has this agitation led you to anger? Your god who is within you and […] [35] have provoked you to anger [within] your souls. [Let] any one of you who is [strong enough] among human beings bring out the perfect human and stand before my face.”

They all said, “We have the strength.” But their spirits did not dare to stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot. He was able to stand before him, but he could not look him in the eyes, and he turned his face away.

Judas [said] to him, “I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one who has sent you.”

Knowing that Judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, Jesus said to him, “Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. [36] For someone else will replace you, in order that the twelve [disciples] may again come to completion with their god.”

Judas said to him, “When will you tell me these things, and [when] will the great day of light dawn for the generation?” But when he said this, Jesus left him.

The Devote and Faithful Student
According to the Gospel of Judas: Iscariot was a very shy, yet analytical and curious individual - with much intellectual and unusual questions to ask of his teacher, and always seeking deep meaning and purpose for all things in existence. He was constantly asked by Jesus to “speak up” and to make known what was on his mind. Often times the Nazarene would call him aside (from the other students) to have secret conversations; either to further explain a lesson, or to interpret one of Iscariot's’ dreams, or to describe in details the mysteries of God and the universe. It was always Iscariot's’ passion to learn as much as possible from his teacher, to become a good student, that he in course may discover his purpose in life. Seemingly, Judas Iscariot desired to be fair with everyone, please his teacher, and to do the will of the one and almighty God.

Endowed with supernatural strength, the mystic Jesus exercised (according to Luke 4:36) “…authority and power…” to “command the unclean spirits, and they came out”. Jesus himself (according to Luke 7:22) listed a number of supernatural acts that he had publicly preformed. Unsurprisingly the mystics’ supernatural abilities (according to Matthew 14:26) “troubled” his students that occasionally “they cried out in fear”. Clearly the students respectfully feared their teacher.

It is recorded in Matthew 7:29 that “He [Jesus] taught with authority” therefore the students, even if compelled, would not speak out against any of the philosophies expressed by their teacher, nor would they ever (individually or collectively) say or do anything contrary to the same. Seemingly, whatsoever the teacher commanded his students to say and do was done accordingly with due diligence. The students would often time risk life and limb to please their teacher, having been duly warned of the dire consequences of failing to fulfil his expectations, (see - Matthew 10:28, 33 - 38). After receiving all which was taught, over a period of time, it became second nature for the students to blindly obey, and to perform every word their teacher said; even if commanded to betray, and to kill him, (see –John 13:27).

The Mystics’ Mission
According to the Nazarene’s own words, as recorded in the book of Matthew 5:17: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” One might ask: “What then was Jesus to fulfil?” John 11:49 and 50 may shed more light upon the answer…. To Be Continued…

In the next instalment of this lecture, entitled “Upon This Rock”, Learn more about:

1 The true mission of the Messiah.

2 The truth about Simon Peter.

3 The true leader of the Universal Church.

Monday, April 2, 2012

These Trusted Hands (The Chronicle of Chris Rolle – p2)

The Matter of Trust

At the age of 22 years I was asked: “In whom do you put your trust?”  Without any hesitation, nor mental reservations, I resonantly replied: “In God.”

Introspectively reflecting upon that moment, some 22 years ago, I now find reason to examine and to question my motivation:  Was I induced to so reply; was it merely an involuntary response; or was it the result of my personal conviction?  Whatsoever the motive which prompted my action, it hitherto became my obligation to duly pursue that ancient and honorable path put before me, and with an oath thereupon, I sealed my fate.  

In contrast, I have found reason to examine and question the motives of those candidates whom likewise, having aspired to the East, further applied themselves for stations of authority. Whom, having been made duly qualified, and were well recommended; neither hesitated, nor harbored any mental reservations.  Thus, presented themselves as one hewed from the dark quarry of racial injustice, economic inequality and civil unrest.  Making a solemn oath - to take up that preverbal cross; to rendering each man his due without distinction; and, with humility, bear the burden of leadership:  For the fundamental freedom of our people; for the protection of our sovereignty; and the prosperity of our lands.   

Although sworn to faithfully represent the interest of her majesty, her heirs, and successors.  Likewise so taken (within the length of term limits) to duly perform the same toward a majority of Bahamian citizens. That the blind faith which we having entrust (in them), by an indelible mark, might prove well founded, and they thereby - worthy of the trust bestowed.      

With equal fervency, I have found reason to examine and question the motives of the electoral masses at the moment of ascribing an indelible mark upon that democratic ballot.  Thereupon duly selecting a candidate, and thereby sealing the fate of this great Nation.  Introspectively I have weighed much of the decisions made by the electorates in recent time past. The consequences of such unworthy selections placed heavy social and economical burden upon the welfare of Bahamians, and the future sovereignty of our Bahamas. 

With dire implications and repercussions I carefully contemplated past electoral results: notwithstanding a traditional or genetic disposition toward any particular personality or political party; or the peculiar circumstances relative to an individuals’ social deportment and professional appointments.  But, purely based upon the result of an introspective soul search, I asked myself:  “Were they induced to so ascribe an indelible mark; was it merely an involuntary act; or was it the result of personal conviction?” 

Had it not been for due diligence, concerning truth and historical facts, I might have chosen not to pursue that which have proven (for me) a labor of love. Had I not entrusted myself to study, “line upon line and precept upon precept”, the social and historical significance of my calling, I might have (to this day) remained a “rough stone”: unfit for the building this great Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Were it not for those few moments of introspective soul search, just before taking my solemn oath, my eyes might have never seen the glory of that illumining light which hitherto guides my steps and circumscribes my passions.  I might have been forever lost: Blindly stumbling in darkness; without hope; without purpose; without a just and duly cause. 

Therefore, through thorough introspection and soul search, we ought to examine our motives before ascribing an indelible mark upon any candidate - in whose hands we place the fate of this great nation.  We cannot and must not seal our fate and the future of our unborn Bahamians by selecting rough and defective materials for the building of this great new order, and for stations of authority therein.  

Hence, we have arrived at this pivotal historic degree, wherein we must define (for ourselves) a progressive and sustainable national vision.  But, before we can boldly proceed forward, upward, and onward in this new order, there is but one precarious question that must be duly resolved; notwithstanding our traditional or genetic disposition toward any particular personality or political party; or the peculiar circumstances relative to our social deportment and professional appointments.  Rather, restricting our electoral decisions purely upon the result of a personal introspective soul search. 

Therefore whatsoever the platform upon which that candidate might squarely stand. Whatsoever particular personality thereof, or whatsoever political party therein.   Wherefore it is by providence - inducing such great a conviction to serve:  Either, by the direct Holy Hands of God Almighty, or by divine inspiration manifested through mortal hands.  A motion is duly raised, and put forward for a vote: 

Of the candidates - Mr. Hubert Ingraham, Mr. Perry Christie and Mr. Branville McCartney, and a ‘continued’ development and prosperity for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas: “In whom do you put your trust?”


…my Bahamian brothers and sisters: Peace!!